Haston felt tremendous pressure all the time. Although the two men were at a lower level than him, the other party's equipment and mounts were not inferior to him as a marshal.

Haas was extremely jealous, the other party was just a small general?

Moreover, the two of them had many skills and worked very closely together, giving Haas no chance at all.

After fighting for hundreds of rounds, Haas's physical and spiritual power were getting weaker and weaker, but the two of them were still vigorous and vigorous, and they didn't seem to have been exhausted much. This made Haas frown and look very puzzled.

"Are you really just ordinary generals?" Haas finally asked his doubts.

"I am just the commander of a legion. In our territory, there are many generals who are stronger than me." Huo Qubing did not lie. Although his abilities are all Apex Level, they are similar to him. There are indeed many generals.

"How is this possible!" Haas was very shocked. For someone with this kind of ability, others would definitely qualify him as a marshal, but they were just a legion commander.

How strong must their marshal be?

Bai Qi: Not that strong.

Haas made a feint, slapped the horse, and was about to escape, but Huo Qubing's mount fired a mouthful of flames, killing Haas's horse. Haas fell to the ground in a panic, looking at the opponent's mount, full of emotions. envious.

The opponent's cavalry are all a group of powerful Monsters, but their excellent horses are much stronger.

Haas was still resisting, but in the face of the two attacks, he was still exhausted. In the end, Wei Qing shot him through the chest and died.

"Wei Qing, you are so unkind that you didn't leave me the head." Huo Qubing looked very helpless when he saw the man being killed.

"You can do it. Your contribution this time is great. Zhang Shangshu said it. He originally thought you would escape death this time, but you are lucky. Not only are you alive and well, but you have also given the enemy The heavy blow has attracted most of the enemy's cavalry, and even most of the opponent's cavalry and several thousand flying cavalry have been disabled by you, so just be content."

Wei Qing really didn't expect Huo Qubing to be so powerful. He always felt that he was quite familiar with Huo Qubing, as if he was his relative in his previous life.

"It turns out that Zhang Shangshu doesn't think highly of me. This is not good. I have to ask for some benefits from him." Huo Qubing felt happy after hearing Wei Qing's words.

However, Huo Qubing's legion suffered serious losses this time. From the total 20,000 [Han Iron Cavalry], there are only about 8,000 left, and more than 12,000 people have been killed or injured.

But compared with his achievements, the losses of these troops are not worth mentioning. After all, they are facing enemies that are almost the same as them. Huo Qubing is proud enough to be able to obtain such a big victory at the smallest cost. .

As the commander of the legion, no one dares to underestimate him anymore. He has fully proved his ability to others.

This time the battle was over, but it took a lot of time to clean the battlefield. Throughout the night, they had not finished cleaning the entire battlefield.

However, Zhang Liang heard bad news again. Another enemy was coming towards them, and this time the number of enemies was another 200,000.

Zhou Yan in the territory just got up from the [Lingxiao Palace] and kissed Nangong Pushe who was sleeping again. Although it was not the first time, how could Nangong Pushe be Zhou Yan's opponent? Zhou Yan was so tormented that he felt exhausted.

After getting up, Zhou Yan once again heard the news that the enemy had arrived with another 200,000 troops.

"Oh, these enemies have quite a lot of troops. They have sent two hundred thousand and another two hundred thousand, and they are not done yet." After Zhou Yan found out, nothing happened.

Even if he doesn't give the order, Zhang Liang and Bai Qi both know how to deal with it based on their abilities. Anyway, he has handed over everything to them and will not interfere in the decisions made by the two of them.

Both of them are Apex Level heroes, one provides strategies, the other leads the troops in battle, and the remaining heroes naturally know when to take action, so he doesn't need to worry about these things at all.

Zhou Yan took the lead in arriving at [Underworld] and saw that tens of thousands of people were killed and injured in this battle.

At the cost of tens of thousands of people, the enemy suffered 200,000 casualties. This battle was enough to be called a complete victory.

Although Zhang Liang has not told Zhou Yan the outcome of the battle, Zhou Yan has already guessed the outcome. After resurrecting tens of thousands of people, he only needs to wait for time before these soldiers can go to the battlefield again.

After handling various matters in the territory, Zhou Yan left the territory again and returned to Ziwei Academy.

The battle in the territory must be ended as soon as possible, because the school will hold a trial at the beginning of next month, and if he cannot go, he may miss an opportunity.

The trials held by the school must have a purpose, and you can even get a lot of rewards. Zhou Yan definitely doesn't want to miss it.

I looked at the time and saw that it was probably still too late, so I ignored it.

As for this place, Zhou Yan naturally has a way to come back again. As long as he has enough money, he can naturally buy a way to carve coordinate stones.

Zhou Yan has learned that as long as he wants to return to this place to cut wood, he can come back at any time.

There is so much High Level wood here, so Zhou Yan naturally doesn't want to waste it. Anyway, the lumberjacks in the territory can cut down many units of wood every day.

After Zhou Yan left the territory, Bai Qi once again ordered the major legions to quickly assemble their troops to prepare to meet the enemy.

Even if they didn't sleep for several nights, it still couldn't affect them, and the soldiers were still active and active.

In yesterday's battle, the more than 200,000-strong legion lost tens of thousands of people, and tens of thousands more were seriously injured. The seriously injured people have returned to the territory to recuperate. They only need to rest for a day or two to recover fully.

They still have 190,000 troops left. Facing the enemy's 200,000 troops, there will naturally not be much difference.

Zhang Liang asked the soldiers to eat first. After fighting for so long, the soldiers had not eaten yet. This was not good. Physical strength was very important for a soldier.

The soldiers don't need to make a fire to cook at all, they just need to eat directly from the territory. Anyway, the treasure room in the territory is connected to everyone in the territory, but each person's authority is different.

There is a treasure room specially used for taking food. Soldiers only need to take it out to eat, and then put the bowl and chopsticks in after eating, which is very convenient.

As for the food, it is naturally the best ingredients, which are grown in the Spirit Field in the territory. There are also many powerful monsters' meat. The fish are also raised in the territory, and there is enough. You can eat as much as you want. Eat as much as you want.

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