Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 852, Fire Saint Monster King Wants Ascension

Then, Qian Shun and others returned to Canglan Continent, came to Ziwei Academy, and told Zhou Yan's current chief instructor Wei Tianning about the matter.

"Oh, Zhou Yan was delayed for something." Wei Tianning understood, and then asked: "Do you know when he will come out? This guy can really cause trouble. Someone wants to find him."

"He said it would take a year and a half. We really don't know the specific time, but he will be fine. He just won't be able to get out for the time being." Xu Long said.

"That guy imprisoned Princess Huo Ling. The Fire Saint Monster King has come to find our principal. Can you pass a message for us and ask him to release Princess Huo Ling quickly?"

Wei Tianning had a headache. No wonder he couldn't contact Zhou Yan. This guy was really capable of causing trouble. He even dared to imprison the daughter of the Fire Saint Monster King.

"The Fire Saint Monster King came to Ziwei Academy to ask for someone." When Qian Shun heard this, he immediately became a little worried, but when he heard that the other party was just looking for Zhou Yan, he felt relieved.

"The Fire Saint Monster King has a very good attitude. He just wants Zhou Yan to be released. He has no other requirements. He also said that everything should be forgotten," Wei Tianning said.

"Don't worry, we will definitely convey this sentence." Qian Shun said.

After conveying the matter, Qian Shun and others returned to the entrance of the Divine Treasure and told Zhou Yan the matter. Although they didn't know whether Zhou Yan could hear it, they conveyed the words anyway.

Zhou Yan did hear it, but Zhou Yan ignored it. However, Zhou Yan still asked Diao Chan to go to the territory and release the girl.

When Diao Chan unlocked the confinement in the room, she found that the fire spirit Saintess was still calm. After all, she had been locked up for two months and had figured out everything she needed to figure out.

Princess Huoling didn't cry or make a fuss. After releasing the restraint, she asked Diao Chan, "Is there anything to eat? I'm hungry."

"Okay, I'll get people ready to go." Diao Chan looked at Princess Huo Ling and wondered why it was so different from what Zhou Yan described.

Princess Huo Ling didn't cry or make a fuss, nor did she say anything about seeking death. She ate all kinds of delicacies calmly.

After eating and drinking, Diao Chan asked, "I plan to send someone to take you back to Beast World. When do you want to go back?"

After hearing this, Princess Huoling replied: "I don't want to go back. I want Zhou Yan to take me back in person."

"He can't come out now because he has something to do." Diao Chan replied.

"It's okay. When will he come out and why will I go back? Is it okay to live here?" Princess Fire Spirit asked with a wink.

"Okay, you can stay as long as you want." Diao Chan didn't care and sent a few people to follow Princess Huo Ling's arrangements. Diao Chan didn't mean that she loved you as Princess Huo Ling, but she was just worried that Princess Huo Ling was not familiar with the territory. .

Princess Huoling didn't refuse. It was quite a big place and she really wanted to walk around.

However, Princess Huo Ling also started communicating with her father, and using Monster Race's unique method, a mirror-like picture appeared in front of Huo Ling'er's eyes, which was the face of the Fire Saint Monster King.

"Father," Huo Ling'er said.

"Ling'er, are you okay?" Fire Saint Monster King asked.

"It's okay. I've figured out a lot during this period. I'd like to thank my father for helping me solve all kinds of troubles." Huo Ling'er said.

Fire Saint Monster King was a little surprised when he heard this. Is this still his daughter?

He actually said these words?

What did Zhou Yan do to his daughter?

However, why am I still a little happy?

"Ling'er, father is here to take you home." Fire Saint Monster King said.

"Father, no, I will ask Zhou Yan to take me back in person. I am fine here now. Don't worry, I don't want to go back." Huo Ling'er said.

"Don't want to come back?" Fire Saint Monster King thought Huo Ling'er was being coerced, but after asking carefully, it was true that Huo Ling'er didn't want to go back.

After thinking about it, Fire Saint Monster King said: "In that case, when you want to come back, just tell your father."

"Okay, father." Huo Ling'er ended the call and wandered around Zhou Yan's territory.

The more I wander around, the more shocked I am. Not only are there various Apex Level buildings, but the territory is also so huge. The key is that there are many strong people here.

There are also many races, elves, dwarves, Demon Race, Shadow Race, Ghost Race, Monster Race...

Huo Ling'er even entered various strange copies and practice spaces in the territory to experience it. He was shocked that these buildings were too powerful.

Moreover, there are many strong men in Zhou Yan's territory. Huo Ling'er doesn't know how many strong men there are.

Huo Ling'er was not qualified to enter some very important buildings, such as the [Heaven and Earth Library].

Huo Ling'er didn't care, and just started playing around in the territory. Without the unruly and willful Huo Ling'er, he was not annoying at all.

He even became friends with Si Teng, Hua Yuerong, Zhao Min, Xiao Zhao and others, and learned more about Zhou Yan from them.

On the other side, Zhou Yan is still fighting against his inner demons in the Divine Treasure space.

Time flies, the new year has arrived, and the entire territory is decorated with lights and colors, full of festive atmosphere.

Although Zhou Yan was not in the territory, the territory was still very lively. This was the second New Year celebration in the territory, and the entire territory was full of New Year flavor.

This year's New Year's Eve event was held again. Even without Zhou Yan, the territory still won first place, and there was no need for Zhou Yan to redeem rewards. Diao Chan, as the mistress of the territory, could redeem various rewards on Zhou Yan's behalf.

In the first year, Zhou Yan even captured a Nian beast in the territory, and it is still in the territory helping to plant various crops in the territory.

Its function is to bring good luck to the territory.

For this reason, Diao Chan captured another Nian beast at the level of a mythical beast and brought it to the territory. The two Nian beasts now have a companion and will not be too lonely.

Huo Ling'er still didn't leave the territory and lived the first year of his life.

There is no such thing as celebrating the New Year in Beast World. For Monster Race like them, celebrating the New Year does not mean much.

Huo Ling'er's gains in Zhou Yan's territory are still great, and his realm has been promoted to the Eightieth Layer.

Moreover, she has become very familiar with Diao Chan and the others, and they all treat her like sisters.

And every one or two months, she would bring news to her father, telling him that everything was fine with her.

The Fire Saint Monster King who was far away in Beast World was very pleased after hearing this, and then said to Uncle He: "Uncle He, I can no longer suppress the power in my body, I am afraid I will Ascension."

"Are you still worried about Princess Huo Ling? Don't worry, I will definitely protect Princess Huo Ling." He Qing said.

"I was still worried that she would be in danger after I left. However, seeing that she is living well in Zhou Yan's territory and her strength is improving rapidly, I don't have too many wishes anymore."

The Fire Saint Monster King looked at He Qing and said, "I have decided to pass on the position of the next Monster King to you, and only you are the most suitable."

"I never thought about becoming the Monster King. I think Princess Fire Spirit is the most suitable person to inherit your position." He Qing said quickly.

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