Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 573, Map Of The Mysterious Ancient Country

In the next few days, the territory became more and more lively because the New Year was approaching.

Zhou Yan was also busy with other things these days. He was with his women every day. He rarely accompanied them. This time he had time and spent a few wonderful days with them.

Finally, on this day, the New Year is ushered in.

Everyone in the entire territory is celebrating together. The lords of the entire Lord Continent seem to have quieted down in the past few days. They are either reuniting with their relatives or celebrating with the people in the territory.

A cloud of fireworks was released over the entire territory.

From the first one person to the current population of the territory, there are already millions of people.

And the time is only more than half a year.

The entire territory was celebrating the New Year, and Zhou Yan held a banquet to celebrate with everyone in the territory.

The next day, Zhou Yan woke up early in Rouwen Township.

Because of the activities today, everyone got up very early. Except for the necessary personnel who stayed in the territory, the soldiers, led by their respective generals, all left the territory.

After Zhou Yan had breakfast, he went to the [Mysterious Shop] first. There was a discount card today, and Zhou Yan wanted to see what kind of discount he could get this time.

Went to No. 1 [Mystery Shop] and got the New Year’s discount card.

[Get 0.5% off discount card]

Lucky for me, I got such a low discount card.

I looked at the things that were refreshed in the [Mysterious Shop] this time. There were five things, each one different.

The first item is a pair of Spirit Weapon boots, the second item is an RRR quality hero summoning token, the third item is a storage ring, the fourth item is a hundred nine-star space stones, and the fifth item is a handful A platinum-quality ax with attributes used by lumberjacks.

Except for the Hero Summoning Token, which needs to be purchased with Soul Coins, all others can be purchased with Spirit Coins.

"You can just use this discount card." Zhou Yan used the discount card and purchased the Apex Level hero summoning token.

He has now stored several Hero Summoning Tokens, and plans to wait and try his luck at [Hall of Heroes].

Refreshing the [Mysterious Shop], Zhou Yan looked at five items again.

This time there are five drawings.

The first drawing surprised Zhou Yan. It turned out to be a treasure map, but it was a fragment.

Zhou Yan looked at the other drawings and discovered that the five remaining drawings were from the same treasure map.

Zhou Yan was speechless about this. The entire treasure map was actually divided into five pieces.

After buying it, Zhou Yan pieced it together.

Finally, a complete treasure map was formed.

"Map of the Mysterious Ancient Country." Zhou Yan looked at the name of this treasure map in surprise.

According to the historical data of Lord Continent, hundreds of thousands of years ago, a mysterious strong man built a tribe somewhere in Lord Continent. Then after the tribe developed and grew, it formed a small city and finally a small country.

Because it is rich in resources, filled with all kinds of gold and silver jewelry, exotic flowers and plants, and mineral springs, it is coveted by many lords.

But at that time, the ancient country of Mystery was very powerful, with an army of hundreds of millions, and a territory of hundreds of millions of square kilometers. There were countless strong men. There were hundreds of strong men in the demigod realm alone, which shocked countless lords. .

But the resources there were too rich, and many lords with ulterior motives started fighting for those rich places.

But those lords who took action all ended in failure.

However, after more than ten years of war, the emperor of the Ancient Mysterious Kingdom established a city specifically for trading with various lords, and this allowed the war between the Ancient Mysterious Kingdom and its lords to subside.

But tens of thousands of years later, the territory of the Mysterious Ancient Country has expanded several times, but it has also come to an end, and the entire country has begun to fall apart.

In addition, lords from all over the world took the opportunity to enter, accelerating the extinction of the mysterious ancient country.

But the strange thing is that the imperial city of the Mysterious Ancient Kingdom disappeared the moment it was breached by the rebels.

The entire imperial city of the Mysterious Ancient Kingdom, together with the people of the entire city and the rebels in the city, all disappeared.

No one knows where the lost ancient country disappeared. After all, the entire continent of Lords is vast, and trying to find a city is comparable to finding a needle in a haystack.

In the following decades, countless people were looking for the imperial city of the Mysterious Ancient Kingdom every day. After all, the entire Imperial City of the Mysterious Ancient Kingdom contained too much wealth.

The value of that treasure is so great that as long as it can be found, I believe many lords are willing to spend all the money to get there.

But tens of thousands of years have passed, but no one has discovered any news about the Mysterious Ancient Country, and there has not been anything related to the Mysterious Ancient Country on the market.

There are many mysterious ancient countries like the Mysterious Ancient Country that have a lot more history than the lords, but without specific location coordinates, it would undoubtedly be a waste of time to search for them.

This time, Zhou Yan has specific coordinates, drawings, and maps. As long as he searches according to the locations recorded above, I believe he will gain huge gains.

Although Zhou Yan is not short of money now, who would dislike having more money?

The key point is that Zhou Yan does not care about the wealth of the ancient country of Mystery, but the collection.

An ancient country that is tens of thousands of years old must have collected many rare treasures, exotic flowers and plants.

"It seems that after the Chinese New Year, I have to go here to have a look." Zhou Yan had a plan and put the map away.

When we come to [Mysterious Shop] No. 2, the quality and level of this building are lower than [Mysterious Shop] No. 1, so the things that appear are not high.

[Get 30% off discount card]

It's 30% off, so that's okay.

Zhou Yan looked at the five things that appeared, five pieces of diamond-quality equipment. To refresh, they were five kinds of materials. Zhou Yan put them away.

Looking at the time, it was already getting late. Zhou Yan planned to go out to fight the Nian Beast first. As for summoning the heroes, he would talk about it when he came back.


This time, Zhou Yan led Da Qiao and Qiao, accompanied by a hundred [Guanghan Fairies], walking outside the territory, quietly waiting for the time for the Nian Beast to refresh.

As for the other soldiers, they were already outside the territory, and thousands of reconnaissance planes were already ready.

"What does the Nian beast look like?" Xiao Qiao, who is petite and cute, like a cute loli, asked Zhou Yan curiously.

"Wait." Zhou Yan opened the information and passed it to Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao.

After receiving the information, the two women opened the communicator on their arms, then clicked on it and saw a monster with a horn, a head like a lion, two fangs, and a small handful of flames on its tail.

"Is this the Nian Beast? It looks a bit fierce." The two women commented after seeing the appearance of the Nian Beast.

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