Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 350, 8 Immortal Sword Formation, Sword Immortal Takes Action

"Boss, more and more people are coming here. If they know our identity, I'm afraid we will have to run for our lives."

The third child looked at more and more people around him. Although they didn't interfere, they were not good people. They had committed several bad things here. Even the tickets to the trade fair were shot by them. acquired.

After hearing this, the boss's face became darker and darker. He never thought that Zhou Yan not only had flying skills, but also had such strong combat power. After all, they were evil people and were most worried about their identity being exposed.

Therefore, after seeing more and more people, I could only say in a low voice unwillingly: "Retreat first, we won't be able to deal with this guy in a short time."

"Brother is absolutely right. Even if we face an Eightieth Layer expert, we have never been so frustrated."

The three of them all agreed that they were unlucky to encounter such a tough opponent this time and had no choice but to leave and find their next target.

The three of them made a feint, and simultaneously burst out three powerful energy moves, attacking Zhou Yan fiercely. After Zhou Yan saw this energy, he was not in a hurry, and activated Stellar Transposition to circulate these three energies. for a moment, and then fight back towards the opponent.

"Fuck! What kind of skill is this!"

The three of them cursed and originally wanted to use this move to retreat, but in the end, they had to bear the attack themselves.

There was nothing that made them more miserable than this. The three of them were livid and their eyes were blazing. They never expected that the other party had so many tricks.

This time they were in trouble, but the other party wanted to keep them, and they didn't think it was possible.

The three of them released three powerful attacks again, attacking the energy that was coming towards them.

"Boom!" The two energies burst out with terrifying energy.

"Escape!" The three of them turned into light and wanted to leave in the distance.

"Don't leave!" Zhou Yan shouted, holding one hand with one hand, and a terrifying lightning bolt was held in his hand. As a muffled sound of thunder erupted from the sky, a huge lightning bolt quickly struck them. Come.


A bolt of lightning appeared in front of them, forcing the three of them to dodge in a hurry. When they wanted to leave again, Zhou Yan had already stepped forward again.

Besides Zhou Yan, there was an old man in orange clothes, an old man in red, and an unknown figure wearing a mask, surrounding the three of them.

The three thieves stood back to back and began to be wary. They quickly sighed to themselves that it was bad. The elders of Ziwei Academy actually took action. Could it be that their identities had been leaked.

"The three of us have no grievances with you, right? I wonder what you mean by this?" the three people asked quickly.

"This is the place where Ziwei Academy belongs. As a member of Ziwei Academy, what do you think this has to do with me?" The unknown person with a flying sword on his feet stood upright on top of the long sword, with his hands behind his back. , looking like a peerless Sword Immortal.

"Don't you think it's embarrassing for you three old guys to bully a young junior? I can't stand it." Another elder in red who looked a little cynical and looked quite old lay in the air and spoke, While picking the earwax with his little finger.

"He is a student of my Ziwei College. You bully the students of my Ziwei College and even kill you. How can I sit idly by and watch." The last person was Leng Yue. She had already heard it from Zhou Yan's voice. his identity.

Neither Leng Yue nor the old man thought that this person was also from the academy. They just didn't know who the other person was, but they felt that this person was anything but simple.

"Teacher Lengyue." Zhou Yan looked at Teacher Lengyue's flower basket, Law Weapon, and was surprised that Lengyue would pass by here. This was not the place to go to Ziwei Academy, and he didn't know why she would pass by here.

When the old man heard what Leng Yue said, he even said: "Since you are still a student of my Ziwei Academy and you attack him, I will not let you go."

The three of them became very anxious and quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, we just want to learn from him and learn from him. There is no great malice."

"Yes, we don't know each other before we fight. We are friends."

"We are just competing among friends, there is no malicious intent."

After hearing this, Zhou Yan laughed a few times: "Your acting skills are too bad. These elders are all smart people. Do you think they will be deceived by your few words?"

Several elders did not believe the lies of the three of them. The elder with the flying sword made a move with one hand, and eight swords immediately appeared in front of him. Each sword was very powerful, which showed that he was extremely powerful. not usual.

"Eight Immortals Sword Formation, Sword Immortal King One Immortal!" After seeing the man take action, the crowd in the distance immediately let out a sound of exclamation.

"I didn't expect it to be him. He is the supreme elder of Ziwei Academy. I heard that his realm has reached the semi-immortal realm. I didn't expect to see him. These three people met this man. They are looking for death."

"This is a real land immortal. If there is no immortal, who dares to compete? This is a strong man who has reached the pinnacle of strength."

When a group of people saw that it was Wang Yixian, they showed admiration and told some of his glorious deeds.

This made the three of them completely lose their temper. Little did they know that just for a robbery, they would provoke a land god near the top of the pyramid. This was unlucky enough for them.

Facing a land god and escaping was simply a dream.

After seeing Wang Yixian take action, the elder who was holding the earwax quickly corrected himself, bowed his hands respectfully, and said, "It turns out to be Elder Wang. Please be polite to Gu Yuan."

"Leng Yue pays homage to Elder Wang Yixian." Leng Yue also said respectfully.

They did not expect to meet Wang Yixian here. This is a legendary figure of Ziwei Academy. His strength is unfathomable. If the territory did not meet the requirements, I am afraid that Shattering the Void would not be impossible.

"No need to be polite." Wang Yixian waved with one hand and flew out a fairy sword, killing three people in an instant, with no bones left.

Then, Wang Yixian pointed with one hand again, and a flying Law Weapon that was trying to escape in the distance exploded instantly, and all the people on it were killed by him.

He killed these people with a wave of his hand. As soon as he retracted his hand, the sword array in front of him had disappeared. Wang Yixian put his hand behind his back, looked at Zhou Yan again, and said: "Since you are a disciple of the academy, then work hard, you The potential is very good.”

"Thank you, Elder Wang Yixian, for the compliment. I will definitely work hard." Zhou Yan also replied respectfully.

Wang Yixian turned into a ray of light and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant. His speed was so fast that they could not distinguish it with their naked eyes.

"This is the person we should worship." Zhou Yan looked at the direction in which Wang Yixian disappeared. Although he only took two moves, the shock he brought to him was very powerful. Such strength is very awe-inspiring and admirable.

After the people around saw Wang Yixian leaving, everyone looked at Zhou Yan with enthusiasm. The potential of someone who can be praised by Wang Yixian is definitely very powerful. Maybe dozens or hundreds of years later, the other person can also grow into a figure like Wang Yixian. .

"My old man is leaving too." Gu Yuan once again resumed his casual attitude and disappeared quickly.

Leng Yue saw the fiery lights of the people around her and quickly said to Zhou Yan: "Boy, come up."


Zhou Yan quickly walked into Leng Yue's Law Treasure flower basket.

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