"What! How is this possible? How could their territory be wiped out! Could it be that other enemies appeared and wiped out their territory?"

When Ao Si heard this, he was stunned and full of disbelief.

But then, another soldier ran over and said to Os: "Lord, it's not good, the gate to the east city has been opened. The soldiers stationed there opened the city gate and left because their territory was destroyed! "

"How could this happen? How could this happen!" Ossie couldn't believe that things would change like this.

Aos quickly opened the friend function, but he found that the names of six allies' territories had disappeared. There was only one explanation for this, and that was that all these territories had been wiped out.

Os's whole face turned green.

"Lord, it seems that we have all been deceived. They are not in the camp at all, and have already divided their forces to attack our other allies. Lord, it is better to make plans early."

The last S-quality general beside Os said to Os.

"Damn it! How could there be such a cunning enemy in the world!" Oss was so angry. This move was so cruel and devastating that Oss couldn't even react at once.

According to Os's expectation, with an army of 500,000 people defending the territory, there would be absolutely no problem in resisting the enemy's army of 300,000 people.

And he was very careful. He had no intention of going out of the city to fight the enemy. He stayed in the city and did not go out.

But the enemy did not follow his plan, and instead attacked his allies. As a result, the original friendly forces lost control and wanted to leave the territory.

"No, we have to keep those people quickly. Since their lord is no longer here, we must not let them leave!" Aos said quickly.

"Lord, no, you should immediately contact those lords whose territories have not been breached and ask them to prepare defensive measures!" said the general.

"Yes, yes, I will contact you immediately."

But unfortunately, at this time, two more of the six remaining ally lords disappeared, leaving only the last four.

Moreover, some soldiers came to report that the allied soldiers in the territory were clamoring to leave the city, but Ao Si's men did not agree and started fighting.

This made Aos even more angry, and he quickly sent people to try to recruit those soldiers, but how could those soldiers be subdued by his few words? They still clamored to leave.

The key is at this time, another soldier came to report and said: "Lord, it's not good, the enemy has begun to attack us."

"How could this happen!" Ao Si panicked instantly.

I thought that having half a million soldiers to defend the city would be a foolproof thing, but who would have thought that these hundreds of thousands of reinforcements would actually become the enemy's helpers.

The city was already in chaos. The soldiers whose territory had been destroyed wanted to leave the city and leave. However, Zhang Liang's men were waiting for an opportunity outside.

If this continues, the territory will be destroyed by the former friendly forces before it is breached by the enemy.

"Let those people go, let them all go, don't leave any one behind!" Aos finally said helplessly. Even if there are still two allies that have not been defeated yet, it will be a matter of time.

If we continue to let them not leave, I am afraid that the soldiers of Aos will be killed by these soldiers first.

Os knew that this time he was completely defeated, completely defeated.

Os gritted his teeth, opened the friend function, and looked at Tony. To be honest, he really didn't want to contact this bastard.


Outside the territory of Aos, Zhang Liang has already attacked the territory of Aos. Everything went as he expected, and the effect was even beyond expectations.

With just a few tricks, all of Os's allies collapsed. This move was really cruel, like a dagger piercing Os's heart.

Zhang Liang did not send anyone to deal with the soldiers who left. After all, these soldiers no longer belonged to any lord. Where they would go was their own business.

There are countless such things throughout the Lord Continent.

Maybe they will join other people, maybe they will be self-sufficient and build a tribe, or maybe they will be killed by monsters.

Zhang Liang's current goal is Ao Si's territory. This is their main goal.

Therefore, Zhang Liang gathered all his troops and attacked only one of the enemy's city walls. As for the other three city walls, he asked the soldiers who wanted to leave to leave. In the end, only Ao Si's own soldiers were left.

If Zhang Liang did not let those soldiers leave, those people would be used by Ao Si and become the enemy's defenders. Zhang Liang would naturally not do this. What he wanted was for those soldiers to leave Ao Si's territory.

In this way, it will not only deal a blow to the enemy's morale, but also make them feel that they have no chance of winning. Coupled with the attack here, it will definitely make people in the Os territory panic, and even direct rebellion is very likely.

In fact, when the soldiers in the Os territory saw so many allied troops leaving, they were already shaken. In addition, Zhang Liang was attacking again, so a feeling of fear arose among all the soldiers.

Soldiers are also human beings, and they also have their own thoughts and worries about what will happen to them after the death of their territory.

As long as their loyalty is not 100%, soldiers will defect for various reasons.

The soldiers of Aos were undoubtedly shaken at this moment.

I don’t know who took the lead and followed the flow of people towards the outside of the territory. Then the soldiers on the entire city wall fled the territory one after another.

When Ao Si found out that many of his soldiers had defected, he was so angry that he bled out.

He finally opened Tony's friend tremblingly and said, "Tell me how you can help me."

When Tony saw the news, he smiled knowingly. Although he had guessed the outcome of the Os territory, he never thought that Os would be defeated so quickly.

Afterwards, Tony naturally offered the price that he had already thought of, which made Os vomit blood again after hearing this.

Oss kept bargaining, but Tony was not anxious at all, and said: "Mr. Oss, you have to know that if the territory is destroyed and there is nothing left, you will have no dignity at all in the Ryder family. Are you sure you still want to do it?" Do you want to continue bargaining with me? I'm afraid it doesn't matter, I have plenty of time, but your enemies probably won't give you much time."

Osso was so angry that he quickly threw everything around him that could be thrown away. After finally calming down, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I agreed, but I need time to raise money!"

"Of course, I will give you time." Tony smiled slightly, he was not afraid that Ossie would not fulfill his promise.

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