Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 864, Reactions From All Parties

There are many other dynasty forces around the ancient dynasty. At first, they thought that this battle would end soon. After all, the strength of the ancient dynasty lies here.

They were really shocked that a lord force dared to attack the ancient dynasty.

The forces adjacent to the ancient dynasty immediately sent a large number of powerful people to investigate the situation, and the results surprised them.

This territory is too big, and the opponent is well prepared, and the attack is really powerful. One attack can destroy the city's formation, and other attacks can kill all the strong men in the city. .

"What kind of attack is this? It's too powerful. Whose territory is this? Are you planning to wipe out the entire ancient dynasty?"

"This is the action of a powerful person in the divine realm. This fire dragon containing the law of fire makes me feel the feeling of death!"

"It can't be a powerful person in the divine realm. This is obviously a lot of things attacking. This is the ice phoenix containing the law of ice. That is the giant with the storm attribute. Oh my god, what is this? This is the breath of the law of space. That is The law of darkness..."

All the forces were extremely shocked. These attacks were too powerful, and each attack contained terrifying waves of destruction.

They didn't dare to get close at all, and they didn't dare to take action. Each of these attacks could make the powerful demigod fall directly.

Everyone looked at the territory above the sky and fell into deep thought. This territory was thousands of times larger than the normal territory, as if a country had descended.

They were all shocked that such a large territory could still fly in the air, like a country in the sky.

Some people wanted to fly high in the sky to see what this territory looked like. They saw that it was a territory of colorful lights.

"The territory of colored light, as well as this city wall and this moat, are really spectacular. Whose territory is this?"

"Recently, I have heard of a similar territory. It seems to be a lord in Canglan Continent. And didn't the ancient dynasty take action against such a lord some time ago?"

"You mean, this is where the other party comes for revenge."

"This is the only reasonable explanation. When people from the ancient dynasty took action against others, didn't they allow others to take revenge?"

"It seems that the Ancient Dynasty has caused a serious problem. They have always been quite arrogant. Fortunately, we don't have any hatred against such people."

These forces passed the information they obtained back to their own dynasties, and these dynasties immediately began to inquire about the people from the ancient dynasty who attacked Canglan Continent last time.

These dynasty forces quickly obtained all the information about Zhou Yan's territory. Except for the different colors, the other information was consistent with the characteristics.

The dragon-shaped city wall, the wide moat, the ability to fly, and the territory that is far larger than the average lord, all prove that this person is Zhou Yan from Canglan Continent who came to take revenge.

With such blatant revenge without any cover-up, Zhou Yan seemed to be proving to the entire Godfiend Continent that he would never let go of anyone who provoked him.

And judging from Zhou Yan's intention, it seems that he wants to wipe out the entire ancient dynasty.

A lord wanted to eliminate an ancient dynasty that had existed for hundreds of thousands of years, and it only took two years for this lord to wake up to the discovery of the territory.

This is absolutely shocking to people like them who live hundreds of thousands of years.

The speed of this development is so fast that it is difficult for them to accept it.

A territory that had only been developed for two years openly provoked a territory that had existed for hundreds of thousands of years, and even wanted to uproot this territory.

How much determination and strong self-confidence it takes to be able to do such crazy things.

"Notify everyone not to act rashly, and no one should provoke each other."

Countries surrounding the Ancient Dynasty have all issued such orders. They do not want to provoke Zhou Yan, and they all want to see if Zhou Yan can really destroy the Ancient Dynasty on his own.

And in the palace of the ancient dynasty, the current emperor of the ancient dynasty, Gu Ditian.

He is the emperor of the current ancient dynasty. He heard that a lord could not only summon territory in the Godfiend continent, but also launched an attack on his own country.

Gu Ditian scoffed. He actually wanted to fight against the entire Ancient Dynasty with just one territory. This was absolutely impossible.

Gu Ditian didn't take it seriously and said to the minister: "It's just a territory. Although you have some ability to summon the territory to the Demon God Continent, you can't even deal with a lord?"

"Your Majesty, this lord is extraordinary. He is the number one in the world in Canglan Continent. He is a powerful enemy of our ancient dynasty. It was this person who caused our people to suffer a complete defeat in Canglan Continent."

A military attache quickly stood up and said that he was mainly responsible for dealing with those hostile forces, and the Canglan Continent was just one of the worlds that the ancient dynasty dealt with.

It is impossible for a large force to not have several enemies, and this kind of conflict is very long-standing. As time goes by, no matter what the initial conflict was, the two forces have developed into a kind of feud. As long as they meet You will never make things easier for the other party.

"Oh, the number one in the world is here. Is the other person here to take revenge?" Gu Ditian thought of this person. If the other person was not the number one in the world, Gu Ditian would never remember such a person. .

"Your Majesty, the opponent's territory is very terrifying and should not be underestimated. Our people cannot summon the territory at all on the Godfiend continent, and the opponent's territory can still fly."

"According to the news, the other party has now destroyed more than ten of our cities. We cannot let the other party continue to destroy it. We must eliminate the other party."

Another minister stood up and said.

"Hmph! Since the other party dares to come and wants to destroy my country, let him know how powerful our ancient dynasty is. Who dares to fight in this battle?"

Gu Ditian did not take Zhou Yan seriously. In his opinion, using a small territory to deal with himself was really ridiculous.

"The general is willing to take command!"

"Your Majesty, the final general will definitely be able to destroy the enemy!"

"Father, I am willing to go!"

At this time, a prince stood up and said to Gu Ditian: "Your Majesty, I have always arranged matters on the Canglan Continent. I am very aware of Zhou Yan's strength."

"His strength must not be underestimated, nor should it be underestimated. This time we must bring out the strongest army in the country."

"In addition, we also need the soldiers of each lord to summon all the generals in the territory. This requires a lot of props. I hope that my father can leave this matter to me."

Gu Huangyuan, the third son of Gu Ditian, stood up and said.

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