Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 180, The Boss In The Poisonous Fog

He even encountered one of the level 40 silver bosses, the Poisonous Spider King.

This is a huge spider with a size of five meters. It has a very powerful jumping ability. It can not only toast, but also spit out venom. It can also use the advantages of the jungle to carry out sneak attacks on soldiers, which is very difficult to deal with.

But the strength of the soldiers should not be underestimated. They have strong jumping abilities and many excellent skills.

A small team of soldiers surrounded and killed the boss. One of them fired a bow and arrow, but the poisonous spider king dodged it and spit out a mouthful of venom.

One of the soldiers, holding a shield, burst out with a burst of light. The shield quickly burst out with a burst of light, forming a light shield several meters in size. The venom attacked it without causing any harm to them.

The soldiers holding archers sensed the direction where the Poisonous Spider King was hiding, and fired at a certain tree. Three consecutive arrows fell into the forest.

The poisonous spider king screamed and jumped out in front of everyone. Three sharp arrows had been inserted into the poisonous spider king, but they were not fatal.

At this time, two soldiers, holding long swords, burst out with a burst of energy, jumped up, rushed out two sword energy, and directly hit the poisonous spider king.

The poisonous spider king flew backwards heavily and was seriously injured.

Finally, a soldier threw a glowing spear and it sank into the poisonous spider king's body.

The poisonous spider king struggled a few times and burst out a golden treasure chest.

The soldiers stepped forward skillfully, put away the treasure boxes, and collected them. The monsters were quickly decomposed.

Zhou Yan did not interfere in the soldiers' fighting, and neither did Diao Chan. To the soldiers, these battles were nothing at all.

"There seems to be fog ahead, do you still want to move forward?"

As we went deeper into the canyon, the intelligent flight instrument transmitted an image of a fog. There was a fog deep in the forest, and it was also miasma. If you inhaled it for a long time, you might be poisoned.

"Now that we're here, we definitely can't go back like this. We still have some time."

He started communicating with Xiaowei and went to buy a defensive mask.

Half an hour later, there were two thousand more gas masks in the warehouse.

He handed out the gas masks to the soldiers and said, "This is a gas mask. It can protect against the miasma ahead. Be careful of the monsters in the fog."

They continued deeper into the forest and entered the miasma forest, encountering many monsters living among the poison.

The level of these monsters has reached level 50, and the quality of the monsters are all at the Elite Level, even enhanced elites.

However, they still failed to pose any threat to them. Instead, they were killed many times, leaving behind countless gold treasure chests.

The explosion rate of these monsters is amazing, and almost all of them can explode gold treasure chests.

The golden treasure chest can yield up to 100 soul coins, and if other bonuses are added, it can be increased a lot.

After the reconnaissance aircraft detected this area, it could not collect too many pictures. The fog here was too big, and the surrounding area was covered by thick fog.

And this area is very large. The deeper you go, the thicker the fog becomes.

Zhou Yan has the title of "No. 1 in the world" and cannot be poisoned. He does not wear a gas mask.

He killed many monsters hidden in the thick fog along the way.

The soldiers also killed a lot of monsters. These monsters did not have high defense, but their levels were over level 50, but they were all of ordinary quality.

These are some poisonous beasts. Poison sacs and poisonous beast skins can be collected from their bodies. Several bosses at the leader level also have a poisonous crystal core.

Poison crystal core is a special kind of crystal core that will definitely be useful in the future, so he collected them all.

An hour later, Zhou Yan felt something and said to everyone: "Stop."

The soldiers prepared themselves for defense.


A strange sound sounded, and then there was a crashing sound from the ground. The sound resounded from other places, and there was another crashing sound, like the sound of some kind of monster falling from the sky.

The monster must be quite big, and the sound is getting closer.

Diao Chan was ready to take action at any time.

Zhou Yan's mental power is very strong and he can sense movement from far away.

Soldiers are successfully transferred every day, and each soldier who successfully transfers will be rewarded with free attribute points.

His four-dimensional attributes were increasing every day, and now reached more than 1,700 points. His powerful spiritual perception allowed him to feel the huge black shadow in the thick fog.

And launched an attack on the soldiers!

He saw it was a long tongue.

He threw the sword in his hand with one hand and used his sword control skills. The long sword drew a purple light and attacked the thick fog.


The long sword hit the tongue and cut it in half!

Then everyone heard a strange cry, and the monster was injured and let out a painful cry.


A huge object fell from the sky, like a boulder falling to the ground.

In front of them, a huge monster appeared, like a toad, with all kinds of strange bumps all over its body. Its two huge eyes were full of blood, and its huge mouth was dripping with blood.

It was badly damaged.

Zhou Yan asked the soldiers to retreat a distance, and then looked at the monster's attributes.

[Monster: Poison-armored Toad King]

[Quality: Platinum]

[Race: Monster]

[Level: Level 60]

[Special: poisonous tongue, venom, poisonous gas, defensive poisonous armor, strength, poisonous smoke, jumping]

[Introduction: The Toad King is full of poison, has amazing jumping ability, and can also release poisonous smoke in a wide range. ]

Zhou Yan looked at this monster and sighed to himself, it turns out that such a large piece of poisonous smoke was caused by you.

He also did not expect to encounter a level 60 platinum boss, which was the highest quality boss he had ever encountered.

"Chan'er, let's kill this boss together."

Although he can deal with it alone, there is a saying.

Matching for men and women, work is not tiring!


Diao Chan raised the weapon in her hand and attacked [Poison Armored Toad King] together with Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan first used the move "Meteor Fire Rain", and the meteor flames filled the sky and attacked [Poison Armored Toad King].

The monster felt the crisis coming from the sky and jumped away immediately, but some attacks still landed on the monster, causing it to scream.

Immediately after a rain of arrows fell, the soldiers released spiritual energy and poured it into the bows and arrows, which could enhance the lethality.

Many bows and arrows fell on the [Poison Armored Toad King]. The soldiers' attacks were still very powerful and they could naturally break through the defenses.

[Poison Armored Toad King] Although it is powerful, Zhou Yan and Diao Chan are both at full level, and their attributes are far superior to each other. It feels a huge crisis and would rather withstand the attacks of the soldiers than be harmed by the two.

Its jumping power is indeed very strong. It hid far away in an instant, and wriggled its throat, spraying out a green liquid, which was a piece of venom with a strong poisonous gas.

Zhou Yan stepped forward and ran "Stellar Transposition" to wrap the venom, and then threw it back towards the [Poison Armored Toad King].

[Poison Armored Toad King]: (O_O)

The other party reacted very quickly and immediately avoided it.

However, Diao Chan had already rushed towards it, and a lotus bloomed, attacking towards the [Poison Armored Toad King].


As a huge explosion sounded, [Poison Armored Toad King] was killed by Diao Chan with one move.

Dropped a platinum quality treasure chest.

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