Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 856, Refining The False Divine Weapon

Zhou Yan left the principal's office, returned to the territory, and took out all the materials Wu Qingfeng gave him. These materials were all good things.

All are eight-star and nine-star materials.

Zhou Yan doesn't need to know where Wu Qingfeng got these materials, nor does he need to know who asked him to deal with those forces.

Just take it if you have the money.

The value of these materials has exceeded 100 trillion. If there are still such valuable materials in the future, Zhou Yan will definitely be able to take the territory further.

Zhou Yan returned to the territory and held a meeting with the territory's senior management. The meeting lasted for six hours.

Having planned the next stage of things and successfully set his goals in other worlds, Zhou Yan is ready to go to other worlds.

But not now. Before that, everyone should prepare.

After Zhou Yan finished the meeting, he also saw Huo Ling'er and said in surprise: "You are still in the territory."

"I'm waiting for you to send me back to my father," Huo Ling'er replied. He was not unruly or willful, nor was he desperate for life or death.

This character made Zhou Yan feel a little confused as to whether this girl was really Huo Ling'er.

After hearing what Huo Ling'er said, Zhou Yan was surprised and asked, "You want me to take you back to your father?"

"Yes, can't you do it?" Huo Ling'er asked.

"It's really impossible. Don't you know where your father is?" Zhou Yan asked curiously.

"I can't do it. Are you kidding me? My father is still fine in Beast World, isn't he?" Huo Ling'er replied.

Zhou Yan understood that Huo Ling'er didn't know that her father had already entered the Ascension God Realm.

"It really can't be done. Your father is in the Ascension God Realm. You want me to send you to heaven?"

Zhou Yan still told Huo Ling'er about the Fire Saint Monster King. She would have to know about it sooner or later.

"What! My father Ascension..."

Huo Ling'er was really shocked and said: "It's impossible. How could my father be in the Ascension God Realm? How could he have the heart to leave me behind..."

After Huo Ling'er heard the news, her eyes turned red, and she obviously couldn't accept it. Her father was her only support and her only relative.

Now even her father has entered the Ascension God Realm, which caused Huo Ling'er's fragile mind to collapse.

Zhou Yan decided to tell Huo Ling'er that the Fire Saint Monster King had been suppressing the realm, letting her know that the Fire Saint Monster King had stayed in the Beast World for more than a hundred years for her.

After Huo Ling'er heard this, she left here crying. Zhou Yan was naturally not worried about anything happening to her here. She could stay if she wanted to, and if she wanted to leave, he could send someone to take her back to Beast World.

If a person is imprisoned by her, she must send the person back to the Beast World safely. This is the principle of his life.

Zhou Yan later dealt with some important matters in the territory. A few days later, Zhou Yan came to [Cultivation Secret Realm], took out the Divine Weapon Jade Cauldron, and refined it.

The current level of [Cultivation Secret Realm] has reached full level, and the ratio with the outside world has reached 100:1.

If you stay inside for a hundred days, only one day will pass outside.

Zhou Yan now has enough time to refine this Divine Weapon.

Refining the Soul Formation device is not a small thing, nor is it a quick thing, it takes a long time.

Fortunately, this Divine Weapon has already recognized him as its master, which is several times faster than those Divine Weapons that have to forcefully recognize him as its master.

Zhou Yan began to refine it, and the powerful spiritual power and Primordial Origin yin and yang divine power wrapped up the Divine Weapon.

The Divine Weapon burst out with milky white divine light, filled with divine light. The entire Secret Realm of cultivation was filled with an extremely mysterious divine light.

As Zhou Yan began to refine the Divine Weapon, Zhou Yan finally knew its name.

This Divine Weapon jade tripod is called [Suppressing God tripod]!

This [God-Suppressing Cauldron] was brought out from a mysterious place unintentionally by Haotian. At that time, Haotian was already a powerful person in the divine realm.

In that ancient era, there were not many powerful gods in the lower realm. That place was very mysterious and dangerous. Even Haotian almost lost his life there.

Because the place Haotian entered was a place left over from the ancient times. Before the ancient times, there was no so-called divine realm.

The God Realm was only formed at the end of the ancient times. As for why the God Realm was created, Haotian did not give the reason. If Zhou Yan wants to know, he can go to the [Heaven and Earth Library] to check it himself.

But Zhou Yan is not free now. Whether he will remember this in the future depends on his mood.

The [God-Suppressing Cauldron] is a Divine Weapon left over from the Mythical period. It possesses incredible divine power, but without its recognition, Haotian has no idea what specific power this [God-Suppressing Cauldron] has.

Zhou Yan doesn't know yet. He only knows that the name of this cauldron is [Suppressing God Cauldron]. Only after it is completely refined can he know whether it is "male or female" and what functions it can have.

Time is like running water, and the years disappear in a blink of an eye.

[Suppressing Divine Cauldron] was slowly refined by Zhou Yan's Primordial Origin Yin and Yang power. After such a long period of refining, Zhou Yan finally fully mastered this Divine Weapon.

This is a very powerful Divine Weapon that can be used both offensively and defensively.

Even a true god can suppress it!

This [God-Suppressing Cauldron] is extremely powerful. After Zhou Yan got this Divine Weapon, his combat power increased a lot again. This is Zhou Yan's trump card.

"I don't know how long it has been." Zhou Yan put away the [Suppressing God Cauldron], left the Secret Realm, and returned to his territory.

Looking at the time, Zhou Yan didn't expect that he had been in there for almost five days, which was more than four hundred days.

"As expected of the Divine Weapon!" It is indeed difficult to refine the Soul Formation weapon. Likewise, the benefits obtained are also great. At this time, with the Divine Weapon protecting his body, his strength is a bit stronger.

Zhou Yan inspected the territory again and found that everything was fine in the territory and that High Level materials were being mined somewhere in the Lord's Continent of Myriad Worlds.

Zhou Yan found that he had a lot of messages, all of which were messages from many companies in Canglan Continent about making deals with him.

Zhou Yan didn't have much to do now, so he asked them to prepare the things and send them to him directly.

As each company began to prepare things, Zhou Yan once again purchased a large amount of materials from them.

The buildings in the territory have been rapidly upgraded, but these materials are still far from enough for the current territory.

The current level of the territory has only reached level ninety-three. The further you go, the more difficult it will be to upgrade the territory.

Zhou Yan's own realm has only reached the Ninety-Fifth Layer Heaven. He is short of the Fifth Layer Heaven and he has cultivated to the demigod realm.

After settling matters in the territory, Zhou Yan planned to choose a good and auspicious day to start attacking the ancient dynasty.

The first time he started to take revenge against forces in other worlds, Zhou Yan must have used it personally.

After looking at the calendar, Zhou Yan found that next week was a good day to kill people, so Zhou Yan was planning to do it next week.

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