Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 825, Let Him Come To See Me By Himself

The patrol leader was really confused.

He was asking about Zhou Yan, why are you meddling in your own business?

However, this matter also became clear. The cause of everything was because of fraud.

But fighting counterfeiting?

Do you think this is Canglan Continent?

This is where?

This is the black market!

Do you understand the black market?

Buying genuine and fake products all depends on your luck and eyesight!

But it is wrong for this black marketeer to buy and sell by force.

The black marketeer is speechless. You've been riding here for so long, don't you know how to save me first?

I'm so full that I'm so full!

"I already understand this matter. Let's do this. Leave this person to us and we will definitely give you an explanation." The patrol leader said.

"What will you do with this guy?" Zhou Yan asked.

"This... this is not my responsibility, and I don't know." The patrol leader replied.

"Okay." Zhou Yan nodded.

After hearing Zhou Yan's words, the patrol captain breathed a sigh of relief. The matter was finally resolved.


A flash of blood flashed, and the black marketeer was beheaded by Zhou Yan. The headless body was still spewing blood.

Zhou Yan said to the patrol leader: "Take me away."

Patrol leader: "Σ(°△°)"

Everyone: "(ヾノ꒪ཫ꒪)"

The patrol leader felt that Zhou Yan was challenging his authority!

So, the patrol leader said: "Take the person away!"

Seeing that the men around him did not move, they looked at him one by one, as if asking, are you sure you want to take him away?

The patrol captain said quickly: "Mader! Take away the dead people on the ground quickly, why are you standing there in a daze!"

The surrounding men breathed a sigh of relief. They were really worried that the captain was going to take away the man in front of them. Wouldn't there be a bunch of corpses on this horse?


After hearing that they were not targeting Zhou Yan, these men quickly took away the corpses on the ground. As for Zhou Yan, the patrol leader simply ignored him. He couldn't afford to offend him anyway, so he had to run away first. .

As for the so-called majesty, bullshit, if your life is gone, what more majesty do you need!

Anyway, what was lost was the majesty of the black market, which had nothing to do with him, a small patrol leader.

Su Fang held the space ring from the black market merchant in his hand, then looked at the things on the table and took away the genuine item, leaving half of the fake materials and ignoring them all.

The people around him quickly made way for Zhou Yan to leave, and then they all said, "The people in the black market will not let this person go so easily."

"This person's aura is so strong. The patrol leader was smart enough not to provoke him, otherwise they would also fall."

"This person is definitely a decisive person in killing. He can still be so calm and composed after killing people. Either he has absolute self-confidence, or the power behind him is astonishingly large."

"I think this person is not only amazingly powerful, but he also has powerful forces behind him."

When everyone saw Zhou Yan heading towards a black businessman next door, they were so frightened that the other party's face turned pale. Before Zhou Yan could speak, the other party first took away some things on the table, and then took out other things.

When everyone saw it, they were like, holy shit! Are they all so proactive in putting away fakes?

"You... just take a look. I guarantee that the price is fair and I will never deceive you!" The businessman saw the previous scene with his own eyes and said immediately, fearing that he would become the next person to die tragically.

Zhou Yan looked at these things. They were all genuine. Then he pointed at dozens of things and said, "As many as you have."

"You...wait a moment."

The black market merchant took the initiative to select fake goods. After a while, he put all the genuine goods into the storage bag, handed them to Zhou Yan, and said, "One hundred and nine billion spiritual coins."

Zhou Yan looked at it and was about to speak when the other party said, "If you are not satisfied, the price can be lowered to 10 billion!"

Everyone: "乂(゚Д゚三゚Д゚)乂"

Zhou Yan: "(・_・)ヾ"

Zhou Yan: Did I say anything?

Zhou Yan took the things away and paid the other party 19 billion spiritual coins. This price was very fair, and the other party didn't even earn many spiritual coins.

After seeing Zhou Yan pay the spirit coins, the black marketeer wiped his cold sweat and said: "Actually, he is quite good, as long as he doesn't cheat the other party."

This black marketeer decided to be a good person from now on, bah! We must change our minds and never sell fakes again!

Zhou Yan didn't know that he had indirectly turned a businessman who was engaged in deception into a good businessman.

All the reasons start from this black market conflict.

Afterwards, the black merchants no longer dared to sell Zhou Yan's fake goods. They all brought out their own genuine goods to trade with Zhou Yan, and no one dared to raise random prices.

Although they didn't make a lot of money, they didn't lose money either. This made these black businessmen discover for the first time that it was actually pretty good not to make any dirty money.

However, if you make dirty money, you will earn more.

Not long after, the organizers of the black market arrived. They were all experts. There were hundreds of people in total. Each one of them had strong strength. They surrounded Zhou Yan.

"Our boss wants to see you." A man in black, wearing a complete Spirit Weapon suit with a fierce aura, said to Zhou Yan.

"If he wants to see me, let him come and meet him. Am I the kind of person who can meet anyone?" Zhou Yan said directly.

The man in black was stunned for a moment, and so were the people around him.

These are all people from the organizers of the black market. The realm of every strong person is above the Ninetieth Layer. Some people even noticed that a strong demigod was hiding somewhere.

Facing such a force, Zhou Yan actually said such words without looking back, which completely shocked the people around him.

They didn't know what confidence Zhou Yan had, but they felt that the other party was not a fool. He had remained calm from the time he caused trouble to now, so he must have something to rely on.

"Don't be ignorant of promotion!" The man in black clenched his fists and released a force of oppression from all over his body, and released it towards Zhou Yan.

The next second, Zhou Yan released an even more terrifying force of oppression, pressing directly towards the opponent and knocking him back.

And Zhou Yan took action directly and punched out. The man in black never expected that Zhou Yan would take action, releasing powerful spiritual power fluctuations with both hands and blocking him in front of him.


There was a loud noise and the sound of bones breaking.

The man in black was like a kite with its string broken. He was directly knocked away by Zhou Yan. The bones in Bingshuang's hands were shattered by Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan was so strong and terrifying that he could actually use the power of his physical body. , directly and seriously injuring the opponent.


The man in black flew hundreds of meters away, then spit out a mouthful of blood.

Everyone around was shocked. Zhou Yan took action as soon as he said it. This was too brave, as if he was deliberately provoking trouble.

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