Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 561, Zhao Yun Goes To Battle

[Architecture: Shanlin]

[Type: Material type]

[Quality: A]

[Introduction: Can be built in the territory. ]

This is actually a material type building. Although the quality is only A, as long as the territory evolves, it will definitely become a very good material building.

The territory also has a building with this type of material, which is the [Concentrated Iron Ore Vein], and the territory can dig out a large amount of refined iron ore from it every day.

Zhou Yan could never have too many materials for building buildings like this, so Zhou Yan stepped forward and took a closer look at the hero information summoned by the lord.

[Hero name: Wang Hao]

[Level: Level 100]

[Occupation: Warrior]

[Realm: Forty-Ninth Layer]

The quality of heroes is hidden and no one can see it. This is also one of the charms of the arena. As long as your two heroes have the same level, realm, and equipment, but if the difference in quality is too big, then victory is basically inevitable. Is a high-quality hero.

But battles cannot completely follow the logic here. If the opponent's hero has strong skills or rich combat experience, it is hard to say whether he will win or lose.

This building is of A quality. You only need to come up with something that is almost the same, and if the other party agrees, then you can compete.

"You really have a soft spot for these buildings. I really don't know why you need to build so many buildings." After Leng Yue saw Zhou Yan's expression, she knew what Zhou Yan wanted to do.

"No matter how many buildings I have, it's not too much for me. My territory is big enough, and I can accommodate another hundred thousand buildings." Zhou Yan did not lie. His current territory is indeed very large. It is already larger than Many small countries are becoming big.

"Instead of building so many buildings, it would be better to focus on upgrading a few buildings." Leng Yue couldn't figure out what Zhou Yan was thinking.

The more buildings are built, the more materials are needed, and the manpower, material and financial resources consumed are astronomical.

A lord who develops normally will never build too many useless buildings, but will build and upgrade them according to the actual situation of the territory.

Even if some lords want to build more, the premise is that their territory allows it and their funds are sufficient.

Zhou Yan doesn't think it's too much at all. Firstly, he has a lot of money, and secondly, there are many sources of materials he can obtain. Only those Apex Level materials will give him a headache. Low Level materials can still be obtained.

But Zhou Yan doesn't want to upgrade all the buildings to the full level. He can upgrade to as many levels as he can and doesn't care.

Zhou Yan stepped forward and talked to the lord who also wore a mask: "I challenge you with this, what do you think?"

Because the opponent spends money to set up the arena, the challenger must obtain the opponent's consent before participating in the competition, otherwise he will not be able to participate in the competition.

The arena has its rules, and no one can break them, otherwise they will be expelled from the arena.

The power of a person who can open such an arena must not be doubted.

People who come here generally won't take the initiative to cause trouble, and they will sign a competitive contract before challenging. If anyone takes the initiative to cause trouble, they will definitely be punished.

The other party looked at the thing in Zhou Yan's hand. It was an S-quality skill book, and it was also a warrior's skill book, which made the other party very satisfied.

"Okay, let's go on stage and summon the heroes." The other party nodded in agreement.

"Look at the power of my territorial hero." Zhou Yan said to Leng Yue, and then walked to the ring.

The arena is a special place. After arriving at the arena, Zhou Yan found that he could directly contact all the heroes in the territory.

So, Zhou Yan said to Zhao Yun: "Zhao Yun!"

Zhao Yun, who was in the territory, heard the sound and said quickly: "The general is here!"

"I have arrived at the arena. It is up to you to participate in this first battle!" Zhou Yan said.

"Yes!" Zhao Yun replied.

This made other generals very envious. The lord really preferred Zhao Yun and let Zhao Yun play in the first game.

Zhou Yan summoned Zhao Yun, and Zhao Yun's figure disappeared from the territory and came to the ring.

Zhao Yun was dressed in silver armor, a white cloak, and his handsome appearance immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Especially that temperament, which makes people feel very comfortable and charming at first sight.

"Zhao Yun has met the lord!" Zhao Yun said to Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan patted Zhao Yun on the shoulder and said, "I believe in your strength."

"The general will definitely not disappoint the lord!" Zhao Yun replied confidently.

"Zhou Yan, I didn't expect that there would be such a heroic hero in your territory." Leng Yue also stood in the audience and saw Zhao Yun's face, a little surprised.

Zhao Yun's appearance is not only heroic and handsome, but his temperament is also very attractive, which will naturally be admired by many people, and Leng Yue is no exception. He admired Zhao Yun at the first sight.

"That's natural. This is one of the generals in my territory." Zhou Yan replied.

Soon, the arena quickly scanned Zhao Yun's basic information and then displayed it in front of the opponent's lord.

[Hero name: Zhao Yun]

[Level: Level 100]

[Occupation: Martial God]

[Realm: Forty-Fifth Layer Heaven]

Seeing that the opponent's hero was only at Forty-Fifth Layer level, four levels different from his hero, this allowed him to occupy a very powerful situation.

Strength has nothing to do with appearance. No matter how handsome you are, it will still be useless if you fail.

The only thing that makes the other party a little worried is that the other party's profession is Martial God. This should be a special profession, but he has not heard of this profession.

The strength of a profession cannot be judged by its name. Some professions are named so-and-so Demon God, but their real abilities are much weaker. This kind of thing is not uncommon in the Lord Continent.

"Sign the contract." The other party quickly signed his name and then looked at the other party.

Zhou Yan naturally knew what the opponent was thinking. He thought that since his hero was four levels different from the opponent, he would have won.

However, the equipment on the opponent's body is only platinum quality equipment, and only the weapons are of diamond quality.

The equipment on Zhao Yun's body are all diamond-quality equipment, especially the weapons, which are Spirit Weapons.

And the opponent's hero is definitely not of Apex Level quality.

The opponent thought he was sure to win, but he didn't know it. Zhao Yun was only weaker than the opponent in terms of realm, and in other aspects he completely crushed the opponent.

Zhou Yan also signed his name, and the contract turned into a light and appeared in front of the two of them. Zhou Yan also saw the other party's real name, Ji Minghui.

The competition between the two sides was officially established.

The two lords each stood under the ring, a barrier rose, and the competition between the two heroes had begun.

There were many people around, and they were all a little surprised after seeing the information from both parties.

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