Gu Huangyuan is definitely the smartest, most talented, and most capable person among the younger generation of Gu Dynasty.

But the struggle for power in the palace is like this. Once you fail, the other princes will add insult to injury and suppress him completely, making him unable to stand up forever, and even wishing that the other prince would die early and be reborn.

The so-called brotherhood among the royal family is nonsense. Nothing can compare with power.

In order to fight for power and profit, these princes of the ancient dynasty were willing to give up everything. As long as they could completely defeat their other brothers, they could use any means.

Gu Huangyuan failed once, and coupled with the suppression of other princes, there was no chance at all.

This incident had completely caused Gu Huangyuan to lose his confidence in this country.

"Your Highness, can I say something you don't want to hear?" Night Demon, the boss of the Ten Demons, stood up and said.

"Let's talk, anyway, I can't do anything now, I can only watch all this." Gu Huangyuan has completely given up.

"As long as we keep the green hills, we won't be afraid of running out of firewood. I think we should find a safe place to develop with peace of mind and wait until we become stronger."

Night Demon is now very sure that the entire ancient dynasty will not be able to resist Zhou Yan, and even the entire dynasty will be destroyed by Zhou Yan's powerful territory.

Because most people in the ancient dynasty were too conceited and did not put anyone in their eyes. They thought highly of themselves.

"You want me to run away from the battlefield!" Gu Huangyuan said angrily.

"Your Highness, I just want to say something conscientious. You should know that no one in the Ancient Dynasty believes in you now. According to the information I have received, Zhou Yan can fly directly to the sky above the Ancient Dynasty in at most ten days."

"At that time, the entire ancient dynasty will be destroyed by it. I don't think anyone can resist Zhou Yan. Even if he sends out an army, he has to choose a good and auspicious day."

"The whole country is going to be ruined. They are still doing these things and making so many useless things. Don't you feel uncomfortable in your heart?"

Night Demon said what he said. If Gu Huangyuan didn't leave, Night Demon would leave with nine of his people, and she would not be buried with him.

"Your Highness, no one trusts you now. I don't think we need to stay. Night Demon is right. Zhou Yan is not something that ordinary people can resist. It's better to make plans in advance." Code Whisper also said.

"Yes, Your Highness, your territory is a Mythical Level territory that is rare in history. As long as you give it enough time to develop, you will definitely have a chance for revenge. Why wait for death here." The water demon also said.

Gu Huangyuan thought about his loss of power, his father's indifference towards him, and even more so the distrustful looks from everyone.

Under multiple pressures, the resentment in Gu Huangyuan's heart became stronger and stronger, and he said: "Since they don't believe me, let them face all this by themselves."

Gu Huangyuan looked at these loyal men and said, "Are you willing to follow His Highness?"

"I am willing to follow His Highness to the death!" everyone replied.

Even the Ten Demons are willing to follow Gu Huangyuan, because Gu Huangyuan's territory is a Mythical Level territory that is difficult to find throughout the ages. It is not only a gold-quality territory, but also a very rare territory.

As long as such a territory does not fall, it will be a matter of time for them to become gods. In addition, the ancient dynasty still has many forces in the God Realm.

All the ten demons want in life is to become gods. '

By following Gu Huangyuan, you can not only become a god quickly, but also avoid Zhou Yan's pursuit.

Moreover, once the Ancient Emperor Yuan becomes a god, the Ten Demons will also Ascension to the God Realm together and gain protection from the gods of the Ancient Emperor Dynasty in the God Realm. This is much better than them wandering around.

"Okay, now I will gather everyone who is willing to follow me, and I will take you to the lord continent of Myriad Worlds. As for the things here, let them face it by themselves."

"Anyway, it's the same whether I'm here or not. Even if they perish, at least I can avenge them!"

After Gu Huangyuan thought it through, he immediately asked his men to make arrangements, and began to transfer all his wealth to the territory.

Gu Huangyuan planned to run away on his own, but no one in the entire palace of Gu Huangyuan felt a sense of crisis.

Zhou Yan moved forward, destroying all the cities he encountered along the way, and his core target was the imperial city of the ancient dynasty.

As Night Demon said, Zhou Yan only needed ten days to directly reach the palace of the ancient dynasty.

Two days later, the ancient dynasty held an emergency meeting again because Zhou Yan was moving too fast, heading towards the imperial city with great momentum.

And their army is still waiting for the so-called auspicious day.

Gu Ditian was also a little worried, and immediately sent Gu Huanglong to lead the army to set off immediately, and also urgently summoned all the armies of the ancient dynasty to fight back against Zhou Yan's territory.

It's a pity that no matter how many people come from the other side, it's useless. Zhou Yan kills as many as there are. Guo's place is destroyed all the way, and all the targets that can be destroyed are completely destroyed.

Three more days later, Zhou Yan's territory was already only half the distance from the ancient imperial city. Gu Ditian finally felt a hint of crisis and held an emergency meeting again to discuss what to do.

Some people think that Gu Huanglong can resist Zhou Yan, which reassures Gu Emperor that the opponent will definitely not be able to resist him. However, some people say that it is better to gather the army from all over the country to defend the imperial city.

On the sixth day, the Imperial City received news that the fourth prince Gu Huanglong and his 20 million troops had been wiped out.

"Pfft!" Gu Ditian spewed blood after hearing the news, unbelievable.

After hearing that the 20 million troops were only wiped out by a few attacks flying out of the opponent's territory, Gu Ditian finally thought of Gu Huangyuan's words.

"Summon the third prince Gu Huangyuan quickly!" Gu Ditian also felt the worries of his third son before, and then realized that what the third son said was true.

"Report! The third prince Gu Huangyuan's palace has long been deserted. Everyone disappeared two days ago. They cannot be contacted by any means." A eunuch came back to report.

"Pfft!" Upon hearing this, Gu Ditian spat out a mouthful of old blood again and fell directly on the throne.

"It's not good, call the doctor over quickly!"

"Use Spirit Medicine quickly."

"Use the recovery formation quickly!"

The entire ancient dynasty was immersed in a crisis. The entire dynasty was in panic, and many people had begun to flee the dynasty.

Gu Ditian finally regained his composure, and they began to temporarily summon the entire country's army, began to move towards the imperial city, and asked the strong men of the entire dynasty to launch a counterattack against Zhou Yan's territory.

However, these forces were in small groups and could not pose any threat to Zhou Yan's territory, and they had no effect on Zhou Yan's army.

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