Zhou Yan was also very speechless. If he doesn't fight, he won't fight. These people just can't afford to lose.

Businessman: We won’t do the bet knowing that we will lose!

"Let's go to the normal trading areas." Zhou Yan and Ye Bufan finally left here.

After seeing Zhou Yan and Ye Bufan leave, the black marketeers who got the news breathed a sigh of relief. According to the rules, they couldn't refuse other people's bets, but Zhou Yan didn't know.

If he knew, he would definitely continue to fight until these people were defeated without even their underwear.

"It's a good thing this guy is gone."

"Have you checked out the details of this guy? He didn't lose a single match. His hero is too strong."

"No, I'm really worried that he won't leave. If the organizer knows that we don't bet against each other, I'm afraid we won't be able to do business in the future."

"It's really bad to meet such a lord with so many heroes and terrifying strength."

"I hope I won't meet him again in the future."


Arriving at the normal trading area, Zhou Yan and Ye Bufan looked at the items sold by these black market merchants, which were much higher than the market price.

But the things they take out are relatively precious, and it is difficult to buy so many outside. Moreover, many people only buy a few. Even if the price is relatively high, many people still buy it.

"The variety of things looks good, but the price seems a bit expensive." Ye Bufan glanced at it, and a golden light flashed across his eyes. This was a special eye, a kind of Talent.

"It's nothing if you can buy it with money." Zhou Yan walked towards the first black market shop, picked up some materials on the table and looked at it.

Suddenly, I discovered that some of these materials were adulterated.

These things are indeed very realistic, but fake ones are just fake.

But this is a black market. Even if you buy fake things, as long as you pay, you have to accept your fate. This is the rule of the black market.

Zhou Yan pointed to many things, most of which were materials, and asked, "How to sell these things."

The businessman's eyes lit up, he was a rich man, so he said: "It depends on the quantity you need. If the quantity is large, I will definitely sell it cheaper here."

Su Fang nodded, and then said: "You can have as many of these things as I am referring to!"

"What?" The businessman was stunned, and then asked: "Are you telling the truth?"

"Of course it's true. I need a lot. Take out all the things you have." Zhou Yan replied.

"This is what you said, you can't go back on it." The black marketeer smiled, feeling extremely happy.

"Of course I said so, but the price is too high, so I definitely won't want it." Zhou Yan replied.

The black marketeer smiled and then said: "Don't worry, for a big customer like you, I will definitely come up with a price that satisfies you."

Afterwards, the two began to discuss the specific price. After the negotiation, the black marketeer put all the materials in the space ring into a storage bag, and then said to Zhou Yan: "A total of 18.95 billion, I don’t want any fraction.”

Zhou Yan took the storage bag, swept it with a mysterious force, and poured out a lot of adulterated materials from it, and then said: "I don't want these."

The black marketeer looked stunned, watching the other party pour out more than half of the materials, and then said angrily: "How can you be like this? You want as much as you promised, but you only bought half of it, you are kidding me!"

When the people around saw it, they immediately gathered around to watch, and some even cursed at Zhou Yan: "Boy, don't come here if you can't afford it!"

"Whatever price you have agreed on, you have to buy it according to the rules here. If you are not sensible, you will get hurt!"

"Who is this person? He asked for something but refused to buy it. How could such a person sneak in?"

"Pay the money, and you can't go back on what you've agreed upon."


Zhou Yan sneered, not caring at all, and then said: "I only want half of it. If you don't sell it, I will leave."

The black market merchant looked at Zhou Yan evilly and said with a smile: "It's okay to leave. According to the previous price, there are a total of 18.95 billion and 5601 spiritual coins. It doesn't matter if there is one less spiritual coin. "

"After paying the money, this thing belongs to you. If you don't pay, you can never leave here!"

"Are you sure!" Zhou Yan's eyes turned cold and he looked at the other party coldly.

The black market merchant suddenly trembled, then laughed loudly and said: "Boy, you want to scare me, this is a black market, and you must buy and sell according to the rules of the black market!"

"Then tell me the rules of the black market and let me know." Zhou Yan put his hands on his hips as if he were watching a show.

The black marketeer said directly: "You want to buy my stuff, and I take out the stuff, then you have to pay. These are your rules!"

"Oh, really, that's the first time I've heard of it. I knew it was a fake but I still had to buy it." Zhou Yan sneered.

"These are all materials, and the price has been negotiated. You said you should have as much as you need, but I have brought them all out, and you don't buy them. That's not okay!"

The black marketeer said, without mentioning the fake goods at all, and just stood there with Li Zi.

"I just don't buy it!" Zhou Yan threw the storage bag on the table and left.

"Stop, don't leave without paying!" The black marketeer winked at those who spoke before.

"Boy, if you don't know the rules, the consequences will be serious."

"Let us teach you how to behave."

"I really thought this was outside. This is a black market. Didn't your father teach you what a black market is?"

"When you come here, if you don't follow the rules, your limbs will be broken!"

These people became more and more exaggerated. Zhou Yan rarely got angry, but at this moment, he burst out with shocking murderous intent. A monstrous momentum enveloped the world. Countless strong men looked at this scene in horror and were shocked.


A person's chest was broken, and the bones in the entire body were shattered into countless pieces. When the body fell to the ground, except for the limbs and head, the entire body was turned into minced flesh.

Zhou Yan slashed with one hand, and a Primordial Origin sword energy was extremely sharp. The powerful sword energy drew a crack of more than ten meters on the ground, and directly split the other person in half. The man's arrogant expression was still frozen on his face. .

Another kick kicked the other person away. The force was so strong that it directly smashed the other person's body. The whole person was like a rocket being launched, and he didn't know where he was kicked by Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan's body disappeared again.

"Bang bang!!"

There were two loud noises, and the two remaining people fell to the ground as their bodies suffered tremendous force.

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