The man in rich clothes and the guards around him swallowed hard, and then looked at Zhou Yan who looked indifferent, and then realized that they were not joking when they said they wanted to destroy Profound Yin Sect.

"Can you really destroy the Profound Yin Sect?" The man in Chinese clothes said with great expectation.

Zhou Yan felt the fluctuation in the other party's heart and said, "It seems that you have a big grudge against Profound Yin Sect."

"Are you sure you can eliminate the opponent?" the man in the Chinese uniform asked with great anticipation.

"It's just a Profound Yin Sect. How difficult is it to destroy it?" Zhou Yan answered confidently.

"Bang!" The man in Chinese clothing knelt down directly towards Zhou Yan. He raised his hands to Zhou Yan very respectfully and said seriously, "If Immortal Master can really destroy Profound Yin Sect, I will do my best to help."

"Your Highness!" The surrounding guards were surprised when they saw the man in fine clothes kneeling down for someone else. However, after thinking about Zhou Yan's strength, they felt that the other party was indeed enough to make His Highness kneel down.

"Aren't you afraid that I will fail? You are too trusting of others." Zhou Yan looked at the other party without any concern.

"I, Zhang Hua, am willing to make a bet, but does Immortal Master know anything about Profound Yin Sect?" Zhang Hua looked at Zhou Yan.

"They are just a few old guys at the peak of demigods who know so much about what they are doing. They can be destroyed easily." Zhou Yan said with great disdain.

Just a few peak demigods...

Zhang Hua and the surrounding guards were speechless. The other party's tone was too loud.

If it weren't for Zhou Yan's previous tricks that let them know that Zhou Yan was indeed very powerful, they would have definitely thought that Zhou Yan was bragging.

"I am the eldest prince of Luoyun Kingdom, Zhang Hua. If Immortal Master is absolutely sure, I am willing to give my full support." Zhang Hua replied.

"You should get up first. I don't need your help, and it's not necessary. It's just a Xuanyin Temple. I am enough. You should be protected by Profound Yin Sect. Why are you still thinking about destroying Xuanyin Temple? Woolen cloth?"

Zhou Yan didn't know what bad things Xuanyin Palace had done to these affiliated countries, and he didn't know how to do anything about human affairs.

Zhang Hua stood up, and then replied to Zhou Yan: "Xuanyin Palace has indeed protected our countries for countless years. We were indeed very grateful to Xuanyin Palace in the past."

"But as time goes by, Xuanyin Temple's oppression of our countries has become more and more serious, and it is no longer what it was before."

"The resources they require from us are increasing year by year. More than half of our entire country's annual fiscal revenue must be handed over to them."

"And they are not satisfied yet and want to increase the amount. This is really unsupportable for countries like us."

"Several countries have had to increase taxes on their people because of the oppression of Xuanyin Palace, but they are facing resistance from the entire people, and they have begun to resist."

"Two countries have already been destroyed because of the uprising of the people, but this is of no consequence to Xuanyin Palace. Anyway, the new country still has to hand over enough wealth."

"Otherwise they will be eliminated by the people of Xuanyin Palace. A newly appointed emperor has already been destroyed by the people of Xuanyin Palace because he was dissatisfied. Up and down, the entire imperial city is full of freshness."

"Hundreds of thousands of soldiers were slaughtered like this, and the entire imperial city was looted. It really makes people dare not speak out!"

Listening to Zhang Hua's words, Zhou Yan was indeed surprised. This Profound Yin Sect was indeed not a good person, and he would actually do such a thing.

"You are the eldest prince of Luoyun Kingdom, so you are probably afraid of this fate." Zhou Yan looked at the other party.

"Although I want to resist, I also know the consequences of resisting. But if I don't resist, I'm afraid the entire country will be destroyed sooner or later."

"The people in Xuanyin Palace don't care about the life and death of our countries, let alone the well-being of the people in our countries."

Zhang Hua also expressed his thoughts very directly.

"If Immortal Master is free, why not move to Luoyun Kingdom to settle down? In a few days, the people from Xuanyin Palace will come to our Luoyun Kingdom to collect tribute. Then you will know what these people look like."

Zhang Hua made a very sincere invitation, but the implication was very clear that he wanted Zhou Yan to help.

"Okay, let me see how your current situation is in Luoyun Country." Zhou Yan nodded.

"Thank you Immortal Master. I wonder what the name of Immortal Master is?" Zhang Hua asked quickly.

"Zhou Yan." Zhou Yan replied.

"In which direction are you leaving? Let me take you away. You are walking too slowly." Zhou Yan asked.

"Thank you Immortal Master, you can reach it by flying straight from here." Zhang Hua replied quickly.

The next second, Zhang Hua and the many guards felt themselves flying in the air. Zhang Hua was shocked when he looked at the mountains flashing quickly below.

In Zhang Hua's palace, it is not that there are no worshipers in the demigod realm, but there is absolutely no one among them who can fly with them so easily like Zhou Yan.

"Is that the imperial palace of your Izumo Kingdom?" Zhou Yan asked.

"So fast!" Zhang Hua looked at the familiar palace below and was shocked again.

If we rely on them to travel, it will take several days to get back.

But how long did it take Zhou Yan to do it? It took less than a cup of tea. This speed was indeed too fast.

"Immortal Master Zhou Yan, right here." Zhang Hua became more respectful to Zhou Yan.

'Ugh! '

The next second, Zhou Yan took Zhang Hua and others away from the sky again. When he opened his eyes again, they were already outside the Luoyun Kingdom's palace.

Zhang Hua looked at the palace in front of him and smiled bitterly. Although the entire Luoyun Kingdom had defensive formations, it was just a joke in front of the strong.

Zhang Hua feels more and more that Zhou Yan does have profound strength, and that destroying Profound Yin Sect is not just a casual talk.

"Who is it?" The imperial guard guarding the dynasty saw someone suddenly appearing outside the imperial city and hurriedly stepped forward.

But after seeing that it was Zhang Hua, he quickly knelt down and said: "Greetings to His Highness!"

Zhang Hua nodded, and then said to Zhou Yan: "Immortal Master Zhou Yan, please."

Zhou Yan walked in calmly. Zhou Yan was now very strong in strength and realm, but he now lacked some insights and experience.

The reason why Zhou Yan came to destroy Profound Yin Sect alone this time was because he wanted to gain some insights for himself.

It is said that reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. This saying is also applicable to the journey of cultivation.

Zhou Yan now enters various worlds to increase his experience and increase his understanding of the myriad ways of heaven and earth, the various forms of the world, and the various causes and reincarnations in the world.

Otherwise, with Zhou Yan's strength, he could easily find the Xuanyin Palace and destroy it easily. There would be no need to waste time here.

But Zhou Yan did not choose to do this, and naturally he had his reasons.

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