Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 309, Entering The Mineral Vein

Afterwards, Zhou Yan looked at the harvest in the territory and was shocked.

He saw many well-preserved buildings, and these buildings were all around Level 50. Among them, the barracks buildings were as high as Level 70.

There are more than sixty buildings in total, including two other S Level buildings. The lowest Low Level buildings are all Level 30.

These buildings are now his.

This is the joy of a war lord, snatching away all the fruits of victory from others, and taking possession of all the territories that others have worked so hard to build.

"No wonder so many people like to be a war lord. This kind of attractive benefits are really too great. If I weren't short of money, I would probably do this kind of thing occasionally." Zhou Yan tasted a little sweetness, but This little sweetness was not enough to make him embark on this path.

He began to place all these sixty buildings in his territory, but after the evolution of these buildings, the level of the buildings dropped a lot, by more than half.

He upgraded these buildings to around Level 60 and that was the end.

It is worth mentioning that after evolving one of the barracks, he actually obtained an SS-quality army called [Danyang Elite Soldiers]. This army is also quite good.

These are the elite soldiers of Tao Qian of the Three Kingdoms. There is a saying that describes it this way: "Danyang Mountain is dangerous, the people are numerous and energetic, good at martial arts, and a place of noble strength and elite soldiers."

It can be seen from this that this soldier is not too bad. He upgraded the quality of this army to SSS, then upgraded the level of this army to Level 60, and then summoned all the troops. out.

Finally, the level of this army was raised to Level 30. Someone will naturally arrange the follow-up matters, so he does not need to worry at all.

But in this way, his soul coins are almost spent, and he needs to hunt more monsters to obtain treasure chests in order to get more soul coins.

Two of the other S Level buildings are not rare. One is a defensive tower that evolved into an Apex Level fire tower.

The other one is S Level's [Water Well], which has also evolved into Apex Level's "Spiritual Fountain".

As for other buildings, he has also built them. Anyway, his territory is large and he can build more buildings.

After completing the construction of more than sixty buildings, he found Zhang Liang and said, "Have you ever visited those mines?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Liang quickly replied: "I haven't seen it yet."

"Let's go and have a look at the mine. I heard that this mine is quite big!" Zhou Yan said.

"I also heard them say that it is quite big and has been mined for many years. When we sent people down before, there were still a lot of crystal stones left behind, which gave us an advantage in vain..."

Zhou Yan took Zhang Liang and walked out toward the spar vein outside. This vein was covered by the entire territory. No matter how many enemies and monsters came, they would be dead ends.

When they came to this mine, they were also surprised by the nearby mine.

There are countless mines throughout the mountain range, like honeycombs, very densely packed.

Seeing Zhou Yan and Zhang Liang, a responsible general ran over: "Lord, you are here."

"Are there crystals in so many caves?" Zhou Yan asked curiously.

"All the crystals in that cave have been excavated, and the rest are low-level crystal veins, which are not very valuable. Only the crystals on this side are valuable, and they can be mined for a long time."

the general replied.

Zhou Yan nodded and said, "Let's go into the mine and take a look."


They walked into the mine. The mine tunnel here was very long and very large. After walking into the end, they finally heard the sound of miners mining.

The entire spar vein is crystal clear in color and full of rich aura. Miners can collect a lot of ore with just one hoe, and they don't need to collect it separately like others. There are specialized personnel to collect the ore. Collect these ores directly into the territory. This [treasure room] is specially used to store materials. It is very convenient and there is no need to transport them out.

These miners are very fast, and their efficiency is huge, several times or even dozens of times that of miners in other territories.

This has to do with their own Talent. Many of them were just summoned by Zhou Yan, and the minimum Talent is S quality.

Even if other miners have learned related skills or switched to related professions, their mining abilities will never be too weak.

Zhou Yan and Zhang Liang both saw that countless spar veins could be collected every second. The spar in them were all five-star or above. According to the prospecting equipment, there were still six-star or above spar in the depths. One or two It can be collected within days.

Zhou Yan was very satisfied and said: "This collection speed is beyond my expectation. For such a large vein, will five thousand people be enough?"

"It's enough. Their efficiency is high. If there are too many people, it won't be a big problem. Let's go to other mines and have a look. There are dozens of mines like this." Zhang Liang said.

So, they went to other mine tunnels to look at the quality of the crystals in each mine. They range from one star to seven stars, because the territory requires crystal stones of various qualities, so all such crystal stones are needed.

"Have you detected the nine-star crystal?" Zhou Yan asked.

"There are too few nine-star ones. We haven't discovered them yet. I hope that kind of spar can appear in such a large vein." Zhang Liang said.

In many mineral veins, at the core, there will be some relatively High Level ores. Although not many, there will always be some. In such a large vein, there will definitely be some eight- and nine-star crystals.

They came to a very deep mine tunnel, and a miner leader led them into it. Here is the highest level crystal mineral vein, which can dig out seven-star crystals, and even occasionally eight stars can appear.

"This mine is quite deep, nearly ten kilometers." Zhang Liang was surprised.

The miner leader said: "Lord, Zhang Shangshu, this mine tunnel has always been the key to mining for those people, so it is relatively deep. Who made the quality of this crystal vein so high?"

"Have you found any nine-star crystals here?" Zhou Yan asked.

"Back to the lord, no, there are only eight-star crystals, but not many. We have only dug out dozens of eight-star crystals so far." The miner leader replied.

"It seems that this nine-star crystal is indeed very rare." Zhou Yan said.

"I believe we can encounter it. There is no need for the lord to be anxious. The construction of the territory cannot be successful in a short time. The lord has already done enough."

They kept walking.

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