Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 356, 6100000000 Soul Coins

After doing all this, Zhou Yan asked them to wait at the city gate, and then he came to the barracks.

He first came to the [Tiance Xuanjia Army] barracks, and then began to summon soldiers.

[Tiance Xuanjia Army] prompt: "Soul Coin -3000, summon one [Tiance Xuanjia Army] soldier."


[Tiance Xuanjia Army] prompt: "Soul Coin -3000, summon [Tiance Xuanjia Army] hero Xiao Siye."

"Xiao Siye? Who is this?" Zhou Yan was not very familiar with this person. He checked the hero's quality. It was just R quality, which was pretty good.

Later, he once again summoned a hero named Wang Junhuan, whose quality was also R quality.

But he was not allowed to summon familiar talents. Until the end, when a hero named Qin Qiong appeared, Zhou Yan was very happy. He was familiar with this person.

Mainly because I have watched the TV series, I am so familiar with the character Qin Qiong.

What he didn't expect was that Qin Qiong was only a hero of RR quality. But it didn't matter. He still decided to let Qin Qiong serve as the general of the Xuanjia Army. Although it would be more suitable for this barracks to be given to Hou Junji, who let Zhou Yan I don't like Hou Junji very much.

However, he could use Hou Junji as Qin Qiong's deputy general.

After all 20,000 soldiers were summoned, Zhou Yan also summoned many generals from SS to SSS quality, but he was not very familiar with them, so he just let them act as junior generals.

He looked at his soul coins and raised the levels of these soldiers to Level 20. He found that there were still a lot of soul coins, so he went to the [Wudang Feijun] barracks and started summoning soldiers.

However, this barracks did not summon a hero above R level, which made him a little disappointed.

Because the soul coins were increasing all the time, he summoned all the soldiers that could be summoned in the barracks, and then began to upgrade the levels of these soldiers.

The territory has added nearly 50,000 soldiers at one time. Fortunately, the territory's equipment reserves are pretty good. Although everyone cannot have a set of diamond equipment, there are still platinum-quality equipment sets.

After distributing equipment to everyone, Zhou Yan ordered Zhao Yun to become the general of the [Wudang Feijun], and then assigned Dian Wei, Zhang Xiu, and Wenpin to him. In this way, Zhao Yun had enough men.

Because there were a lot of soul coins coming in all the time, when he accumulated them to a certain level, he would upgrade his soldiers.

The levels of these newly summoned soldiers have been upgraded from Level 1 to Level 10, Level 15, and Level 20.

The soul coin rewards given by the Mid-Autumn Festival event are really very rich, but these monsters always have a moment of fear. After half an hour, these monsters will no longer exist. But in this short half hour, Zhou Yan has already obtained Nearly six billion soul coins were obtained!

In other places, every lord faced half an hour of monster attacks, and many Low Level lords could not even block the monster attacks for half an hour, so the monsters broke through the territory and killed the lord. The crystal was shattered and he was completely eliminated.

None of them expected that the monsters at the Mid-Autumn Festival would be so powerful and numerous.

Although they gained a lot of soul coins, they really regretted it.

They regretted that the defense of their territory was too low, thus losing an opportunity to earn soul coins.

Because they don't have any points, they don't deduct any points and only get the soul coins from killing monsters.

These people immediately wrote on Lord Continent’s post: On the perversion of Mid-Autumn Festival activities.

Immediately, countless lords from all over the world participated.

"The monsters in this Mid-Autumn Festival event are too strong. I only lasted ten minutes."

"Brother, I only lasted ten minutes."

"I persisted for twenty minutes and received a lot of soul coin rewards, but I was still defeated."

"The monster rewards this time are so rich, twice as much as those in the outside world."


Some people were happy and some were worried. For those who successfully survived the monster wave, they quickly began to repair the army or repair damaged buildings, and then began to send soldiers to move outside.

Zhou Yan gained a huge fortune, which allowed him to raise the levels of all his soldiers to around 20 levels.

After all, there are 50,000 soldiers, and the soul coins that need to be consumed are too many.

After the monster retreated, Zhou Yan came to the top of the city and said to Bai Qi, "Bai Qi, you can give the order to attack."

"Yes!" Bai nodded and took the order, and then began to issue orders majestically to the generals behind him.

Following the generals and leading the soldiers out one by one, Bai Qi also led the people out and left.

Yin Lihua and others also began to get in touch with generals in various fields, and began to transmit pictures to them based on the pictures on the reconnaissance plane.

As for the new soldiers who had just been summoned, Zhang Liang arranged them to defend various city walls. He replaced the high-level soldiers who had transferred jobs and lined them up at the city gate.

There are a lot of these soldiers. After all, the entire territory is very large, with an outer wall and an inner wall, and there are even soldiers on the [Heavenly Emperor's Palace] city wall.

In the audience were not only his women, but also many generals who had just been summoned. Xiao Siye, Dian Wei, Zhang Xiu, Wenpin, Hou Junji, Yang Zaixing, Wang Junhuan, and Qin Qiong were all there.

Zhang Wuji and Zhang Sanfeng were also here, so Zhou Yan said: "The whole army attacks!"

A group of people left outside because there were not enough mounts, and only Zhou Yan's women had mounts.

But then, after digging out the crystal veins, he will look for suitable monsters and capture them as mounts.

He even wants to form flying mounts and even establish an aviation army. These will take time, and he still has a long time in the future.

Zhou Yan soared into the sky and flew towards the outside. Below him were more than 50,000 troops, led by various generals, leaving towards the front.

"Lord, there is a group of monsters five kilometers in front of you. The number is about a thousand. There is also a glowing rabbit among them. According to our judgment, it should be the moon rabbit mentioned in this event. The specific level, The quality is not clear." Yin Lihua informed Zhou Yan.

The specific information of the monster cannot be seen in the picture transmitted through the image. Only the monster within one's sight can observe the monster's information.

After Yin Lihua sent the image to Zhou Yan, Zhou Yan took a closer look and found that the Mid-Autumn Rabbit was indeed easy to identify. It was glowing all over, and he was afraid that he would not know that it was the Mid-Autumn Rabbit.

"Okay, I understand, you continue to observe." Zhou Yan replied.

Zhang Liang was in the territory. After the smart reconnaissance plane discovered that there were many monsters in one direction, he began to move towards that direction.

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