Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 318, The Miserable Corpse Emperor

The Corpse King is powerful and has cultivated to the Ninety-Fifth Layer realm, and has formed a very strong corpse spirit. It is not like a corpse that only has instinctive fighting skills.

It is surrounded by a powerful terrifying energy that combines death energy, Yin energy, and resentment. It holds a peerless magic weapon in its hand. The quality of this magic weapon is not weaker than Zhou Yan's Heavenly Soul Sword.

Seeing the Corpse King rushing towards them, Zhou Yan quickly reminded: "Be careful, the weapon in this guy's hand is also the Saint Weapon!"

"Damn it, that's actually Saint Weapon too!" Wu Song looked at the sword in the corpse emperor's hand in surprise.

"Saint Weapon is very powerful, be careful." Chen Qingzhi reminded.

The power of Saint Weapon is extraordinary. The more powerful a person is, the more powerful he is able to unleash the power of Saint Weapon. The Corpse Emperor uses Saint Weapon with a strength above Ninetieth Layer. The power is definitely more powerful than Zhou Yan's use of Saint Weapon. Many times stronger.

This is indeed a very powerful enemy, and it requires them to use 120,000 points of energy to deal with it.

Zhou Yan replaced the Dragon Soul Gun with the Heavenly Soul Sword and rushed towards the Corpse Emperor first. The two peerless weapons erupted with a shocking divine light, and then collided fiercely.


Although Zhou Yan's realm is dozens of realms lower than that of the Corpse Emperor, his basic attributes far exceed those of his opponent.

It is not that easy for the Corpse Emperor to defeat Zhou Yan.

In addition, Zhou Yan is not alone, he also has helpers such as Bai Qi.

Zhou Yan and the Corpse Emperor started fighting. The Heavenly Soul Sword in Zhou Yan's hand kept violently colliding with the divine weapon in the Corpse Emperor's hand. Both weapons were powerful Saint Weapons. Between the collisions, there was always a powerful energy impact. .

Zhou Yan was naturally at a disadvantage. With his current strength, he was no match for the Corpse Emperor in a head-on confrontation.

Bai Qi and others followed up and began to violently attack the Corpse Emperor. Although their realm was still very weak, each of them had powerful skills. They took turns to release their skills at the Corpse Emperor, so that the Corpse Emperor could not Concentrate on dealing with Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan's pressure was greatly reduced, and then Zhou Yan also began to use other skills to interfere with the Corpse Emperor.


A bolt of thunder was released from his hand, turned into a bolt of lightning, and attacked the Corpse King.

The strength of the Corpse Emperor should not be underestimated. He held the magic weapon in his hand and turned it into a death sword energy that shattered the lightning. Now it can continue to defend against attacks from Bai Qi and the others, which shows that its strength cannot be underestimated.

Along with Acquired, meteors and fire showers appeared in the sky, covering the Corpse Emperor.

The Corpse King erupted into a burst of death energy that soared into the sky, turning into countless skeleton energy, directly blocking the meteors and fire showers in the air.

The Corpse Emperor's methods are very strong. It is difficult to deal with the Corpse Emperor with their existing methods.

Zhou Yan suddenly thought of the scene when he broke into the "Myriad Monsters Tower" before. Without hesitation, he took out an Apex Level forbidden spell scroll, and then said to the people around him: "Back off!"

Bai Qi and the others did not hesitate, and quickly started to retreat. The Corpse Emperor began to pursue, flying into the air, and the whole sky was filled with the death energy coming out of his body, chasing Zhou Yan and the others.

"Let you see how powerful I am!" Zhou Yan released the Yin and Yang Qi, ignited the forbidden curse scroll in his hand, and then threw it towards the Corpse Emperor.

The Corpse Emperor struck the forbidden curse scroll with his sword, and then a terrifying fire broke out.

There was a loud bang, and the flames instantly swallowed up the Corpse Emperor. The powerful forbidden curse scroll released terrifying flame energy. Even with the Corpse Emperor's methods, he could not stop it and was swallowed up instantly.

This is an Apex Level scroll, containing very powerful energy, which is constantly spreading out in all directions.

Zhou Yan ran "Stellar Transposition" to protect everyone within the barrier and transfer the incoming flame energy away.

They all heard a terrifying scream. The Corpse Emperor was seriously injured under this forbidden curse.

"The dead body should be dead. This scroll is too powerful. If I were directly attacked by such a scroll, I might be turned into ashes in an instant."

Wu Song looked at the flame energy outside the barrier and felt a destructive energy. He was very surprised that the Corpse Emperor was so resistant and could still scream in agony.

"The Corpse Emperor's defense is far beyond our imagination. It will not be destroyed so easily. Its body is very hard. I guess this scroll can only hurt it. It is not enough to destroy it."

Meng Yi had faced off against the Corpse Emperor before and found that the Corpse Emperor's body could not be destroyed so easily.

"General Meng Yi still sees clearly. This Corpse Emperor has been trained like this. How can he be destroyed by a scroll so easily." Yan Chixia agreed with Meng Yi.

Sure enough, before the power of the scroll completely disappeared, they saw the Corpse King flying towards them again, braving the billowing air of death.

"This Corpse Emperor is too strong. He doesn't seem to have been hurt at all. It's difficult to deal with." Yan Chixia frowned.

"This corpse is so powerful even after death. It's really impressive." Wu Song said.

"Since one scroll is not enough for it to eat, let's get another one." Zhou Yan took out a scroll again, leaving Wu Song and the others dumbfounded.

Wu Song smiled quickly, stepped forward and asked, "Lord, can you give me a few to satisfy my cravings?"

"You guys go ahead, don't blow up the Corpse King to death, and kill ourselves first. It would be more appropriate to use a few of them for me." Yan Chixia hurriedly stepped forward and said.

Zhou Yan took out a bunch of scrolls and said, "Everyone has a share. Let's blow up this corpse emperor together."

"The lord is really powerful. He was able to get so many scrolls. Although this thing only has a one-time effect, it can indeed work wonders at critical moments." Meng Yi admired Zhou Yan very much.

"There are so many of these things, isn't it valuable?" Wu Song asked curiously.

"An Apex Level scroll only costs about tens of billions of spirit coins." Zhou Yan replied.

When they heard this, they immediately stared at the pile of scrolls with their mouths open. How much would it cost to have so many scrolls?

"The scrolls in your hands are not Apex Level scrolls. All the Apex Level scrolls are in my hands." Zhou Yan smiled. The Apex Level scrolls are not cabbage.

He took out a scroll again and began to release the energy on the scroll.

As the scroll was activated by Zhou Yan, the scroll turned into light and rushed into the sky, and then began to condense a terrifying wave, and the sky suddenly changed.

A terrifying thunder and lightning appeared in the sky. The terrifying thunder and lightning turned into lightning as thick as an arm. With a click, it hit the corpse king flying over.


The poor Corpse Emperor was once again subjected to endless thunder attacks before he could fly in front of Zhou Yan. He was struck by lightning and fell to the ground.

Then the Corpse Emperor suffered endless lightning attacks, one after another, completely destroying the Corpse Emperor.

"The Corpse Emperor should be dead now." Wu Song guessed.

"The lord used two Apex Level scrolls in succession. Each Apex Level scroll requires tens of billions of spiritual coins. No matter how strong the Corpse Emperor is, he will die." Yan Chixia also felt that the Corpse Emperor should die.

"It can't be that easy." Zhou Yan has fought against such high-level enemies many times, and knows how strong the guys who are above Ninetieth Layer are. Two Apex Level scrolls can't kill them.

Sure enough, as the Corpse King in front stood up and left again, it was not so easily eliminated by them.

Zhou Yan couldn't bear to consume the Apex Level scrolls. They were really rare. Two of them were enough to deal with a Corpse King.


The Corpse King roared angrily, the sound vibrating in all directions, as if he was extremely angry.

It flew towards Zhou Yan and the others angrily again, and the anger erupting from the Corpse Emperor could be felt from a distance.

"It's your turn to take action." Zhou Yan said.

When Yan Chixia heard this, she immediately laughed and said, "It's our turn, brothers, let go!"

As scrolls and spells were thrown towards the Corpse Emperor, the Corpse Emperor, who was still in the air just now, was once again shot down to the ground by countless energies.

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