As Bai Qi and the others approached this territory, Bai Qi began to prepare, and the army was ready for battle.

Several soldiers turned on the invisibility Talent and quietly came to the gate of the territory.

No one on the city wall noticed anyone approaching. The soldiers immediately threw out various scrolls, talismans, crystals, sealing spells, and high-tech bombs in their hands.

The soldiers on the city wall looked at the sudden appearance of these things in confusion. Then, the entire territory erupted with terrifying explosions. The durability of the city wall dropped to the lowest level in an instant, and all collapsed.

For Bai Qi, the territory without the city wall was like a featherless chicken that could only be slaughtered by him.

"Attack the entire army and kill without mercy!" Bai Qi ordered!

Da Qin's black armored army quickly rushed into the territory, and Qin Nu in the rear launched wave after wave of attacks towards the territory.

The Qin army was powerful, and it was led by Bai Qi himself, not to mention the four powerful generals Meng Ao, Meng Wu, Meng Tian, ​​and Meng Yi.

This territory was very large and there were a lot of soldiers, but they gathered in a hurry and without a general to lead them, they rushed over like a group of headless flies.

However, there were still many troops in the territory. One of the generals organized a group of thousands of troops and launched an attack on Bai Qi.

Unfortunately, what was waiting for them was the terrifying Qin Nu. The powerful penetrating power of the Qin Nu directly killed them instantly. After two waves of bows and arrows, thousands of them were all killed.


Another army came to kill Bai Qi and the others. This group was very large, more than 10,000 in number, well-equipped, and this army was no ordinary soldier.

But their strength is still not comparable to that of the Great Qin Black Armored Army, and their combat effectiveness is not even on the same level.

The opponent rushed over, with sword and shield soldiers in front and spearmen and archers in the rear.

"Let go!" Bai Qi's face was expressionless. This level of fighting obviously could not threaten him in the slightest.

The Qin army has a bow and arrow distance bonus and an attack power bonus, which is not comparable to these armies.

The terrifying Qin Nu once again caused a lot of damage to the enemy, but because the enemy also had bonuses in the territory, and there were successive enemy attacks from other directions, at the cost of killing and wounding half of the enemy's people, the remaining The ordinary people finally came to Qin Bing.

But in close combat, the Da Qin Black Armored Army was not weak either. They took the initiative to attack, like a mountain drill, rushing toward such an army. Wherever they rushed, the enemy fell like straw.

Their fighting power is so strong that they make their enemies fearful, frightened, and frightened.

As if entering an uninhabited territory, the Qin army swept through all opponents and attacked the crystal in the territory.

In the territory, a man was having sex with several women in bed. Suddenly a soldier knocked on the door, which made him very unhappy.

"What are you doing?" the man said very unhappy.

"Lord, something bad has happened. An enemy has invaded!" the soldier said quickly.

"What, the enemy has invaded, why are you trashes so useless!"

The man was cursing and was very worried. Once his territory was breached, everything he had now would be in vain.

"Hurry up and organize an army. What are you doing? Hurry up!"

The man hurried towards the direction of the barracks, but saw a group of well-equipped, high-morale, and full-fledged troops heading towards here.

"So fast!"

The man quickly shouted: "Give me the protection crystal, give me the protection crystal!"

"call out!"

An arrow struck the man, killing him directly.

The lord of the territory was killed, and the entire territory fell into chaos.

"We surrender!"

"We are just women, we have no offensive power."

"Leave us alone, we are willing to help you."

The entire territory was quickly captured by Bai Qi, and nearly 50,000 prisoners were taken.

"General, what should we do with these prisoners?" Meng Ao asked Bai Qi.

"Kill him." Bai Qi replied.

Meng Ao looked at this calm man and said something that made him feel a little chilly. He seemed to be a little afraid of the man in front of him.

"But general, they have all surrendered, and there are also women who are helpless. Many craftsmen, blacksmiths, and tailors can be used in our territory." Meng Ao said quickly.

"Our purpose is to find the crystal mineral veins and clear out the emerging threats. We don't have so much time to waste on these prisoners. Let's kill them and leave a team of people to collect everything here." Bai Qi explained.

Meng Ao could only execute military orders, but Bai Qi was the top general, and what he said was military orders.

He faced fifty thousand prisoners and shouted: "Kill!"

Da Qin's black armored army did not hesitate at all, picked up the Qin crossbow and launched an attack on 50,000 people.


Fifty thousand people screamed in mourning, but not a single soldier stopped. The screams of fifty thousand people lasted for a long time before disappearing.

Bai Qi led the people away from here, and then left Meng Wu and hundreds of soldiers to take away everything in the territory.

Meng Wu came to this crystal immediately. This crystal was really different from their crystal.

He casually took the crystal into his territory.

He asked the soldiers to take away everything that could be taken away, and to demolish all the buildings that could be demolished, leaving no material behind.

Zhou Yan still didn't know that Bai Qi had destroyed someone's territory and had moved everything in the territory.

Bai Qi headed towards the next place. A smart prospecting instrument had detected a mine. There were many monsters living nearby. They were going to rush there now to clear out all the monsters there.

An hour later, Bai Qi arrived nearby, and then ordered: "Soldiers, led by the captain of ten, clean up all threats around here."


Meng Tian was in charge of the left side, and Meng Yi was in charge of the right side. They started to clean up the monsters, while Bai Qi came to the vicinity of the detected crystal mine and asked Zhang Liang: "Is this the location?"

"Yes, this is the location. You first eliminate the monsters around you, and I will immediately send people to mine the mine." Zhang Liang replied quickly.

"no problem."



A loud voice came, and Bai Qi heard the words and said, "Come with me and have a look."


Everyone felt a very cruel aura, full of cruelty, cruelty, and bloody, but they were not afraid and instead walked towards it.

They felt a terrifying aura, as if they were facing an invincible beast.

As huge footsteps came from the ground, they were all curious about what kind of monster it was.

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