Zhou Yan looked at the rules above, laughed, and said: "It only says that the friend function cannot be used, and it does not say that props cannot be used for communication, so the communication equipment I purchased can still be used."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Liang also said: "The lord spoke in time. In this way, even if the soldiers are ambushed outside, we can quickly rescue them and even encircle them in reverse. After all, they don't have the same means as us."

"That's not necessarily true. There are countless things in the world of lords. Some secret techniques can be communicated over long distances. They just require a certain profession and strength to be used. It's just not as convenient as ours." Zhou Yan replied.

"Lord, don't we still have flying reconnaissance planes? I have recently trained a group of people in the territory. As long as there is a situation, we will know it as soon as possible." Zhang Liang then said.

Zhou Yan also nodded and replied: "The number of these reconnaissance aircraft is not a problem. There are tens of thousands of them in reserve in the territory. I believe they can be used for a long time."

Afterwards, Zhou Yan began to make tactical arrangements with Zhang Liang. First of all, Bai Qi was arranged to become the general marshal of the entire territory, commanding all the armies.

The generals of the various armies under his command are Anton general Chen Qingzhi's [White Robe Ghost Army], Annan general Gao Shun's [trapped camp], Anxi general Xie Xuan's [Beifu Army], and Anbei general Li Guang's [Han Cavalry] , Pingdong General Greeru’s [Orc Warrior], Pingnan General Longshan’s [Myriad Monsters Soldier].

Bai Qi is the Grand Marshal, and the [Great Qin Black Armored Army] is directly commanded by Meng Ao, Meng Wu, Meng Tian, ​​and Meng Yi.

Because Zhao Yun had not yet assigned a position, Zhou Yan asked him to serve as his deputy first.

Because there were not enough soul coins, the [Wudang Feijun] and [Tiance Xuanjia Army] were not summoned, and they could only wait until enough soul coins were accumulated this time before summoning.

In this battle, Diao Chan, Zhen Mi, Sun Shangxiang, Cai Yan, and Nie Xiaoqian will all participate in the battle.

As for Yin Lihua, Si Teng, Hua Yuerong, and Sha Sha, they were observing the footage returned by the reconnaissance plane and contacting the various generals at any time.

Everyone was ready. Bai Qi had summoned all the troops to the city gate, ready to attack at any time.

Yin Lihua, Si Teng, Hua Yuerong, Sha Sha, and those who have been trained are also staying at the combat headquarters, ready at any time.

Zhou Yan came to the [Mysterious Store]. Because he could get a discount card during the festival, he visited the first [Mysterious Store] and received the festival card.

[Get "10% Off Discount Card"! ]

He got a 10% off discount card, and he also found that the things that appeared today were very impressive.

"There are actually five Spirit Weapons!" Zhou Yan was really surprised. Spirit Weapons are so rare. Five of them appeared at once today. He was so happy.

The five pieces of Spirit Weapon are different. They are helmet, armor, gauntlets, underwear, boots, and they are also matching equipment.

[Equipment: Cangyun Helmet]

[Quality: Spirit Weapon]

[Durability: 5000/5000]

[Attribute 1: Defense +500]

[Attribute 2: Spirit +200]

[Attribute three: Strength +200]

[Attribute four: Physique +100]

[Attribute five: physical strength +100]

[Attribute 6: Soul damage -50%]

[Attribute seven: Physical damage -50%]

[Attribute 8: Elemental damage -50%]

[Equipment requirements: level 80, all attributes 200]

[Introduction: Cangyun suit, each piece worn, all attributes +10]

[Current selling price: One billion spiritual coins]

The five pieces of equipment were all Cangyun suits. He spent five billion spirit coins to buy them. As for the discount card, he did not use it because he was not short of money and kept it for later use.

He started to refresh, and found that there were five Spirit Weapons, and they were all Cang Yun suits.

Zhou Yan was completely stunned.

"The ten pieces of equipment are all suits, including weapons!" Zhou Yan was indeed surprised. This was the first time he saw such a suit, and the quality was at the Spirit Weapon level, which shocked him.

The five pieces of equipment this time are: weapons, belts, shoulder armors, cloaks, and pendants.

[Equipment: Cangyun Sword]

[Quality: Spirit Weapon]

[Durability: 5000/5000]

[Attribute 1: Strength +550]

[Attribute 2: Armor-piercing damage +150]

[Attribute three: Physique +200]

[Attribute 4: Destructive power +100]

[Attribute five: Spiritual power consumption -20%]

[Attribute 6: Spiritual damage +20%]

[Attribute 7: Extra damage +20%]

[Attribute 8: Extra attack +20%]

[Introduction: Cangyun suit, each piece worn, all attributes +10]

[Equipment requirements: Level 70, Strength 200, All attributes 100]

[Current selling price: 2 billion spiritual coins]

These five pieces of equipment each cost 2 billion spiritual coins, and he bought them without hesitation.

At such a price, you can only buy it in the [Mysterious Store]. If the outside world doesn't have a price of more than 5 billion, you can't even hope to buy it.

Zhou Yan put on all ten pieces of equipment, activating additional attributes.

[Inspire Cangyun Set Effect 1: All attributes +100]

[Inspire Cangyun Set Effect 2: Defense +500 extra]

[Inspire Cangyun suit effect three: additional damage +10%]

[Inspire Cangyun Set Effect 4: Spiritual Power Recovery +10%]

[Inspire Cangyun suit effect five: Perception +10%]

This is the effect of ten sets of Spirit Weapon levels, and it is indeed very powerful.

It is said that people rely on their clothes and Buddhas rely on their gold. Zhou Yan took out a mirror and took a look. He was already very handsome and found that he was several times more handsome.

Although this set of equipment does not have any additional skills, he has so many skills that he does not need extra skills at all. Even if he has skills, he may not be able to use them.

This equipment suits him very well.

Zhou Yan then came to the second [Mysterious Shop] and started to receive discount cards.

[Get the "30% off discount card"! ]

Although it is a 30% discount, it is not bad. If equipment such as Saint Weapon or Divine Weapon appears, or if something requires soul coins to be purchased, you can save a lot of money.

He looked at what appeared in the [Mysterious Shop] and was surprised because these were five hero summoning tokens that could summon five S-quality heroes.

Each hero summoning token is worth 100,000 soul coins. Zhou Yan did not use the discount card, but he could still get 100,000 soul coins.

"Yes, yes, it seems that the territory will have five more Apex Level heroes." Zhou Yan spent 500,000 soul coins to purchase five hero summoning tokens.

Then refresh again.

The five things that appeared this time were five S-quality defense towers, which was not bad.

After buying five defense towers, he clicked to build and obtained a [Storm Tower], a [Poison Gas Tower], a [Bomb Tower], a [Sword Tower], and a [Seismic Tower].

Except for the [Bomb Tower] which is a new defense tower, the others are defense towers he has owned before.

He upgraded these defense towers to Level 50 or above, and then looked at the power of the [Bomb Tower].

Unfortunately, because there were too many defense towers and the attacks were too strong, he did not find any special effects of the [Bomb Tower]. The same was true for the [Dark Tower], which did not show much power. He was also helpless.

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