Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 820, Diao Chan Goes To Battle


Chi Xianghui was severely knocked away by the terrifying force, and suffered huge damage all over her body, but she did not lose her ability to resist so quickly, and powerful light was released.

The entire seawater began to roll violently, as if all the seawater was condensed.

The entire sea is coming towards Chi Xianghui, and large areas of sea water are condensing towards one of the places. This is a very shocking scene, as if all the sea water is converging towards one of the places.

Si Teng was also greatly affected and wanted to continue attacking Chi Xianghui, but the opponent was a bit strange at the moment. When the vines attacked on top, they encountered great resistance and just hit a piece of sea water.

This sea water was like Chi Xianghui's condensed body. This body became more and more solid. At the end, a huge sea giant came towards Si Teng holding a trident.

Chi Xianghui turned into the appearance of the Poseidon, and wanted to completely kill Si Teng in the sea. Moreover, this time Chi Xianghui condensed the Poseidon with her own body, and her strength increased several times.

Chi Xianghui had already made a desperate move. She had used all her spiritual power to transform into the Poseidon. Holding the Poseidon Trident, she continued to launch terrifying attacks at Si Teng.


Si Teng also used vines to form a huge stick, which was like a sea-fixing needle, possessing supreme power and constantly attacking the opponent's trident.

A fierce confrontation broke out between the two weapons in the sea, just like two huge giants fighting in the sea.

The sea has been completely disturbed, the waves have swept thousands of meters into the sky, and the terrifying impact waves have set off waves that are more powerful than the last.

Wave after wave of water hit both sides. Poseidon and the giant stick continued to attack and fight, erupting into powerful and terrifying impacts one after another.

At this time, Si Teng once again formed a huge stick and attacked Poseidon.


Poseidon didn't expect that a giant stick would attack, and a large piece of his body was shattered. Countless dark blue seawater began to erupt, but it soon began to heal again.

At this time, Si Teng formed a spear again and continued to attack Poseidon. With two sticks and one shot, he kept attacking Poseidon. Poseidon kept using the trident in his hand to resist, but his dark blue body was constantly attacked. In the end, his body was wrapped around countless arm-thick vines.

Poseidon roared angrily, but a stick fell and smashed Poseidon's head, making him look like a blue giant without a head.

The vines wrapped around Poseidon's arm again, and then another stick fell. Poseidon's arm holding the weapon was broken. As the spiritual power disappeared, the weapon began to turn into normal sea water.


Another shot pierced into Poseidon's chest, knocking Poseidon down directly and knocking him to the bottom of the sea.

The huge body formed a huge impact under the sea floor, flying up a piece of mud, completely covering the body of Poseidon.



Si Teng controlled the giant stick again and continued to attack the Poseidon under the sea. After attacking for more than a dozen times, he finally stopped attacking because Chi Xianghui's body had disappeared into the deep sea.

The next moment, the entire deep sea world disappeared, and the arena returned to a normal arena. Si Teng also returned to his human form, gathering the Monstrous Power, and then said to Zhou Yan alone: ​​"I won, and I want a reward!"

Zhou Yan looked at the businesswoman and said, "Necklace!"

"We lost unexpectedly." The businesswoman was also surprised. She didn't expect that the heroine she had high hopes for would fail like this.

"Pay," the businesswoman said.

Zhou Yan paid five billion spiritual coins, then threw the necklace to Si Teng, and finally took Si Teng into his territory.

After the businesswoman failed, she seemed very unwilling and said to Zhou Yan: "Do you dare to gamble again!"

Zhou Yan smiled and asked: "What do you want to use to attract me like this? It's hard for me to do it with ordinary things."

The businesswoman took out an elixir recipe and said, "This is a nine-star elixir recipe. It is very precious. You should know the value of this elixir recipe!"

Zhou Yan took a look and could only see a general introduction, but not the information inside.

Zhou Yan was really tempted by a nine-star elixir prescription, so he asked: "If I win, how much will it cost to buy it?"

"Twenty billion spiritual coins!" the businesswoman replied.

"Ten billion spiritual coins, no bargaining, just forget it if you don't agree." Zhou Yan said.

"Yes, but you have to come up with an eight-star quality elixir recipe." The businesswoman replied.

"No problem." Zhou Yan then casually took out an eight-star elixir prescription and showed it to the other party, and asked: "How do you want to compete this time?" '

"This time we are only allowed to use one weapon and equipment, and the one I sent on the field is a Ninety-Third Layer heavenly hero!"

The businesswoman came to the ring again and summoned another heroine.

As soon as this heroine came out, Zhou Yan already knew what kind of hero she was.

This is a Shura woman, and her body is filled with a very powerful Shura power. Judging from the aura on her body, this female Shura is also very strong.

The other party was holding a Shura Holy Sword in his hand. No wonder the businesswoman would allow the use of the weapon. It was just a Saint Weapon. I thought he didn't have one, right?

"It's your turn. You won't be afraid anymore." The businesswoman was indeed scared. She was worried that Zhou Yan would refuse to participate. After all, she thought that not everyone could deal with a female Shura holding a Saint Weapon weapon.

"Scared, no, no, no, I hope you won't cry later." Zhou Yan came on stage, looked at the many women in the territory, then turned his target to Diao Chan, and asked: "Are you interested in participating in a ring battle? "

"Challenge battle?" Diao Chan heard this, then smiled and said, "Of course I am interested. What is the reward this time?"

"It's not a reward. If you win, you have to spend half the price to buy it. It's a nine-star elixir recipe." Zhou Yan said.

"That's not bad." Diao Chan nodded.

Zhou Yan teleported it out, and then said: "The other party said that you only need to use weapons to participate in the battle."

Diao Chan looked at the other party and found that she was also a woman. No wonder Zhou Yan let her appear, so she said: "Then I will also use Saint Weapon to fight."

Diao Chan took out a Saint Weapon and put away the other equipment.

"There is also a Saint Weapon!" The businesswoman was very surprised. She did not expect that there were so many female heroes around Zhou Yan. This was something she did not expect.

"So what if there is Saint Weapon? I believe the hero under me is the strongest." The businesswoman said as she walked off the ring.

"You are very confident, but unfortunately, your hero will fail in the end." Zhou Yan said confidently.

"Wait and see!" The businesswoman didn't believe it at all.

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