Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 382, ​​Great Summoning

One hundred thousand [Guanghan Fairy] women, each with extraordinary beauty and outstanding temperament, summoned one hundred thousand people and consumed 500 million soul coins. After raising all their levels to Level 80, it cost more than ten thousand Billions of soul coins.

He still has about seven trillion soul coins, and there are now more than 300,000 people in the territory. He raised the levels of everyone from Level 80 to Level 90, consuming a total of more than four trillion soul coins.

There are about three trillion soul coins left.

There were still a lot of soul coins, so Zhou Yan came to the [Bronze Bird Terrace] first and started summoning again, directly activating the highest level summoning.

[Tongquetai] prompt: "Soul Coin -10,000, congratulations on getting the title of palace maid."

After looking at the information about this palace maid, the quality was SSS, which was pretty good, so he continued to summon her.

[Tongquetai] prompt: "Soul Coin -10,000, congratulations on getting a maid."


[Tongquetai] prompt: "Soul Coin -10,000, congratulations on winning the title of peasant woman."

"Farmer woman?" Zhou Yan clicked on the farmer woman's information and found that she was actually an Apex Level hero. This woman also had a special bonus effect on farmland, which was very good.

Summoning again...

[Tongquetai] prompt: "Soul Coin -10,000, congratulations on winning the hero [Dou Yifang]."

Zhou Yan was stunned, who is this hero?

When I opened the information about this woman, I saw that she was still an Apex Level hero. Moreover, this woman was also the queen of Emperor Liu Heng of Han Dynasty, a figure who once held all the power in the government.

After looking at her ability, it actually has a bonus effect on the intelligence of the territory residents, which is pretty good.

Dou Yi's roommate is also very beautiful, but it's a pity that Zhou Yan doesn't like her type. He plans to find a time to introduce her to the generals in the territory. Anyway, so many generals in the territory are singles. After getting married for them, he will also Can increase the experience of [Three Life Stones].

Summon again....

[Tongquetai] prompt: "Soul Coin -10,000, congratulations on winning the title of hero [Wang Da]."

"Oh, it turned out to be Wang Quan!" If this woman is not very clear, then speaking of her son, Han Martial Emperor Liu Che, he is very famous.

Wang Quan was able to become the queen and assist Liu Che in becoming the emperor. It was not simple in itself, and the person was naturally extremely beautiful.

Zhou Yan discovered that the people summoned by [Tongque Terrace] were all women from the Han Dynasty. Palace maids, maids, folk girls, weaver girls, peasant women, cooks, etc. were all women from the Han Dynasty.

Summoned again, hundreds of times later, another hero appeared.

[Tongquetai] prompt: "Soul Coin -10,000, congratulations on winning a hero [Liu Pingyang]."

Another hero. After looking at this woman's information, she found that she was an R-quality hero. She turned out to be Wang Quan's daughter, called Princess Pingyang, and Liu Che's sister.

Keep calling...

[Tongquetai] prompt: "Soul Coin -10,000, congratulations on winning the hero [Jinsu].

Another hero appeared. When I opened it, I saw that it was still an R-quality hero. This woman was also the daughter of Wang Quan and the sister of Liu Che.

Well, the mother and daughter are all here. If Liu Che hadn't been a man, I'm afraid the whole family could gather at the table to play mahjong.

He didn't bother to pay attention and continued to call.

After summoning thousands of times, another hero appeared.

[Tongquetai] prompt: "Soul Coin -10,000, congratulations on winning a hero [Wei Zifu].

"Wei Zifu! Wei Qing's sister, Huo Qubing is her nephew." Zhou Yan looked at Wei Zifu. This woman is a legend. If it weren't for her, Wei Qing and Huo Qubing would never have the chance to become big men. Double wall.

Zhou Yan looked at Wei Zifu, who was dignified and decent, with pretty appearance and a good temperament all over his body. Zhou Yan told him in his heart that this was the type he liked.

So, after Zhou Yan raised all the 10,000 women he summoned to Level 80, he asked them to rest, and then said to Wei Zifu alone: ​​"Come, I will take you to a place."

"Yes." Wei Zifu bowed and saluted very politely.

Zhou Yan held Wei Zifu's hand. She was obviously a little reserved and shy. She lowered her head and did not dare to look at Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan took Wei Zifu to the [Lingxiao Palace] and pushed her down.

[Lingxiao Palace]: "(¬_¬)ノ( ̄∠ ̄)ノ(・_・)ノ"

The next day, Zhou Yan took Wei Zifu to the [Three Life Stone] and found that the level of the Three Life Stone had been increased by one blow. After there were more women in the territory, the level of the [Three Life Stone] would also increase quickly.

[Three Life Stones] prompt: "Lord Zhou Yan successfully signed in [Three Life Stones] and received 4,000 soul coins."

Afterwards, Zhou Yan introduced Wei Zifu to Diao Chan and the others, and from then on they gained another sister.

Wei Zifu then lived in the [Heavenly Emperor's Palace], which had many courtyards anyway.

[Heavenly Emperor's Palace] also has many more maids. As for the others, someone will arrange them, so he doesn't need to worry about them personally.

Even the 100,000 [Guanghan Fairies] summoned yesterday have begun to enter the [Heritage Temple] to accept job transfers.

In addition to [Guanghan Fairy], there are also soldiers from [Wudang Feijun] and [Tiance Xuanjia Army] who have also entered the [Heritage Temple] and changed their professions.

In a short period of time, these people will accept job transfers in the inheritance space and will not appear. Anyway, the territory does not need them now.

After the job transfer of [Guanghan Fairy] is completed, Zhou Yan plans to let them serve as the defense of [Heaven and Earth Palace]. Anyway, the entire palace needs soldiers to serve as imperial guards, so just use these delicate women.

Just looking at it is very eye-catching.

Moreover, Zhou Yan also decided to let Diao Chan and others join this army. Anyway, they are all women and they are strong enough, so it is very suitable for them to command these daughters.

Zhou Yan also needs to dig up the crystal veins here during this period, and then he also needs to learn skills to improve the quality of his skills.

Early in the morning, Bai Qi put on a set of Spirit Weapon equipment gifted to him by Zhou Yan, led his soldiers, and escorted the miners out, striving to dig out the spar veins outside as soon as possible.

The Mid-Autumn Festival event lasted for five days, and there were still two days of vacation. He took advantage of these two days to improve his skills.

But he hadn't been to the [Myriad Worlds Virtual Mall] for a long time, so he went inside, teleported to several virtual worlds, met with them, traded a lot of High Level materials and items in person, and then left.

It took about a day or so.

However, I got a lot of good things from the trade, and there were also a lot of High Level materials.

Zhou Yan came to Sutra Pavilion.

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