"My friend, can you come over and talk." There are still smart people among the ten elders, and they don't want to suffer the consequences.

Faced with the loss of face and the destruction of their entire power, they did not hesitate to choose the former.

Face is a trivial matter. If the entire small world is destroyed, then the forces behind the millions of lords here will definitely be able to uproot their power. Even their relatives, friends, and all related people will not be able to escape.

"Of course." Zhou Yan replied.

After the ten old generals repaired the small world, they stopped all attacks. Zhou Yan also put away his attacks and left somewhere.

Ye Bufan heard Zhou Yan's message and asked him to wait here. Ye Bufan already understood that the people in the Black Market Alliance had compromised. With Zhou Yan's character, it would not be his behavior if he did not give the other party three layers of skin. .

After all, Zhou Yan's surname is Zhou, and his ancestor is named Zhou Bapi!

In the palace in the void, the ten elders were sitting on the table. One of the great elders received the news and said: "The identity of the other party has been found out. Let everyone take a look."

The people in the black alliance have great means to open such a large black market alliance.

Although they couldn't find out anything about Zhou Yan, Ye Bufan could.

As long as you find Ye Bufan, you can guess who Zhou Yan is.

After the news about Zhou Yan was known to them, the ten elders were shocked.

"This guy is Zhou Yan, he is only nineteen years old! Is this guy only nineteen years old?"

"It's only been more than a year since I acquired the territory, but my strength is so abnormal. I already control the power of the world's origin, which is the best in the world. It's not easy."

"Some time ago, one person killed tens of thousands of lords and wiped out an alliance of more than a billion soldiers without any loss. Damn it, is this something he can do alone?"

"No. 1 in the world, he really deserves his reputation. Who is the bastard who provoked him? I absolutely don't believe that this guy would attack us for no reason!"

"We found out that it was one of our men who provoked him first."

"Kill that guy directly, and it will be useless if you keep him!"

"What should we do about this matter? The news said that the recent destruction of the forces in Lord Continent was all done by Zhou Yan. Although there is no evidence, everything is enough to prove that he did it."

"Resolve it however you want, and try to meet all the other party's requirements. We...can't afford to offend it."

It was a helpless thing to say this sentence from the mouth of the great elder, but they did not refute it. The amount of information on it was too great. No matter which one of them, it had been proved that if they did not want to be uprooted, they should not follow Zhou Yan fought hard.

Zhou Yan came to a hidden void. This was a hidden palace, hidden by the power of the small world, but it was difficult to hide people like Zhou Yan.

"No. 1 in the world, please come in." The other party said straight to the point.

The other party already knew his identity, so Zhou Yan didn't hide it, restored his appearance directly, and walked in carelessly.

There were only ten people inside, ten old guys. They were all bad old men with half their feet in the coffin.

"Please." The eldest elder among the ten elders asked Zhou Yan to sit down. He is also the demigod closest to the divine realm. Unfortunately, his territory has not yet reached the requirements, and he will not be able to advance to the divine realm in this life.

After Zhou Yan sat down, he said directly: "Now that you know my identity, how do you want to compensate me? If I am not satisfied, let's continue fighting."

The ten elders all turned red with anger. Zhou Yan was still so arrogant and aggressive in their place, which really made them angry.

They endured it!

They already knew about Zhou Yan. He had no father or mother, and he was suddenly born. The only friend around him was the heir to the Dragon King family of the Taima Shenlong Kingdom.

Do they dare to do anything to Ye Bufan?

They don't dare.

Also, Zhou Yan's methods of destroying enemies were silent. So many large forces were eliminated by Zhou Yan one by one. Even the countries in Canglan Continent were unable to do anything to Zhou Yan.

They have no evidence and can't figure out Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan is safe and sound until now.

Those forces all want to kill Zhou Yan, but who among them dares to take action?

They might have taken action, but Zhou Yan was still alive and well. Who could kill Zhou Yan?

Zhou Yan is confident, but the key is that they have nothing to do with Zhou Yan.

The most important thing is that the source of this matter is that their subordinates provoked the other party first. No matter where they come from, they are not justified.

"I am the great elder of the Black Market Alliance. I apologize to you on behalf of our black market people. This is our spiritual compensation to you."

The great elder took out a ring and floated it in front of Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan glanced at it with his spiritual consciousness. There were various materials, drawings, and buildings in it, and their combined value would not be less than ten trillion.

Zhou Yan did not expect that the elder was so sensible. He thought that the other party would randomly give him something to deal with him. It seemed that the other party was afraid of him.

However, how can a mere ten trillion satisfy Zhou Yan!

Ye Bufan: I predicted Zhou Yan’s thoughts.


Zhou Yan's expression dropped, he slammed the table and said angrily: "Who are you looking down on!"

"That's it!"

"You just look down on me, Zhou Yan!"

"That's how sincere you are!"

"Come on, let's fight for another ten thousand rounds. If I give up, I'll rip off my head and let you kick it as a ball!"

When the ten elders heard this, their faces turned red, and they were all furious. They clenched their fists and wanted to push Zhou Yan to the ground and rub him vigorously.

But they didn't speak, and they didn't really take action. They all listened to the great elder. If they took action, this matter would be even more difficult to solve.

This is negotiation, this is compensation for the other party's mental losses, as long as it is within their acceptable range.

"What do you want?" The Great Elder was the Great Elder. He did not get angry at all, but spoke very calmly. Compared with the nine old men around him, his demeanor was different.

But Zhou Yan quickly realized that these old men have lived for such a long time. Even if they get angry, it won't be so obvious. This is completely unreasonable.

Zhou Yan understood that these guys were acting just to confuse him.

I am so smart!

You bad old men, if you want to act, who can't do it yet?

"I just summoned so many heroes, each of them would be worth ten trillion." Zhou Yan said casually.

Everyone was really shocked by Zhou Yan's words.

Hundreds of heroes, each with compensation of 10 trillion!

This is a war to destroy the country, so we can't compensate so much.

Too cruel.

It was just a small conflict, but they were asked to compensate so much.

The expressions of the nine elders all changed and became like this: convex (艹盘艹)(艹盘艹)<( ̄﹌ ̄)>(╬ ̄ dishes ̄)=○(╬ ̄ dishes ̄)(╬◣д◢ )(▼ヘ▼#)o(▼ pan▼メ;)o(〝▼ pan▼)

"Little friend, I can't agree to this. You want too much." The great elder said kindly.

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