Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 547, Heavy Cavalry Confrontation

As a mercenary lord, after destroying the territory of the employer's enemy, you can not only get a lot of rewards from the employer, but also get a lot of resources from the destroyed territory.

Mercenary lords are actually a kind of war lords, but they are smarter than war lords. They will only find targets through their employers.

It is precisely in this way that they are able to have such strong strength.

After all, as long as the opponent's territory crystal is destroyed, everything in the territory will become ownerless, which is definitely a huge fortune.

"Get ready!" After Diana saw Meng Ao's group of people approaching, she immediately asked her shaman to prepare for the attack.

However, Meng Ao and others suddenly stopped, then got off their mounts neatly, and took out special crossbow arrows. Tony and others had never seen this kind of crossbow arrows before.

"What are they doing? Do they think they can hit us from such a long distance?" Jason laughed. The distance between the two sides was too far. Even the Apex Level archer barracks would never be able to reach this. Kind of range.

"My shaman is an Apex Level barracks. Even shamans like me cannot attack from such a long distance. These people must have done this deliberately. I, Diana, am not stupid if they want to trick me."

Diana sneered and did not react in any way. She even thought that Meng Ao did this on purpose to make her disrupt the formation. However, Diana could not be fooled and was still waiting for Meng Ao to get closer.

Tony also thought so before. The distance between the two sides was too far. They had never seen any soldiers attack at such a long distance.

But Tony was still a cunning old fox after all, and said: "Diana, prepare your shaman for defense."

"What? Defense preparations?" Diana thought she heard it wrong.

"Boss, are you kidding me? I only need to wait until the opponent is close before I can give the enemy a fatal attack. Now I am preparing for defense. Are you kidding me?" Diana was very puzzled.

Even the other team members were very confused about Tony's order and thought Tony had made a mistake.


At this time, the [Great Qin Black Armored Army] led by Meng Ao had already begun to attack.

Looking at the arrows in the sky, Tony finally changed his expression and shouted quickly: "Quick, quick, quickly form a defense, damn, what kind of army is this? How can the range be so far!"

"Quick, quick, form a defensive barrier!" After seeing the arrows in the sky, Diana also felt a crisis and quickly ordered her shaman soldiers.

But these shamans had already prepared attack seals, and suddenly they turned into defensive seals, leaving many of them unable to react.

But some shamans still reacted and formed a barrier according to the order.


At this time, the arrows had fallen from the sky and landed among these shamans. The barrier they formed was still too slow and too weak to block Qin Nu's attack.

More importantly, what Meng Ao fired this time was not an ordinary crossbow arrow, but a burning arrow, which would quickly turn into a flame after landing.

As a result, these arrows that fell into the shaman army began to erupt into a terrifying flame in an instant, and then ignited a large area of ​​shamans.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

"Ah! Help!"

"It's so hot, it's so hot!"

Tony and the others looked very ugly when they saw this group of shamans being burned like pigs.

"Quick, quick, quick, retreat quickly, get these shamans out of the enemy's attack range and form a defensive barrier!" Tony shouted quickly.

"Retreat quickly, you fools!" Diana's heart was bleeding when she saw so many of her shaman army being burned to death.

This is the Apex Level barracks. Every soldier has cost her countless wealth. She thought that this group of shamans could make great achievements, but no one expected that it would turn out like this.

None of them could have imagined that the group of soldiers on mounts were actually such powerful archers.

This is too extravagant. He even equipped a group of archers with mounts!

The most important thing is that the opponent's attack distance is too abnormal, it is more than double the Apex Level's archer barracks!

Double the distance!

How can they fight like this!

Bai Qi and Zhang Liang smiled after seeing Meng Ao's hand. The enemy's shaman army had been successfully attacked, and the next step would be easy.

Bai Qi immediately ordered: "Attack!"

Qin Qiong immediately led the [Tiance Xuanjia Army] and began to attack the enemy head-on.

This legion is also a heavy armored cavalry. Not only are they wearing heavy armor, but their mounts are also wearing heavy armor. They are no weaker than Jason's heavy armored cavalry, but even worse in terms of equipment.

Huo Qubing and Wei Qing, who were on both sides of Qin Qiong, were always ready to attack the enemy at any time.

"Boss, the enemy is attacking from the front!" Jason looked ahead and immediately looked at Tony.

"I didn't expect the enemy's archers to be so powerful. We suffered a big loss this time. Jason, lead the cavalry to fight with the opponent's cavalry. Check their strength and then withdraw. We can't stay long this time. We have to make further arrangements.”

Tony knew that the shaman army could no longer play a role in the frontal battlefield, which was equivalent to losing a trump card for him, but Tony still needed to know the strength of the opponent's cavalry, and he could not just leave like this.

"Yes, boss, I also want to see if their cavalry is that powerful!" Jason nodded, and then said to his soldiers: "Devils, your prey is right in front of you, follow me and take down Crush them!”

"Crush, crush!"

Jason also led his demon heavy armored cavalry and rushed towards Qin Qiong.

This was a contest between two heavily armored cavalry, and it was also the first time the soldiers in Zhou Yan's territory fought the enemy head-on.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The mounts of the two cavalrymen burst out with roaring sounds, and then rushed towards the enemy together.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, five hundred meters, three hundred meters, one hundred meters, ten meters.

Finally, at this moment, Qin Qiong's soldiers collectively transformed the long swords in their hands into a very long Mo Dao. This weapon is very long and has great lethality.

Before Jason's soldiers could react, they were killed by [Tiance Xuanjia Army] holding Mo Dao.

Qin Qiong himself, holding a weapon, rushed towards Jason.

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