Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 305, Military General Position

When Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao were brought into the [Heavenly Emperor's Palace], the shock in their eyes became more and more intense. All the buildings inside were dazzling to them. The buildings inside were really magical.

Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao finally arrived at the Central Palace. Looking at this majestic palace, it was full of supreme dragon power.

Diao Chan and the others also came out. After seeing Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, they quickly stepped forward and said, "These two are the new sisters, my name is Diao Chan!"

"Hello, Sister Diaochan." Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao said quickly.

"My name is Zhen Mi." Zhen Mi also stepped forward and said.

"Just call me Sun Shangxiang." Sun Shangxiang also said bravely.

Others were also introduced one by one. After they all introduced themselves, they were considered acquainted, and then they began to sit down and eat.

After eating, Zhou Yan selected two diamond-quality suits for them to wear, and then took them to [Sutra Pavilion] to let them choose the skills that suit them. There are many skills here, and I believe there will be skills they like. .

Later, Zhou Yan took them to the [Heritage Temple] to accept the job transfer.

After that, he came to the place where the barracks were located again and built all the barracks he had recently received. Unfortunately, these barracks were not too special, so he synthesized them into high-quality barracks. .

He finally synthesized an R-quality barracks, and then upgraded the quality of [Trapped Camp] to RR-quality.

Then, he summoned all the remaining soldiers who could be summoned in these barracks, and raised the level of the soldiers to Level 30.

At this time, a soldier came to report: "Lord, General Bai Qi and the others have all come out of the trial."

"Great, they are all out. Many things can be arranged." Zhou Yan thought for a while and said to the soldiers: "Ask them to gather at the barracks. I have something to announce."

The soldiers left, and Zhou Yan summoned Xiao He, Fang Xuanling, Zhang Liang and others, asking them to come to the barracks.

After a long time, Zhou Yan stood at the highest point of the barracks. Below were densely packed soldiers all under his command.

Fall into the camp, white-robed ghost soldiers, Han cavalry, Beifu soldiers, tiger and leopard cavalry, demon soldiers, orc warriors, and Da Qin black armored troops.

Each of these eight armies is very good and is the backbone of the entire territory.

Next to him stood Xiao He, Zhang Liang and others.

There were more than a dozen generals in the audience.

After everyone had arrived, he began to say: "The reason for arranging for you to come here this time is very simple, which is to arrange official positions for you."

"Chen Qingzhi!"

"The general is here!"

"Today I will confer you the title of General Anton, with the rank of Third Grade, and command the entire [white-robed ghost soldiers]!"

"Thank you, lord!" Chen Qingzhi said.

"Gao Shun, this lord will confer you the title of General Annan today, with the title of Third Grade, to command the entire [trapped camp]!" Zhou Yan said.

"Gao Shun will definitely lead the [trapped camp] to clear all obstacles for the lord." Gao Shun bowed his hands and retreated.

"Xie Xuan, this lord will confer you the title of General Anxi today, with the title of Third Grade, and command the entire [Beifu Army]!" Zhou Yan said.

"Xie Xuan thanked the lord!" Xie Xuan replied!

"Liu Laozhi, I order you to be the Fourth Grade guerrilla general and Xie Xuan's deputy. From now on, he will dispatch you."

"Li Guang, my lord orders you to serve as General Anbei, serve as Third Grade's official, and temporarily command the [Han Cavalry]. Zhang San, my lord orders you to serve as Third Grade's General Guanlin, and cooperate with Li Guang in fighting." Zhou Yan said.

After saying this, Li Guang was dumbfounded and asked a little aggrievedly: "Lord, everyone else directly arranged for the Third Grade general. Why am I just a temporary substitute?"

Others are also puzzled. They all know Li Guang's strength, which is quite good.

Zhou Yan looked at Li Guang and asked: "General Li Guang, let me ask you, when you were at the trial site this time, you didn't listen to Zhang San's reminder and didn't realize you were on the wrong path. Do you want me to With this army in your hands, you must get rid of your stupidity."

"As a military commander, you should know very well what the consequences will be if a battle fails because you are not familiar with the route. What else do you have to say?" Zhou Yan asked.

"Li Guang understands." Li Guang knew that this point of his was very important and he had to find a way to make up for it!

"Xiahou Chun, Xiahou Yuan, Cao Hong, and Cao Ren, I order you to be the auxiliary generals, tiger tooth generals, light chariot generals, and expeditionary generals from the Third Grade, respectively, to command the tiger and leopard cavalry. Whoever does the better job, I will let him Take charge of this army!”

"I will obey your orders!" the four replied!

"Geliru, this lord orders you to be Third Grade General Pingdong and command the entire [orc warriors]"

"Lord Grirushe!"

"Longshan, this lord orders you to be the Third Grade General Pingnan, commanding the entire [Myriad Monsters soldiers], Hu Li and Hu Ling, respectively, as the Third Grade deputy generals to assist Longshan."

The three people stepped forward and said to Zhou Yan: "The last general takes orders!"

"Meng Ao, Meng Wu, Meng Tian, ​​Meng Yi, I order Meng Ao to be the Third Grade General Pingxi, Meng Tian to be the Third Grade Deputy General, Meng Wu and Meng Yi to be the Third Grade General Guangyuan, and General Feiying!"

Finally, Zhou Yan looked at Bai Qi's group and said, "Bai Qi obeys the order!"

"Bai Qi is here!" Bai Qi came to Zhou Yan.

"This lord has ordered you to be the Second Grade Guard General and temporarily command all the troops in the territory. Are you confident that you can do a good job!" Zhou Yan asked!

As soon as these words came out, all the generals in the audience looked at Bai Qi in shock. They didn't know what charm Bai Qi had that could make the lord love him so much.

Bai Qi raised his head, looked at Zhou Yan without fear, and said, "Bai Qi will definitely live up to the lord's expectations!"

"Okay! The other generals listen to the order. Bai Qi has the right to command and arrange for you, and you must not violate it!" Zhou Yan said.

"Yes!" The other generals naturally would not disobey the lord's orders, and wanted to see if Bai Qi had the ability to lead the entire army.

Bai Qi’s ability?

Zhou Yan has no worries, as long as they are not scared by Bai Qi.

At this point, all positions in the army have been arranged.

With the current number of barracks, these generals are naturally enough, but as the level of the barracks increases, more soldiers can be summoned, and more generals will be needed in the future.

If you have a building like [Hall of Heroes], if you don’t have enough, you can only spend soul coins to summon it.

Subsequently, Zhang Liang began to hold a seal-granting ceremony. These large seals were all made by Zhang Liang himself. There was no bonus and they were just symbolic seals.

After the sealing ceremony was completed, Zhou Yan asked Bai Qi to come on stage and said to him: "I will bring the territory to the place where the crystal mine is located later. You must be ready to fight." Zhou Yan said.

"Yes!" Bai nodded.

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