Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 835, Princess Fire Spirit

The Nine-Headed Golden Lion King was really bullied so badly that he was beaten like a gopher by Zhou Yan.

I'm afraid even he himself doesn't know how strong Zhou Yan is.

The nine heads of the nine-headed golden lion king were all bulging, and it finally fainted happily.

Zhou Yan took a look, kicked the nine-headed golden lion king who was motionless, and said in surprise: "I'll go, this is too rough, he must be dead."

Zhou Yan was still a little reluctant to give up. After all, there were still very few ancient alien species like this.

However, Zhou Yan looked at the nine heads of the nine-headed golden lion king and suddenly remembered a certain famous dish.

"It's hopeless anyway. It should be delicious if you make it into a braised lion's head!"

After Zhou Yan finished speaking, he took out a Saint Weapon-level weapon and was about to fall towards the head of the nine-headed golden lion king.

The Nine-headed Golden Lion King trembled all over, then stood up immediately and said, "I think I can still save it."

Zhou Yan: "(⊙﹏⊙)b..."

"You can speak human language." Zhou Yan looked at the nine-headed golden lion king, still holding the Saint Weapon in his hand, as if he was considering which head to start cutting off.

"I sincerely admit that I was wrong. I didn't dare to offend you before. Didn't you want to take me away? I think it would be a wise choice for me to take the initiative to follow you."

In order to survive, the nine-headed golden lion king chose to lower his head without hesitation. He very wisely chose to follow Zhou Yan, otherwise his head would fall to the ground.

Zhou Yan put away the Saint Weapon, then patted the nine-headed golden lion king and said, "You are a very smart little lion."

Nine-Headed Golden Lion King "Little Lion???"

Is it small?

The nine-headed golden lion king, who has been practicing for almost ten thousand years, said that he could be Zhou Yan's ancestor for a hundred generations, but he very wisely chose to nod, and then said: "You are right, I am just a little lion. .”

"You're so good, come on, act cute." Zhou Yan said with a smile.

The nine heads of the Nine-Headed Golden Lion King were all confused. ⊙0⊙

I am really confused. There are nine heads under the tree, and all nine heads are mine.

After the Nine-Headed Golden Lion King heard this, billions of anger erupted in his body, and finally the anger turned into a cry: "Ouch~(^•(I)•^)"

The surrounding Monster Race collectively fainted. Is this still the nine-headed golden lion king who has dominated this area for tens of thousands of years?

Are you a cat? Or a dog?

"Is that so?" the Nine-Headed Golden Lion King asked after finishing his cuteness.

"You'd better stop acting cute, it's really ugly." Zhou Yan said.

The nine-headed golden lion king nodded, letting him act cute rather than let him... fight.

Zhou Yan put the pet mark on the head of the Nine-Headed Golden Lion King. The Nine-Headed Golden Lion King looked at Zhou Yan's smile and couldn't muster the courage to resist at all.

When the pet mark was successfully completed, a colorful light enveloped the nine-headed golden lion king without warning.

After the nine-headed golden lion king was baptized by this powerful energy, the whole lion was immersed in the pleasure of this energy.

Not only did the Nine-Headed Golden Lion King's injuries heal, but his whole body also radiated a more powerful light.

The Nine-Headed Golden Lion King found that he had become stronger, and his combat power had increased by at least ten times.

The nine-headed golden lion king was really shocked!

This is probably why the little White Tiger from before became so strong.

The Nine-Headed Golden Lion King was very resistant to becoming Zhou Yan's pet before, but now, even if he is driven away, he will not leave. He feels invincible.

Zhou Yan sat on the back of the nine-headed golden lion king, and then said: "All the way to the west."


The nine-headed golden lion king turned into a golden light, dyeing most of the sky into a golden world.

Golden clouds, golden sky, golden world, golden air.

The demons looked at the nine-headed golden lion king and Zhou Yan going away, and they were all dumbfounded.

"Oh my God! The nine-headed golden lion king has been conquered!"

"Shocked! I actually saw that the one who conquered the nine-headed Golden Lion King was actually a human!"

"It's unbelievable. The nine-headed golden lion king will be conquered one day."

"Didn't you feel the powerful momentum that the Nine-Headed Golden Lion King erupted before? It has become so much stronger in a short period of time."

"I don't know where they are going."


Zhou Yan rode the nine-headed golden lion king towards the sphere of influence of the Fire Saint Monster King. To be precise, Zhou Yan was looking for the Fire Spirit Princess.

The nine-headed golden lion king put away the golden holy power and headed west according to the direction prompted by Zhou Yan.

In the sky, a pink chariot was flying in the sky. Pulling the chariot were two strange beasts with powerful bloodlines.

Being able to use alien beasts to pull a chariot is enough to prove that the opponent's identity is definitely not simple.

And around the chariot, there are more than a dozen powerful men with strange looks and faint energy fluctuations exuding from their bodies. They are all powerful Monster Race.

These Monster Races only serve as guards to protect the owner of the pink chariot, which shows that the owner of this chariot is definitely extraordinary.

"Uncle He, how long until we arrive?"

In the pink chariot, a beautiful woman was lying inside, wearing a fiery red dress, with exquisite facial features, beautiful face, and perfect and proud figure. Everything looked like the most beautiful woman in heaven. A perfect masterpiece.

"Princess, we will be able to reach it in two days." The person called Uncle He is a flamingo spirit with very good fire abilities.

"If father is willing to accompany me, it should be easy to catch him." Princess Huoling sighed.

"If Master Fire Sage enters the area of ​​the Ice Phoenix Monster King, I'm afraid Ice Phoenix will send people to stop him, but if we are alone, Ice Phoenix will not care about us."

"Lord Fire Saint didn't want to have unnecessary misunderstandings with Bingfeng, so he didn't come here. Princess, don't worry, as long as I'm waiting, I will be able to successfully capture the nine-headed golden lion king." Uncle He said to Princess Huoling.

"I heard that the Nine-Headed Golden Lion King is so powerful that it can compete with the Nine Great Monster Kings. I don't believe that those nine-headed lion heads are so powerful. I will catch it in an instant and make it my pet."

Princess Huoling came here to catch the Nine-Headed Golden Lion King, and she had been preparing for this for a long time.

Princess Huo Ling opened the screen window of the pink chariot and took a casual look at the scenery outside the window. Suddenly, Princess Huo Ling looked at the scene in the distance in shock.

She actually saw a man flying in the air riding a nine-headed golden lion king. Princess Fire Spirit looked at all this in disbelief, her mouth slightly opened, thinking that she had seen it wrong.

"That's not the Nine-Headed Golden Lion King!" Princess Huo Ling looked at this scene in shock.

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