Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 301, Leniency For Confession

But when Zhou Yan arrived at the mountain where the Law Enforcement Hall is located, he didn't expect that the entire mountain was black, the same color as the clothes of these law enforcement teams.

They entered a palace, and the people inside were surprised to see so many people coming, and said, "Dali, you have gained a lot from this trip. It has been a long time since anyone in the college has caused trouble together. These people must be fighting."

Hearing this, Zhang Dali glanced at his mouth and said, "You are wrong. At most, it was an attempted fight. They are all here to serve as witnesses."

"Witnesses? So many?" The people at Law Enforcement Hall were obviously a little surprised.

Then, they began to interrogate the cause, process, and results of the incident one by one.

Zhou Yan was also called to a separate table.

A woman in black sat across from Zhou Yan with an expressionless face, and then asked: "Name!"

"Zhou Yan."



"Hey, wait, eighteen!" Zhang Dali was chatting with other people, but when he heard Zhou Yan's age, he came to him and said seriously: "You will be lenient if you confess, and strict if you resist. You tell the truth." How old are you?"

He even heard that Zhou Yan had been fighting with two true disciples for a while.

Can an eighteen-year-old compete with two true disciples?

Isn’t this nonsense?

"Eighteen!" Zhou Yan replied again.

Does this prevent him from telling the truth?

"Let me ask you again, how old are you? Which class are you in? Who is your chief instructor?" Zhang Dali asked three times in succession.

Zhou Yan didn't know why this guy was so angry and whether he should drink a bottle of Wanglaoji to calm down his anger.

But he still replied: "I am eighteen this year, starting disciple class three, chief instructor Yang Junming, do you have any questions?"

At this time, not only Zhang Dali was stunned, but also the people around him were looking at Zhou Yan with wide eyes, as if they were in disbelief.

Sisters Wei Ning and Wei Yu stood up and said in disbelief: "You are just an entry-level disciple!"

"How is this possible? This guy is just an entry-level disciple!"

"He is only eighteen years old and has only entered the academy for about a month!"

"This guy can compete with two seniors at the age of eighteen. How did this guy practice?"

"He can't lie."

"You're stupid. We're already here. What kind of lies can he tell? You can find out in a single check."


Everyone was extremely shocked!

Then Zhang Dali gestured to the woman next to him. The woman nodded and began to investigate Zhou Yan's information. All the information they had here was complete, which was completely different from other places.

They have ample internet facilities here.

In less than ten seconds, the woman said: "What he said is true. It is indeed him in the information, and he looks the same."

Zhang Dali carefully looked at the information about Zhou Yan, and finally saw his results in this trial competition. He ranked first in the lord battle and second in the individual battle.

He was very surprised.

Is his strength the second best?

How strong is the number one?

Zhang Dali would not know that he lost the personal battle on purpose.

"Is there any record of him coming to Law Enforcement Hall before?" Zhang Dali asked.

Before the other party could speak, Zhou Yan spoke first: "Well, I used an RRR-level space teleportation scroll to teleport to a place called the Soul Refining Land. It was the old man who threw me out."

When Zhou Yan mentioned the soul refining place, the surrounding law enforcement teams in black took a breath.

Then Zhang Dali asked in disbelief: "Are you telling the truth?"

"Why lie to you? If you bring him out to confront me, you will know whether what I said is true. That bad old man is so evil. He threw me into the fire and burned me for several days without saying a word. I I almost lost my life there.”

After listening to Zhou Yan's words, the expressions of the surrounding law enforcement teams in black changed from surprise, to shock, to fear, and finally to speechlessness.

Damn it!

If what this guy said is true!

What kind of monster is that?

Just one month into school!

The hell-level soul refining land has been completed. The monsters that escaped from nowhere are too terrifying.

Zhang Dali suspected that the other party was lying, but he felt that since this guy was already here, was there any need to lie?

He still needed to prove the truth of this matter.

So, he reported the situation to his superiors.

The superiors were confused. They actually asked him to seek confirmation from the law enforcement elders. What kind of thing was this?

"Are you really not kidding me?" Hai Tiance asked again.

"Old Hai, if I lied to you, weren't you seeking death?" Zhang Dali replied quickly.

"You better pray that I won't be scolded." Hai Tiance replied.

So, the troubled Hai Tiance sent a message to the law enforcement elder.

When the law enforcement elder read the message, he frowned. This guy had better be in trouble, otherwise he would be detained for a few days.

He opened the message and saw the message on it. He just said: "I did it. Is there any problem?"

Hai Tiance didn't dare to have any problems. He was the top boss in the Law Enforcement Hall. He didn't dare to let go of anything and quickly said that he knew it.

Seeing that the law enforcement elder ignored him, Hai Tiance breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he told Zhang Dali: "This was done by the law enforcement officers, but you should know how to deal with it yourself. Just don't implicate our Law Enforcement Hall, let alone the law enforcement elders, otherwise you know the consequences. Well... .That’s it, I’m very busy and I still have things to deal with, so don’t disturb me, just handle this little thing yourself.”

Zhang Dali was stunned, holy shit!

What kind of thing is this? The matter caused by this big boss should be handled by me as a soldier.

Each of you will be treated as a hands-off shopkeeper!

What kind of thing is this?

But he had to deal with it.

He had to calm down.

There are so many people.

The reputation of Law Enforcement Hall cannot be lost.

Then, he had a flash of inspiration, and he had it.

So I found an excuse to sneak away, and then asked someone to make arrangements before answering the hall.

"Zhou Yan, right? You said before that you entered the Land of Fire by mistake, and then you were sent to the Land of Fire as a punished disciple by our Law Enforcement Hall people. Then because of an accident in the Land of Fire, you were punished by that force. The power sent it flying away, right?"

Zhang Dali kept looking into his eyes, and then secretly sent a message to Zhou Yan: "Boy, if you want to get out safely, don't say anything else. Leave the rest to me."

When Zhou Yan heard this, he realized that this guy was really capable of making up nonsense. Was he planning to cover it up?

He compromises.

"Yes, that's it." Zhou Yan nodded.

Zhang Dali nodded with satisfaction and said to everyone: "The matter is very clear. This incident was just an accident, so you can go back and forth where you want."

"Ah, it's too hasty to end it like this!"

Others who came to testify were unconvinced.

Zhang Dali's expression changed and he said: "If you don't accept it, send them to the criminal law field. I believe the brothers inside must have itchy hands."


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