Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 810, Divine Level Materials

After Zhou Yan left, after hearing this broadcast, he probably understood why the organizer invited him.

Zhou Yan is not afraid that the other party will be disadvantageous to him. As long as the other party is not stupid, it is impossible to offend him.

After being invited to the office, a group of people stood up quickly and said to Zhou Yan: "Hello, I am the owner of [Weimu Guild Hall], my name is Yan Huarong, I am very happy to meet the best person in the world."

"Okay." Zhou Yan nodded with these people, then sat down and asked, "I wonder why you called me here?"

"It's nothing, I just want to give you a small gift. I hope you won't participate in the next game. With your strength, it shouldn't make much sense to participate in a competition of this level."

After Yan Huarong finished speaking, he was handed a box. Zhou Yan opened it and saw that it was a building of RRR quality. Although it was not a barracks, it was pretty good.

Moreover, this is an Apex Level building, so these people are willing to give it up. This sincerity really satisfies him.

Zhou Yan nodded, and then said: "Since you are so sincere, I don't want to hinder your business. Don't worry, I will not participate in these activities organized by you."

Yan Huarong said quickly: "Thank you for your understanding. Although this kind of competition is not suitable for you, you are very welcome to our other arena events. If you are interested, I will arrange for someone to take you there immediately."

"No need, I have seen your sincerity. If there is a chance in the future, I will go and have fun." Zhou Yan stood up and said.

"I'll see you off." Yan Huarong quickly got up and sent Zhou Yan out.

This was a deal, and Zhou Yan didn't feel unhappy at all. The other party showed enough sincerity to let him not participate in this competition. He got something of higher quality. This deal was a good deal.

Ye Bufan and Niu Ren were already waiting for him outside. When they saw Zhou Yan coming out, they asked, "What does the other party want from you?"

"They asked me not to participate in the competition and gave me an Apex Level building." Zhou Yan said.

"Damn it! The other party is too generous with Apex Level's buildings. This is much more cost-effective than participating in the competition." After hearing this, Niu Ren was filled with envy. Unfortunately, he did not have the strength to be treated like this by the organizer.

"The other party is really willing to give up. The buildings at Apex Level are of extraordinary value." Ye Bufan was also very surprised.

"So I promised them not to participate in competitions like theirs in the future. I couldn't refuse what they gave me," Zhou Yan said.

This is simply nonsense. No one would refuse an Apex Level building.

After leaving, Niu Ren asked: "Do you have anywhere you want to go? It's still early."

Zhou Yan opened the website Niu Ren had given him before and said, "Depending on the time, we should still be able to participate in that [Tianya Club] competition."

"Which club do you want to participate in the materials competition?" Ye Bufan also opened the website and found that he still had time and should be able to make it.

"In that case, let's go, I'll lead the way." Niu Ren led the two of them towards the teleportation array.

Zhou Yan carefully looked at the specific requirements of this competition. The requirements of this comparison are divided into battles in several realms. One is the battle below the Seventieth Layer, one is the Eightieth Layer, and the other is the Ninetieth Layer.

Moreover, this challenge also stipulates that military commanders will be challenged, that is, only their military commanders can be sent to fight. The registration fee for the challenge is also different depending on the competition in different regions.

The registration fee for the battle on the Seventh Layer is one thousand six-star materials, the battle on the Eightieth Layer is one thousand seven-star materials, and the battle on the Ninetieth Layer is one thousand eight-star materials.

Even Niu Ren didn't expect that this game would be so different from usual.

In normal competitions, they only charge one thousand six-star materials. Unless there are special holidays, they will charge a larger competition fee.

But Niu Ren said that since the other party dared to charge such a registration fee, it proved that the reward this time was very good and would never disappoint people. They did not dare to disappoint people, otherwise their reputation would be bad and they would not be able to make money at all.

Even the registration fee is already so high, so the rewards are naturally extraordinary.

But the specific reward is not mentioned above. You can only know it when you arrive at the scene.

This is very attractive and people want to go and take a look. This is also a disguised marketing method, the purpose is to attract others to come.

"Let's go." They moved very quickly. In just ten minutes, they arrived at the teleportation array and teleported to another city.

After spending more than twenty minutes, they successfully arrived at [Tianya Club]. There was only half an hour before the game.

After walking into [Tianya Club], Zhou Yan asked the front desk: "Can I sign up for three material competitions at the same time?"

"Of course there is no problem with this, but you need to send the participating generals first. After we test that there is no problem with the strength level, you can participate directly, but I suggest that it is better for you to participate in one." The young lady at the front desk suggested.

"Then I choose to participate in three games." After saying that, Zhou Yan began to summon three generals.

The first general, Zhou Yan, summoned Li Cunxiao. His realm was Eightieth Layer Heaven, and he was just able to participate in the Eightieth Layer Heaven battle.

The second general, Zhou Yan, summoned An Tian. His realm was already over ninety heavens. In addition, he was a Dragon Race, so Zhou Yan had great confidence in him.

The third general, Zhou Yan, summoned Xue Dingshan. He was summoned not long ago, but his realm is already Seventy-Third Layer days old, so dealing with this kind of battle is not a problem.

After the staff tested the strength of the three people, Zhou Yan began to deliver the competition materials, and then the staff gave them a number plate and brought them into the competition area.

As a participant, Zhou Yan could enter a special viewing room, but Zhou Yan refused and went to watch with Ye Bufan and the others.

Ye Bufan asked: "Which area are we going to watch the battle in?"

"Let's look at the highest level." Zhou Yan replied.

"Let's go."

Several people came to the competition area of ​​Ninetieth Layer. One ticket cost three thousand spirit coins. Naturally, they didn't care about this small amount. After paying, they found an unoccupied seat and began to wait for the battle to begin.

They were the first to look at the rules of the Ninetieth Layer battle. It turned out that this was also a melee. All the warriors would be teleported to the same space, and then the last three would decide the top three.

After reading the rules, they looked at the rewards of this competition.

"The first place turned out to be ten units of Divine Level material Sky Meteor Black Iron!" Several people were very surprised after seeing the first place reward.

Although there are only ten units, these are Divine Level materials and are very rare. It is no wonder that the registration fee alone requires eight-star materials.

"As expected, it was not in vain. This Divine Level material is very rare. The opponent used this as a reward this time, which must have attracted many people to participate in the battle."

"No matter how many people participate, the final victory must belong to me!" Zhou Yan is very confident in An Tian's strength.

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