Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 523, It Was Arranged By Chu Luoyan Again

"That's him, this is his territory. I didn't expect that in just a few months, his territory has improved so much. It's really surprising."

"But the area of ​​​​his territory has increased too much. The area of ​​​​this territory can be compared with the territory of a full-level lord."

"It should be some kind of special building bonus, but the added territory is indeed a bit too much,"

"There are many treasures in the world of lords that can increase the territory area. Everyone has their own secrets. This is nothing. However, the shape of this city wall is really strange, and the quality should not be low."

"Only the outline of the outside of his territory can be seen, and nothing else can be seen. It should be a hidden formation or other structures."

"Notice, those monsters outside have been killed. Why are there so many defense towers in his territory?"

The more all the instructors looked at Zhou Yan's territory, the more shocked they were. The larger the territory, the more monster attacks they suffered, and the difficulty of resisting it doubled.

But Zhou Yan's territory was a surprise. No matter how many monsters attacked the territory, none of them could leap too far into his territory, and they were all killed outside.

The most important thing was the defense towers in Zhou Yan's territory. They were so surprising. They were dumbfounded by so many strange defense tower attacks.

Ice, flames, storms, sword blades, arrows, meteorites, earthquakes, gravity...

There were so many defense tower attacks, almost all types of defense towers they had seen were collected, and there were many defense towers that even they had never seen before, which was simply unbelievable.

Looking at Zhou Yan's territory, he could see that the monsters could be blocked outside the territory without sending out a single soldier. As for other lords, the soldiers at this time were already struggling to resist the monster's attack on the city wall.

This difference is so huge that it makes them feel a little unreal.

Is this really just a new lord who has just awakened a few months ago?

Why does it feel so much stronger than the lords who have been developing for decades?

The elder who was responsible for starting the trial naturally saw the situation of these disciples' territories and was very satisfied. Especially after seeing the situation of Zhou Yan's lord, he was very surprised because the last time he saw Zhou Yan's territory, it was not It's very big, but the territory now is much larger than before.

"Elder Chu Luoyan is here." Someone shouted, and Chu Luoyan and several elders were seen flying here from a distance.

"Elder Chu Luoyan." Everyone shouted quickly.

The instructors were all very curious. They did not expect that the person in charge of this trial was Chu Luoyan, which meant that she was the designer of this trial.

Chu Luoyan is a ruthless person. The trials she sets are definitely very difficult. This is summed up after many years of experience. There are even many times where no one can make it to the end.

After Chu Luoyan looked at the trials of many disciples, she showed no expression at all, but no one knew what she was thinking.

Looking at the time, it was already half an hour, but the monster attacks did not stop. This left the instructors speechless. How long would Chu Luoyan want the students to persist with the monster attacks.

It's been half an hour. Under normal circumstances, it should be over.

Just when they were surprised, they discovered that a more powerful monster appeared outside the disciple's territory during the trial.

After seeing the number, level, and quality of these monsters, each of them was speechless and whispered: "No way, even the fifty-level elite monsters have been released, how many disciples will be eliminated here."

"It's not like you don't know Elder Chu's character. How could she easily let these disciples pass the first level safely? I feel like now is the beginning of the trial. Those monsters before were just appetizers."

"Hey! It seems these disciples won't last long."

"I can still be optimistic about some disciples. As long as they can survive this first level, they can then explore the situation outside the territory. I'm really curious what kind of gifts Elder Chu Luoyan has prepared for these students outside."

"I'm curious too, but no one knows except herself."

In the place of trial.

All the students managed to block it for half an hour, but when they saw a group of Level 50 elite monsters, they were all shocked.

"Damn it! This is a trap, why are there even such High Level monsters? It's not like they don't want us to last too long."

"My territory is only Level 35, and you actually gave me Level 50 elite monsters. How can you do this?"

"Damn it, even flying monsters have appeared, why are you so perverted?"


Countless disciples were yelling curses, but no matter how much they cursed, they could not stop the fate of their territory being shattered.

As the monsters breached their territory and the moment the crystal shattered, countless disciples were teleported out.

Each one of them had no choice but to say to the mentors: "Mentor, why are you so perverted? These are Level 50 elite monsters. They think we are the disciples of the inner sect!"

"Yes, this is too strong. If only there were a few, all of them are monsters above level 50. Isn't this sincerely making things difficult for us?"

The students all felt aggrieved, but the instructors collectively remained silent.

Although they also felt it was too perverted, they did not dare to say anything.

Just kidding, offending Chu Luoyan would not bring good results, and they did not want to suffer this.

The tutors were silent, and Chu Luoyan was too lazy to pay attention to the students. When the students saw this situation, they were collectively speechless. At least give me an explanation. You don't even have an explanation.

What's the point?

Most of the disciples were teleported out, most of them were entry-level disciples. Then, the outer disciples also appeared one after another, and they were all eliminated.

The students saw that the tutors were silent and could only look at the students on the screen.

When I saw those powerful students successfully resisting those monsters, I decided that it wasn't that they couldn't stop them, but that they were too incompetent.

But the introductory disciples were very aggrieved. They actually had the same trial as the outer disciples, and the instructor did not lower the difficulty.

The monsters are indeed strong, but there are still many students who are still struggling to hold on to their territories.

Chu Luoyan stood on one of the big screens, and then individually pulled dozens of people out of their territories. These people's territories were very powerful, and it was not difficult to face these level 50 monsters.

When the instructors saw that Chu Luoyan had put dozens of the strongest lords together, they seemed to have thought that Chu Luoyan was going to deliberately target them.

Because of this kind of thing, this is not the first time Chu Luoyan has done this. She likes to target those students with high talents.

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