The monster's fist was very big, like a mountain smashing down on them. Before the fist fell, the wind of the fist had already rushed towards them.


This monster was difficult to deal with. Zhou Yan asked everyone to retreat a distance, while Zhou Yan himself flew into the air and looked at the monster.


The ground collapsed, a giant seal was smashed by the monster, and a huge plume of smoke and dust rose up.

The monster looks strange, like a giant ape, but it is a little different. There is a vertical eye on the forehead, and there are back thorns like sickles on the back, extending to the tail. Especially the thick and thick skin on the body, and the power of a pair of fists. Full.

“┗`O′┛ Ouch~~”

The monster looked at Zhou Yan in mid-air, and opened his huge palm to attack Zhou Yan, but Zhou Yan was very fast. The monster tried to catch it several times but failed. It looked very angry, and then the vertical eye exploded. A red light shot out and attacked Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan spread out his yin and yang wings and quickly dodged.

"call out!"

The monster's vertical eyes burst out with a burst of red rays, full of destructive light, attacking Zhou Yan who was constantly dodging in the air, but Zhou Yan's speed was too fast, and he began to circle around the monster. .

Red death rays attacked Zhou Yan one after another, but the monsters failed to hit Zhou Yan.

The monster also began to spin with Zhou Yan. After spinning for more than a dozen times, the monster's entire body seemed to be drunk. It began to shake its head and could not even walk steadily. Finally, it fell dizzy. on the ground.

"This monster's body is quite big, but its brain is not very good." Zhou Yan smiled.

Afterwards, Zhou Yan burst out with a huge amount of spiritual power and quickly cast wood spells.

A huge ancient tree sprouted from the ground, growing rapidly from twigs and buds, one meter, ten meters, fifty meters, one hundred meters, and finally grew into a towering tree.

Tree roots as thick as thighs moved toward the monster's entanglement, binding the monster's thighs and finally its entire body, becoming more entangled and tighter.

The monster kept struggling and roaring, but no matter how hard it struggled or resisted, it had no effect.

The monster opened its vertical eye and wanted to attack the ancient tree, but after a sharp branch pierced the monster's eye, the monster struggled violently again.

But unfortunately, as the branches entangled all the monsters and squeezed them tightly inside, the life of the monsters became weaker and weaker as they compressed.

In the end, the monster suffocated to death, and Zhou Yan received a point reward, a thousand points at once.

"One thousand points, this monster's points are quite high, but is there only one?" Zhou Yan looked around, but after a wave of energy enveloped them, they came to the next level.

"Is there only one monster there just now?" Xuanyuan Qingfeng asked in surprise.

"Even one, with your current strength, can't deal with those monsters, so the next monsters should be very strong. You try not to take action, and you, Jin Ye."

Zhou Yan looked at Xuanyuan Qingfeng and Jin Ye. Their strength could no longer cause much damage to monsters of this level.

"Hey! I can't help." Jin Ye said helplessly.

"Our realm is not strong yet. We will be able to deal with this kind of monster in the future." Xuanyuan Qingfeng touched Jin Ye's head.

The only one who can harm this kind of monster is Nangong Pushe.

Not long after, the monster appeared again, and just like last time, the monsters that appeared were all very huge, but this time two appeared at once,

"Nangong, one of us, can we deal with it?" Zhou Yan saw the monster and said to Nangong Pushe.

"Try it, I'm not too sure." Nangong Pushe took out two knives, looked at the two monsters very seriously, then flew into the air and attacked the monster's weak points.

The two monsters are not the kind of monsters on the upper level. These two monsters can spit out storms. When they open their mouths, they can release a very powerful storm to attack the two people.

Zhou Yan quickly dodged and then used his spiritual power to turn into a huge meteorite. Each meteorite was more than ten meters in size.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!!!"

Boulders kept falling towards the monsters. The monsters' dodge ability was also very good. In addition, they were also very strong and could directly smash the boulders in the sky.

Zhou Yan fell directly towards the ground. A huge earth-yellow energy was held in Zhou Yan's hand and then released towards the ground.


The ground suddenly collapsed. The two monsters were only looking at the meteorites in the sky. They never expected that the ground would suddenly collapse.

They fell into the abyss like this, and then Xuan Ning transformed into a series of sharp spears underground, each one very thick and powerful. The two monsters fell hundreds of meters below.

"Poof! Poof!"

The monster was directly stabbed to death by a spear in the ground.

For someone like Zhou Yan who is a master of magic, there are plenty of ways to deal with such a huge monster.

"Didn't we agree to have one per person?" Nangong Pushe fell beside Zhou Yan a little dissatisfied.

"If you want to kill these monsters, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future." Zhou Yan stepped forward to comfort him.

Jin Ye turned into a golden light and came to Zhou Yan and said: "You have too many spells. Even if you don't use other abilities, I guess there won't be many people who can match you."

"With my current combat power, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with people who are at Ninetieth Layer level. If I am dealing with people who are above Ninetieth Layer level, my power should be less." Zhou Yan roughly calculated his current combat power.

"Then you can fight across eighteen small realms. It is difficult for ordinary people to do it, and you still fight across such a high realm." Xuanyuan Qingfeng said.

With a flash of light, they came to the next level again.

The monsters behind were all huge monsters, but based on their abilities, they began to use various endless spells against them to kill them one by one.

And with each additional level, there will be one more monster.

After Zhou Yan and the others reached the 130th floor, the number of monsters also increased to 130, and each monster was very strong. Zhou Yan had already asked Xuanyuan Qingfeng to leave "The Great Desolate" first. tower".

As long as you leave silently, you can leave the Primordial Tower directly, and you can directly exchange what you want, but if you want to enter next time, you will have to wait until thirty days later.

Although there is no limit on the number of people in this "Primordial Tower", each person can only come once a month, and after death, they can only go to the underworld to be resurrected, so if you can't resist the monsters in the middle, you only need to leave silently. leave.

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