Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 311, Dismantling The Iron Gate

After waiting for a long time, Bai Qi and Chen Qingzhi returned. They both suppressed ghost enemies, so the troops guarding the outside were all white-robed ghost soldiers.

Zhou Yan briefly told them what happened in the cave, and the two of them were naturally not afraid at all. They were born to suppress evil things.

As for Zhou Yan, he is even more like this. It is estimated that as soon as the two qi of yin and yang appear, all kinds of monsters, monsters and ghosts will retreat.

"Set off!"

Zhou Yan led the army towards the cave. After arriving outside the big iron gate, Zhou Yan said: "Meng Wu, you and your people will guard this place and don't allow any evil things to leave this cave!"

"Meng Wu takes the order!" Meng Wu said quickly.

"The rest of you, please go in with me and take a look. I want to see what kind of monsters are inside!"

Zhou Yan was so proud that he waved his hand, and the morale of the soldiers was greatly boosted. They wanted to rush in and kill the enemy bravely.

Two soldiers stepped forward and tried to cut off the iron chain, but the iron chain was too hard and could not be cut off easily. They tried several times but failed to cut it off.

"Lord, let me try it!" Meng Yi said.

"Okay!" Zhou Yan replied.

Meng Yi picked up the long sword, raised the sword with all his strength, and then swung it down hard.


Meng Yi was knocked out by the backlash, but there was no damage to the iron chain. The iron chain was very strong and could not be cut off so easily.

Zhou Yan observed the iron chain carefully. Every time he attacked it, the symbols on the entire iron gate would flash. The iron chain and the iron gate formed a formation together.

"Let me see."

Zhou Yan stepped forward. He had now mastered a lot of knowledge about formations. He could tell at a glance that this formation was very old and very different from the formations he had mastered.

However, the foundation and nature of the formation are all the same in different ways. As long as you study it carefully, you can dismantle it, understand its secrets, and crack the formation.

Zhou Yan came to the iron chain. He exuded his own yin and yang energy, and the Innate Tai Chi diagram was released. In an instant, the Yin energy in the entire cave was directly swallowed by the Tai Chi diagram, and the gloomy ghost energy seemed to have met its nemesis. Generally speaking, they were too scared to show up and hid one after another. It was as if the entire iron gate had no energy to protect it.

Innate Tai Chi Diagram contains all things in the world. All formations will become extremely simple in Tai Chi Diagram. After Tai Chi Diagram covers the big iron gate, it begins to quickly decompose the formation patterns, structures and principles on it.

Zhou Yan was like a person who was dismantling a complex formation. He began to unravel the formation bit by bit, and finally completely dismantled it and turned it into his own knowledge.

When he cracked the formation, the chains began to click and broke apart on their own initiative.

"Soul Locking Formation!" Zhou Yan knew the name of this formation. It was an extremely ancient formation.

He was very happy because he had learned this formation now and could set it up as long as he wanted.

Then, he pushed open the door, and the ancient and mysterious large iron door made a creaking sound. The iron door was very heavy and made of unusual materials. So, he took out the Soul-Slaying Sword and opened the large iron door. Cut it off directly, leaving only a trace.

"This is the Saint Weapon, and it can only leave a trace." Zhou Yan was surprised, then looked at where the gate and the stone wall were, and then lifted the big iron gate with force, and he lifted the big iron gate directly from the crack in the stone. The middle was raised.

"Come here, pack up the door and take it away." Zhou Yan walked inside, and the people behind him were stunned. Their lord didn't even let the door go.

Inside are palaces built by hollowing out the entire mountain. They are very dim and full of yin energy. Unfortunately, after the yin energy fell on Zhou Yan, it turned out to be miserable and was absorbed by Zhou Yan.

As they walked in, countless glowing crystal balls followed above their heads, illuminating everything around them.

Zhou Yan and the others all felt terrible Yin Qi, but no matter how much of it came, it was completely absorbed by the Tai Chi diagram in Zhou Yan's body, just like taking supplements.

"Lord, there should be soul monsters inside!" Bai Qi and Chen Qingzhi felt something different.

"I have felt it for a long time, but they don't dare to show up yet. I can feel their fear. It's okay. They retreat all the way and we follow them. Sooner or later we can find the final location of this palace." Zhou Yan said .

After walking through the passage, they came to a huge palace. The palace was magnificent and full of yin energy, but after a while, they were completely absorbed by Zhou Yan.

"Lord, there are murals." Bai Qi looked at the murals on the stone wall.

It probably means that a strong man created a very powerful country, and then built a large cemetery for himself. After his death, he killed many people to be buried with him.

This guy is very rich. There are gold statues here, all of silver and gold quality. Zhou Yan said: "Move everything that can be moved here, and tear down everything that cannot be moved."

"Yes!" The soldiers immediately began to take action.

Zhou Yan found that after he gave this order, the monster hidden somewhere seemed to have changed and began to appear uncontrollably.

Bai Qi and Chen Qingzhi had already arrived outside the stone wall and were ready to fight.

A few minutes later, the stone wall quickly opened, and a black shadow appeared. These were evil spirits, evil spirits, demon souls, ghosts, resentful souls and other souls. They were full of endless resentment and yin energy. As soon as they came out, they moved towards the nearest Bai Qi and Chen Qingzhi rushed over.

Unfortunately, Bai Qi and Chen Qingzhi are the nemesis of these soul monsters.

Bai Qi took out the red sword, and his ghostly figure turned into afterimages. The red sword had killed countless souls.

Treasure boxes fell one after another on the ground. These monsters were also able to explode the treasure boxes, and these treasure boxes seemed to be different from the treasure boxes they had obtained before.

Zhou Yan picked one up and checked it.

[Item: Soul Box]

[Quality: Silver]

[Introduction: Dropped by killing soul monsters. ]

This is also an exclusive monster treasure chest, which is a bit interesting.

He tried to open the soul box.

[Soul Coin +500]

"Five hundred soul coins!" Zhou Yan was very surprised. He was very surprised that there were so many soul coins when he opened the soul box.

An ordinary silver treasure chest would only have more than fifty to one hundred soul coins, but the soul box cost more than five times!

These soul monsters are good things!

Chen Qingzhi was no exception. He held a long knife in his hand and slashed out streaks of black sword light. The souls that were hit were wiped out in ashes.

Now that Yan Chixia has arrived, naturally he will no longer be timid. His strength in the territory has been rapidly developed, and various Taoist techniques are also in full swing.

He now uses spells and no longer needs to use his own blood. Various thunder, fire, and annihilation-type Tao spells are frequently used in his hands, leaving only soul boxes on the ground.

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