Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 884, What Kind Of Weird Thing Is This?

When Zhou Yan led countless armies and was preparing to attack the palace of the Netherworld Dynasty, the entire palace formation suddenly disappeared, and all the city gates were opened.

Zhou Yan was stunned. Is the emperor of the Netherworld intending to surrender to him?

At this time, a group of princes and nobles from the Netherworld Dynasty wearing official uniforms were walking towards Zhou Yan with white qi in their hands and smiles on their faces.

The other party was indeed about to surrender.


Damn it!

You have all been destroyed by me, why can you still laugh?

Zhou Yan was speechless. Whether it was a country in modern society or an ancient country, there would be no shortage of traitors in every dynasty.

Of course, every country and every era will not lack heroes like Abot who have the courage to sacrifice.

Although he was an enemy, Zhou Yan respected him. At least he died in a dignified manner on the battlefield.

Instead of being like these guys, these people surrendered before he started fighting without even resisting.

Although resisting would lead to the same fate, at least Zhou Yan would not despise them.

Zhou Yan also stepped forward with a smile. Everyone had surrendered, so Zhou Yan had to accept it.

"Are you planning to accept them?" Ye Bufan asked.

"You are wrong, I just accept their surrender." Zhou Yan replied with a smile.

Ye Bufan naturally knew Zhou Yan's character. Even he despised people like this, let alone Zhou Yan. These guys' wishful thinking was indeed very good. Unfortunately, Zhou Yan would not let them go.

"Welcome Lord Zhou Yan, we surrender. Whatever your needs are, we will definitely comply with them."

"God above, thank you for coming to rescue us. You are so great."

"We very much welcome your arrival. The entire palace agrees to surrender. We hope you can accept our surrender."

"All of this is because the emperor Godwin Neil wants to go against you. We have tried our best to persuade him not to be your enemy. Unfortunately, this Godwin Neil is not only cruel and unkind, but also killed many loyal ministers who advised him."

Godwin Neil killed some ministers, but those people were officials who had corrupted the war, and they were the ones who were pushed out as scapegoats.

Zhou Yan looked at the faces of these people with disgust and said lightly: "I accept your surrender."

"Great, I knew you were a kind lord."

"Praise you, you are not only great, but also very powerful. You are like the sun in the sky, guiding us in the direction we are going."

"We will definitely help you rectify the entire Netherworld Dynasty. I hope you don't refuse. We are very enthusiastic to help you."

Zhou Yan asked his soldiers to accept the surrender of the entire Nether Dynasty soldiers, took them all aside, and then waved his hand.

A group of soldiers walked towards the ministers of the Netherworld Dynasty and pulled them away.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing? Lord Zhou Yan, didn't you accept our surrender? What are you going to do?"

"We have surrendered, you can't kill us."

"We still have a use, please let us go."

"We have countless wealth, and we will give it all to you. My wives and concubines are all very beautiful, and I have several daughters, which I can give to you. Please let me go."

Zhou Yan looked at them coldly and said, "I accepted your surrender, but I didn't say I wouldn't kill you."

"As a cruel and cruel lord, I am honored that you can die under the butcher knife of my soldiers."

"No, no, no, I am Godwin Potter, and my royal brother is Godwin Neil. You cannot kill me." Godwin Potter said quickly.

Zhou Yan even said coldly: "We can't keep people like you. If you dare to betray your brothers, it's a waste of air to keep you."

Ye Bufan also said: "Before, this guy said that he would give up his wife and daughter, but he is actually a relative of the emperor. It really opened my eyes."

Upon hearing this, Godwin Potter quickly said: "Lord, if you don't like women, I still have many male favorites in my family. If you want them, I can help you find them throughout the Netherworld Empire."

When the people around heard this, everyone was stunned: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノΣ(っ°Д°;)っo(゚Д゚)っ! (°Д°)

What the hell is this weird?

To be able to say such a thing, is this Godwin Potter a human being?

There is such a hobby.

"Damn it! Drag this guy away quickly. Don't let me see him again. This is really eye-catching."

Zhou Yan quickly said to his soldiers.

"Lord, as long as you let me go, even if I need to contribute, I am absolutely willing." Godwin Potter continued.


Ye Bufan couldn't help but want to vomit. Is this really a human being?


The soldier couldn't help it anymore and cut him down with a knife.

Zhou Yan said with great disgust: "Throw it out to feed the dogs, throw it away quickly."

Zhou Yan looked at the others again and continued: "Damn it! Kill these people quickly and throw them away."

"Lord, we are not Godwin Potter, we..."

Puff puff! ! !

As a group of ministers of the Netherworld Dynasty all had their heads chopped off by Zhou Yan, Zhou Yan continued the soldiers to gather the Forbidden Army of the Netherworld Dynasty, and Zhou Yan led the remaining soldiers into the Netherworld Palace.

There were people who surrendered along the way. These people were naturally taken over by Zhou Yan's soldiers, and Zhou Yan walked towards the palace of the Netherworld Dynasty.

In the entire hall, Godwin Neal was sitting dignifiedly on the throne. Even if he saw Zhou Yan, he was not afraid at all.

Instead, he looked at Zhou Yan with a majestic look and said, "You are Zhou Yan. I never expected that my huge dynasty would be destroyed by just one territory of yours."

"If you can take the initiative to bow your head like other imperial cities, maybe the time of destruction can be delayed." Zhou Yan said casually.

"What a joke. I, the Netherworld Dynasty, have ruled the entire Netherworld Planet for 20,000 years. How could I bow to you? Wouldn't this make our ancestors laugh?" Godwin Neil said.

"It's useless to say more. Even if the entire Netherworld Dynasty didn't have me, you wouldn't be able to exist for long. The bottom of the entire dynasty is resisting you, but you don't know it. You are really a blindfolded and ignorant emperor."

Zhou Yan looked at the other party coldly. He saw a pot of wine in front of the other party, and it was poisonous wine. If the other party wanted to commit suicide, Zhou Yan would naturally give him this chance.

"Since ancient times, I, Godwin Neil, have been a victor and a victor. Even if I die, I will die by my own hands."

After Godwin Neil finished speaking, he looked at the entire palace, then picked up the poisoned wine on the table, leaving two tears behind, and drank it in one final gulp.


The emperor of the Netherworld Dynasty, Godwin Neil, committed suicide like this.

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