Everyone has been teleported to the Devil's Land competition space. The space here will continue to shrink as the number of people changes, and the terrain inside will become more and more dangerous as time goes by. This is also to end the game as soon as possible. .

After all, the spectators outside cannot wait for them for days and nights, and the game inside must end within a few hours.

Everyone is randomly teleported to a location, and the battle begins.

After Zhou Yan was teleported in, he looked around. There were seven enemies around him, and there were more enemies further away.

These enemies also looked around. One of them took the lead in launching an attack on the others. The two energies exploded and collided with each other. The energy impact affected others. Some people participated, and some chose to leave.

More and more people are participating in the battle. Some people are just looking for fun, not simply competing.

There are also people who come here to fight, and these people enjoy the pleasure of killing others.

There are also people who come specifically for the rewards of the competition, and even form a team to use the power of the team to eliminate other opponents and take away the rewards.

These are what Niu Ren told Zhou Yan. He has stayed here for a long time and has met all kinds of people. He has also seen people who pay thousands or even hunt others for various rewards.

Smart people will investigate the target before making a move, and some people will make a move without investigating at all. Anyway, anything will happen.

Zhou Yan stood proudly in the void, with his hands on his hips, watching the others fight as if it had nothing to do with him.

Zhou Yan did not hide away, and stood there openly, as if watching a show. This aroused the dissatisfaction of one of the participating lords. He felt that Zhou Yan was too good at pretending, and he was very unhappy with such a person.

If he was unhappy, he took action. The lord here needed to eliminate his opponent. He took out a magic wand, which was a Spirit Weapon level magic wand.

A spell appeared from his mouth, and a huge dark creature walked out from a certain dimensional world. This was a dark dragon. The other party's profession was a summoner, and he was also a dark summoner. .

Such a profession, in such an environment, has certain bonuses. It is full of dark attributes and the tyrannical energy of demons.

Moreover, as long as the summoner profession is powerful enough, one person can even summon thousands of troops. Of course, this also requires a lot of magic power.

This summoner is obviously a very strong summoner. After all, the dark dragon summoned has reached the Ninety-Eighth Layer level, and its strength is very good.

The summoner rode on the dark dragon and chanted the spell again. Dark magic was released from him. Dimensions were opened one by one, and skeleton dragons the size of small cars appeared from inside.

Under the control of this dark summoner, these flying dragons attacked Zhou Yan directly.

"You brat, if you are so good at pretending, you will be the first person to be eliminated by me!" The dark summoner sneered.

This is a battle space. If you die, you will be eliminated directly. Only the last person can leave this space alive.

Zhou Yan naturally saw those skeletal flying dragons attacking towards him, but Zhou Yan remained unmoved and still stood there like a wooden stake, allowing the group of skeletal flying dragons to attack him.

People outside also saw this scene and laughed and said, "This guy is so good at pretending. If I were inside, I would be the first to attack that kid."

"A person with strength is called pretending to be B, and a person without strength is called clown. Whether he is pretending to be B or a clown will be revealed soon."

"The Dark Summoner seems to be a Ninety-Eighth Layer. With his strength, it won't be a problem to summon more than a dozen Ninety-Eighth Layer summoned beasts."

"He's not that stupid. If he summons so many at once, others will target him first."

Ye Bufan also heard the people next to him express their dissatisfaction with Zhou Yan, and received Ye Bufan's affirmation, and said: "This brother is so right, the guy who pretends to be B should be beaten up. "

"Sure enough, heroes think alike. I look forward to this bastard being torn to pieces by those dragons." The young man next to him said.

"I'm also looking forward to such a scene. It must be very wonderful." Ye Bufan said.

Niu Ren: “∑(O_O;)???”

After Niu Ren heard Ye Bufan's words, he was stunned.

Aren't Ye Bufan and Zhou Yan good friends and brothers?

Why do you want Zhou Yan to die?

Best friends, best friends, do you just want the other person to die?

Niu Ren suddenly realized.

In the battle space, the group of skeleton flying dragons rushed towards Zhou Yan and drowned him.

"Hmph, I thought there was any difference, but this is what happened?" After seeing his attack swamping the opponent, the Dark Summoner was very disdainful, looking contemptuous.

However, after the Dark Summoner's attack disappeared, it was suddenly discovered that Zhou Yan was intact, but the skeleton dragon he summoned had lost a lot.

"Oh, I underestimated you!" The Dark Summoner was indeed a little surprised, but didn't care. He chuckled, opened the dimensional space again, and summoned a stronger summoned beast.

A dark monarch exuding a strong aura of death, with six pairs of wings behind him and two pairs of red fires. He was wearing black armor with black flames emitting from the armor.

And this dark monarch holds a death scythe in his hand, exuding a faint light. This is a Spirit Weapon, and the armor on his body is also a Spirit Weapon, but there is only one piece of armor and no other equipment.

The aura of the Dark Lord was very strong, as if he had stepped out of hell. His bone wings spread out and turned into a black meteor. The Death Scythe in his hand was raised by the Death Lord, releasing a monstrous aura of death.

"call out!"

The Death Lord came to Zhou Yan, waved the death sickle, and fell towards Zhou Yan. The breath of death formed a sea of ​​death, completely submerging Zhou Yan. The terrifying breath of death completely swallowed up Zhou Yan.

"It's time to die!" The Dark Summoner looked at the Death Lord he summoned and was very confident in it. This was a Death Lord that had reached the Ninety-Sixth Layer and was one of his strongest summoned beasts.

But a strange energy defense shield appeared, and after the terrifying attack erupted by the Death Lord fell on it, it spun in a circle, and then flew towards the Death Lord himself.

Everyone was stunned. They never expected this result. The attack flew back in a circle. What kind of ability is this?

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