Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 877, Giving An Ultimatum To Other Dynasties

Zhou Yan saw that the Dark Dynasty was doing what he wanted, so naturally he would not embarrass the other party anymore.

Zhou Yan began to issue battle ultimatums to the other five dynasties.

These five dynasties are not from the Godfiend continent, but are in other worlds. One of them is called the Netherworld Dynasty. The place it is located is called the Netherworld. It is also the imperial city that attacked Zhou Yan.

Moreover, this Nether World is very powerful, because there is only one country in the entire Nether World, the Nether Dynasty.

When the Netherworld Dynasty received the battle ultimatum from Zhou Yan's territory, the entire Netherworld Dynasty was very disdainful.

They even shouted at Zhou Yan very arrogantly, saying that there would be no return for Zhou Yan.

The Netherworld Dynasty even despised the Dark Dynasty, despised them for showing weakness to a territory, and even scolded the Dark Imperial City for being incompetent.

Anyway, the people of Netherworld Dynasty are very shy and very confident in their own strength.

They do have enough pride. After all, the entire dynasty of the other party controls a world, and the entire planet is controlled by their entire dynasty. Will they be afraid?

Zhou Yan is just a territory. Will they be afraid of Zhou Yan's mere territory?

The power of the entire planet is under the control of the Nether Dynasty. They are not afraid of Zhou Yan at all, and they have mobilized countless troops to get rid of Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan saw that this Netherworld Dynasty was not afraid of death, so he would help them and then destroy them first.

Zhou Yan has already given the Netherworld Dynasty a chance, but they don't appreciate it, so don't blame yourself.

However, the other four dynasties also made the same choice as the Dark Dynasty. They all chose to negotiate.

These four dynasties were in four worlds. Because they were far apart, they all negotiated through long-distance calls.

The strength of the four dynasties is similar to that of the Dark Dynasty and the Ancient Dynasty, and two of them are even weaker than the two dynasties.

Faced with Zhou Yan's request, they naturally tried their best to get it.

Zhou Yan was negotiating with them every day. Anyway, after the ancient dynasty was eliminated, if they did not agree to his request, Zhou Yan would threaten them that their next target would be them.

Under Zhou Yan's threat, two dynasties took the lead in agreeing to Zhou Yan's request, apologized to Zhou Yan to the entire Lord Continent, and were willing to accept Zhou Yan's compensation request.

When the Dark Dynasty heard that other dynasties were showing weakness towards Zhou Yan, they were happy.

At least they weren't the only ones, they had a brother in trouble.

Because of this, everyone in the Dark Dynasty was in a better mood.

But they still resented Zhou Yan very much. Because of Zhou Yan, the taxes of the entire Dark Dynasty increased a lot, and they also recycled various materials from the lords of the entire Dark Dynasty.

Moreover, the Dark Dynasty is still under the banner of saving the country.

The Dark Dynasty is relatively united, and many people voluntarily contribute a lot of precious materials to the Dynasty.

Because of this, the pressure on the Dark Dynasty is not so great. It is precisely because of the help of so many patriots that they have been relieved of a lot of burden.

Unfortunately, these things need to be used to compensate Zhou Yan.

As Zhou Yan's process of eliminating the ancient dynasty became faster and faster, the remaining two dynasties finally agreed to Zhou Yan's request.

Zhou Yan quickly received the first compensation materials provided by the four dynasties.

There are many of these things, and Zhou Yan's territory has become more prosperous because of these resources.

Four of the five dynasties chose to compromise, and only the Nether Dynasty chose to go to war with Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan also said that after the affairs of the Ancient Dynasty are over, the Nether Dynasty will be next.

Zhou Yan also specifically checked about the Netherworld Dynasty, only to discover that this dynasty seemed to rule a planet, but at this moment it also encountered resistance from many people at the bottom.

Because this dynasty is too decadent and does not consider the interests of the people at the bottom at all. This dynasty has come to an end. Even if Zhou Yan does not take action, sooner or later a rebellion will break out.

Zhou Yan happened to take advantage of the opportunity when an uprising broke out in the Netherworld.

As time went by, Zhou Yan's territory had almost ended its attack on the ancient dynasty.

Zhou Yan collected all the wealth of the entire ancient dynasty, and then returned to Canglan Continent to repair it.

After he finished repairing it, it was time to attack the Netherworld Dynasty.

Everyone in Lord Continent is waiting for the moment when Zhou Yan attacks the Netherworld Dynasty.

The Netherworld Dynasty was already prepared to wait for the moment Zhou Yan arrived.

But in the entire Netherworld, there are countless people waiting for Zhou Yan's arrival. They are all low-level members of the Netherworld Dynasty. They hope that Zhou Yan will arrive earlier and overthrow this decaying imperial city earlier.

The entire lower-level personnel of the Netherworld Dynasty are waiting for the moment of the outbreak. As long as Zhou Yan comes to attack, they will help.

I'm afraid even Zhou Yan himself won't know about this.

As for the Ancient Dynasty, after Zhou Yan left the Godfiend Continent, the original territory of the Ancient Dynasty completely became a land without one.

The surrounding countries have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

They sent their troops one after another and began to occupy the original territory of the ancient dynasty.

However, after the occupation was completed, conflicts broke out between these countries, because some places in the ancient dynasty had very rich resources. Although Zhou Yan took away some of them, there were still many that were not excavated.

These resource-rich places have become a must-win among these dynasties.

As a result, a war over territory began. The original reason for this was because of Zhou Yan. If it weren't for this, the ancient dynasty would not have been destroyed, and there would be nothing to do with them.

But Zhou Yan destroyed the ancient dynasty, but he didn't want the territory and just walked away. These dynasties would not let go of such a huge piece of cake.

More than a dozen countries once again launched a war on the original territory of the ancient dynasty. As the battle became more and more intense, it even triggered a huge war between two Transcendent Level empires.

After the Dark Dynasty saw everything in the place where the Ancient Dynasty was located, they were glad that they made a very wise decision.

At least their country was still intact and no war broke out in the entire country.

Although the countries around them are watching with eager eyes, as long as the Dark Dynasty is not destroyed, they will not dare to launch a war easily.

Even because of the agreement with Zhou Yan, they didn't dare to take action at all.

The Dark Dynasty will give Zhou Yan a batch of materials every month. If they start a war and the Dark Dynasty cannot hand it over, and then the Dark Dynasty will blame the country that started the war, they will definitely suffer.

No one wants to provoke people like Zhou Yan, so not only do these countries dare not start a war, they also take the initiative to send warmth and provide a lot of assistance to the Dark Dynasty, hoping that they will overcome the difficulties soon.

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