All major descendants began to quickly assemble their troops, then chose the shortest marching route, and quickly rushed towards the place designated by Bai Qi at full speed.

By this time, it was already very dark.

In order to complete the task given by Bai Qi, they had to start their journey in the dark night when they couldn't see their fingers.

Precisely because darkness fell, the enemy only surrounded Li Guang's army and did not destroy Li Guang. It was like playing a cat and mouse game.

This made Li Guang very frustrated. If there weren't too many enemies, and Bai Qi gave him an order not to act rashly, no matter how frustrated Li Guang was, he could only grit his teeth and wait for the arrival of the army tomorrow. Then he will ruthlessly seek out his enemies to take revenge.

The enemy never expected that Zhou Yan's army had intelligent reconnaissance aircraft as small as mosquitoes, nor did they expect that there were still troops who dared to march at such a night.

The fastest army that marches at night is the white-robed ghost soldiers. When they march at night, they can not only see farther distances, but also have a speed bonus.

It is precisely because of their leadership that soldiers from all armies can arrive at the designated place in advance within the time specified by Bai Qi.

They also did not fight back late at night, because the night was really not suitable for fighting. This was entirely caused by the environment here.

If it weren't for the white-robed ghost soldiers leading the way, it might have taken them a long time to get here.

After hearing that all the armies were arriving at the designated location one after another, Bai Qi smiled coldly. His powerful annihilation skills had been activated and all the enemy's escape routes had been calculated.

This army is definitely the strongest army they have ever encountered. The opponent's level is above Level 90, and their equipment is similar to theirs. Even the soldiers' barracks have reached R quality.

The level of their soldiers is much lower than that of the other side, but the levels of Low Level generals and above are almost full level.

Coupled with the strength bonus of various buildings, the combat effectiveness is definitely not weaker than the opponent.

Bai Qi ignited a strong desire to fight. He issued an order to the generals. They would launch an attack as soon as it got light, and the time was set at five o'clock the next morning.

After the generals heard the battle time, they all began to rest. In order to prevent the enemy from discovering them, they did not light bonfires or take out lighting equipment, and just started resting back to back.

Even when they are resting, they will still send people to keep watch. They will not underestimate their opponents, nor will they relax their vigilance just because they are well prepared.

On the other side, Zhou Yan also heard the news that Li Guang was surrounded, but he ignored it because he knew Bai Qi would arrange everything.

Sure enough, Yin Lihua told Zhou Yan the matter when Bai Qi made all arrangements.

Zhou Yan didn't say anything. Since he has handed over the command of the army to Bai Qi, let him do it with all his strength. If the four famous generals of the Warring States Period couldn't handle this matter well, they would still be the four famous generals. What?

Time passed slowly, and by the morning of the last day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the sky was just getting a little white.

However, a group of soldiers had quietly approached a group of people, and then the sky was full of arrows, and they launched attacks on the enemies in the distance.

Bai Qi's counterattack has already begun.

As soon as the battle started, the enemy commander was shocked. He thought it was Li Guang's group who began to break through, but as the soldiers reported, it was not those soldiers, but soldiers from outside, and all of them were surrounded. , it really shocked the commander-in-chief.

"I don't know what you did to let the enemy surround us. If the lord finds out about this, we will all be punished!"

The commander-in-chief was very angry. After fighting for so many years, this was the first time they encountered such a thing. No enemy had ever been able to escape their grasp before.

But now, an enemy unexpectedly surrounded them all and caught them off guard.

He immediately took out a communication stone and said to all the generals: "Don't panic, gather their troops and move closer to the central army as soon as possible!"

Of course, the commander immediately reported the situation here to their lord. As expected, he was scolded and told that they had to hold on for at least two hours before they could arrive.

The commander-in-chief will naturally try to delay as much time as possible and wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

Because their armies all surrounded Li Guang's army in the central area in a circle, this commander took the lead in having their armies gather towards the central area, hoping to eliminate Li Guang's thousand soldiers first.

But Li Guang had already received Bai Qi's instructions. At five o'clock in the morning, he took the lead in breaking out to a certain place, and then completely eliminated some of the enemies by attacking from both sides.

The effect was indeed good. The group of enemies had been guarding against Li Guang, but they had neglected the rear, causing them to be attacked from both front and rear, leading to them being surrounded.

But the strength of these people should not be underestimated. Although they do not have the bonus of Zhou Yan's many Apex Level buildings, they have high levels, strong realms, and very strong combat effectiveness. In addition, a group of people are all soldiers who have experienced hundreds of battles. Countless war baptisms have caused great obstacles to the soldiers.

But their numbers were small and they were attacked by surprise. Even though they had good combat effectiveness, they still could not escape death.

It took half an hour to kill all these soldiers, which shocked Bai Qi. The strength of these troops should not be underestimated.

Only this kind of army can give him the desire to fight.

Bai Qi's soldiers also lost thousands of people. Although more than 3,000 people were wiped out, he was quite surprised that such a large loss was caused by a sneak attack.

However, the opponent had a thousand soldiers, and most of his soldiers were killed by these cavalry.

The power of cavalry is indeed much stronger than that of infantry. He himself knows the cavalry very well.

After destroying these enemies, Bai Qi quickly moved his army to besiege the enemies. However, the other armies of the opponent retreated quickly and failed to destroy the enemies in other places.

The opponent's army began to gather towards the center. At the same time, it also dispatched flying monsters to explore the surrounding situation. Unfortunately, these flying monsters did not have such good luck this time.

In Bai Qi's army, many generals are very good, especially in archery. They are absolutely accurate with every shot. After killing more than a dozen flying monsters, the opponent did not dare to let the flying monsters get away from Bai Qi. They are too close.

Bai Qi had gathered a total of 50,000 people this time, while the opponent only had 30,000 people. And under Bai Qi's sneak attack, nearly 10,000 people were wiped out, leaving only about 20,000 people.

Twenty thousand soldiers have been besieged on a high ground, and have already formed a battle formation, waiting for the arrival of Bai Qi and others.

When Bai Qi's army was all assembled, the two sides finally began to confront each other.

Bai Qi took a telescope and began to check the opponent's formation layout. It was very good. Every soldier was a veteran of hundreds of battles. They were all a group of elites. Their strength was not much worse than that of any unified army under his command.

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