Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 333: The Person Blocking The Door Is Here

He had nothing to prepare, he just had to wait quietly for the Mid-Autumn Festival to come.

However, his store in Ziwei College became even more popular, and Ye Bufan even asked him to replenish equipment and other items.

Zhou Yan came to his [Dragon and Phoenix Shop].

The store was very lively, with many students coming and going to buy things.

Fortunately, this store was purchased in the name of Ye Bufan, otherwise the flower guardians of the two sisters Wei Ning and Wei Yu would definitely come to cause trouble.

When the store manager Ye Xiaorong saw Zhou Yan, she quickly said: "The boss hasn't been here for several days, so we need to replenish the goods quickly. Due to the Mid-Autumn Festival recently, many items have been sold out."

"I know, give me the list." Zhou Yan said.

"Here." Ye Xiaorong had already prepared a list of materials.

Zhou Yan took out a storage space and filled it with all the things the store needed. There were a lot of these things, which should be enough for a month.

"This is the recent turnover of the store." Ye Xiaorong handed a piece of information to Zhou Yan again.

Zhou Yan just glanced at it and didn't take it to heart.

It’s just 18 billion spiritual coins, that’s a lot.

"This is what you asked us to buy, and it's all in it." Ye Xiaorong gave Zhou Yan a storage bag again. Zhou Yan took a look at it and was very satisfied, and said: "I will give you a bonus during the Mid-Autumn Festival. .”

"Thank you, boss." Ye Xiaorong quickly bent down to thank Zhou Yan.

She has good looks and a very good figure. When she bends down, she shows off her perfect figure, especially that beautiful line of sky, which is even more tempting.

But Zhou Yan didn't look at Ye Xiaorong, which made Ye Xiaorong slightly disappointed.

What woman doesn’t like a young and wealthy man?

She, Ye Xiaorong, is just an ordinary girl who likes Zhou Yan who has a lot of money. Is there anything wrong with her?

Zhou Yan was indeed surprised. He purchased a lot of materials this time. Although the quantity was not large, he could always upgrade one or two buildings after adding up.

The key is that he acquired many buildings this time, several of which are of A and B quality, and one of them is a barracks-type building. Naturally, he is happy.

He returned to his residence, but outside his house, he found someone blocking the door.

By comparing the photos given by Lin Tan, he knew that these people were the core disciples.

The yellow clothes on their bodies also prove that they are all core disciples. There are quite a few people coming this time, as many as twelve.

He was confused, why would such a huge battle be necessary to deal with an entry-level disciple like him?

After seeing Zhou Yan, these people surrounded him.

Since he knew that the other party was here to cause trouble, there was no need for him to be polite.

Even if he treats you politely, you won't appreciate it, so why should you be polite to them?

"A good dog doesn't block the way. You guys come here uninvited. I won't invite a bunch of bastards into my house. I find it smelly."

Zhou Yan started to curse as soon as he came up. Could it be that he had to wait for them to speak? This was called preemptive strike.

Sure enough, these core disciples were ignited by Zhou Yan's words. They were like firecrackers. With the fire, they blasted towards Zhou Yan and said: "Zhou Yan, you are so majestic. How dare you do this to us?" say!"

"You are indeed an arrogant guy. Even if it is not for the two senior sisters this time, I will not let you go."

"You are full of filthy words and you dare to insult us before we even speak. I think you are looking for death."


Zhou Yan acted very steadily and took their words lightly, even to the point of ignoring them.

This shows the temperament gap between the two parties. When faced with a group of people who get angry and want to take action after just a few words, the two parties are not on the same level at all.

This is why they can only play supporting roles.

After all, no protagonist could be as intellectually imbecile as them.

Seeing Zhou Yan looking calm and calm, as if everything had nothing to do with him, this completely made these core disciples furious. Two of them were so angry that they took out their weapons and started to attack.

Zhou Yan knew that self-defense was not illegal, nor did it violate hospital rules.

In the face of evil, we must have the courage to fight back.

Zhou Yan unceremoniously took out a silver-quality spear. If he took out the Tianhun Sword, it would be too bullying for them.

To deal with them, silver weapons seemed to be superior to them.

Both of them are core disciples, and their realms are above the Sixtieth Layer. They have not tried their best, and they have not yet reached the stage of life-and-death struggle.

The two of them attacked Zhou Yan with swords and swords, one from the left and one from the right. They also used body skills. Their speed was not slow and their strength was definitely not bad. After all, those who can enter Ziwei Academy and become core disciples are all He was promoted based on his own strength.

It's just that my brain is not very good. I came here to block him for so long because of two women, and even got into a fight.

But there is never a shortage of dog lickers in this world, and the two sisters Wei Ning and Wei Yu are indeed very beautiful and charming. It is normal to have some dog lickers fans.

Both of them had a strong foundation, but Zhou Yan could still feel that the two of them did not use their full strength, and he was obviously worried about actually killing him.

But Zhou Yan would not be polite to his enemies. They were all enemies anyway. Could it be that if he acted lightly, the other party would be grateful to him?

This is the world of lords, not an ordinary world.

He held the gun without hesitation, and then used the "Overlord Spear Technique". This martial skill is an SSS quality martial skill. The stronger the power, the stronger the power it can unleash.

Needless to say, his power is definitely very powerful. In addition, because the other party underestimated him as an entry-level disciple, he didn't take it to heart at all.

Zhou Yan waved his spear, and a blast of sound broke out. The powerful light of the spear made the people around him feel a very terrifying energy.

The two of them were able to become core disciples, and they still had good eyesight. When they saw the gun light, they secretly thought something was wrong in an instant. They sensed something was wrong and knew that they had underestimated each other.

Their expressions changed slightly, they frowned, and then they quickly ran their skills, releasing a stream of spiritual power to bless their weapons, and then fiercely made contact with Zhou Yan's attacking spear.

"Ding ding!"

The two of them are worthy of being core disciples. The fact that they can react so quickly proves that their bodies are not weak and their kidneys are quite capable.

However, Zhou Yan's terrifying power still made them slightly shocked. From the moment they made contact, they felt a very terrifying force come back. If they hadn't gripped their weapons tightly, I'm afraid this move would have killed him. Their weapons flew away.

The two people had very ugly expressions as they were violently pushed back. Moreover, the hands holding the weapons were shaking uncontrollably.

They looked at each other and saw the shock in both eyes.

They also investigated Zhou Yan, and the newcomer ranked first in the lord battle and second in the individual battle.

But judging from the previous battles, damn, their strength has caught up with theirs, is this kid still a human?

Is this still new?

There are so many people watching here. If they leave like this, it will be really difficult to save their face.

So, they looked at each other and said, "If we go up again, I won't believe that this kid is our opponent."

"Okay." The other person definitely didn't want to return without success.

They came to teach each other a lesson, but they couldn't be taught a lesson by the other party. If they left like this and this matter spread, they would really be embarrassed to see others.

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