Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 888, I Am Not The Same As Them (Third Update)

(This number is auspicious, I wish everyone is like 888 in this chapter!)

If the gods could not come down to the lower realm, I am afraid that the gods from both dynasties would have come down to destroy Zhou Yan.

Because Zhou Yan ruined their luck and destroyed the foundation of their luck.

Especially the gods of the ancient dynasty in the God Realm hated Zhou Yan even more because their entire ancient dynasty was destroyed by Zhou Yan, and now even their territory has been occupied by surrounding countries.

Although the Netherworld Dynasty also hated Zhou Yan, the Netherworld Dynasty itself had only ruled the entire planet for more than 20,000 years.

Only the gods of the Nether Dynasty royal family would hate Zhou Yan.

Prior to this, the Netherworld Dynasty had also eliminated other countries to complete its unification.

But after the Netherworld Dynasty was wiped out by Zhou Yan, the entire Netherworld Planet fell into a long-term melee and annexation. As for how it would develop, it was none of Zhou Yan's business.

But all this happened because of Zhou Yan. As Zhou Yan became stronger and stronger, he had already felt that he had an intersection with the gods of the Netherworld Dynasty in the God Realm.

As for when this intersection will happen, we can only know when Zhou Yan Ascension God Realm.

As Zhou Yan comes into contact with more people, he can feel more and more things.

This is exactly an understanding of "Tao".

This is an understanding and a perception of all things in the world.

Zhang Hua was still making miserable screams. These screams were very painful and terrible to watch.

"Such a strong spiritual power, what on earth is this?"

"When did people come here? I have been asking the Luoyun Dynasty to live here before, but they refused to do so. I want to see who can be invited to live here."

"This person made such a big noise as soon as he moved in. What does he want to do?"

"You'll know if you go in and take a look."

Several worshipers from Luoyun Kingdom walked into the courtyard one after another. After feeling the spiritual energy that was as strong as substance, they were shocked again.

"This seems to be some kind of divine object! It's really shocking. What on earth did this man come up with that actually possesses such amazing aura!"

They were both shocked and a little greedy. This kind of thing was a rare thing even in the entire Nine Heavens Continent. It had a fatal temptation for them and they had to be tempted.

After a few people walked in and felt this powerful spiritual energy, they began to greedily absorb it and said: "It's too powerful. This kind of divine object is really powerful. This is just the spiritual energy that is emitted. I really don't know what it is. .”

"It's definitely not something simple. I don't know where this person comes from. He should be a new worshiper."

“With a Spirit Treasure like this, you must see it.”

"Guess, is it a treasure given to this man by the royal family of Luoyun Kingdom?"

"These treasures were not given to us, but were given to a new comer to give such a house. You must be unbalanced."

Several people had made up their minds to take away some of these treasures. They worked hard for the Luoyun Kingdom, so why not let them use them.

Several people quickly walked into the hall, and then saw Zhou Yan and Zhang Hua who were screaming in the hall.

"It turns out to be His Highness!"

Several people were surprised for a while, and then their eyes widened when they saw what was in front of Zhou Yan.

"What is that? It can't be fairy wood, right? This is something that can be made into Supreme Grade Law Treasure, but it was made into fairy wood. It's such a waste!"

"That's a divine spiritual jade. Oh my god, doesn't this guy know what he's selling? He actually used it as a stool. I'm really pissed off."

"Oh my God! That can't be the Immortal Enlightenment Tea. One leaf can make people realize the way of heaven. Damn it! How many leaves did this bastard grab? One leaf is enough to make the world go crazy. He actually regarded it as ordinary tea leaves. A whole pot..."

"This bastard must be ignorant!"

"Damn it, how could anyone waste treasure like this? They actually made a teapot out of Supreme Grade material. This material can be used to refine a fake Divine Weapon. What a damn bastard!"

"Damn it! Isn't that the fairy liquid? Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! It's actually used to make tea. How ignorant and prodigal this guy is to do such a thing!"

The more people looked at it, the more angry they became, the more they looked at it, the more shocked they became, and the more they looked at it, the more distressed they became.

Everything around Zhou Yan is a priceless treasure, a rare treasure, even a rare one for thousands of years.

But Zhou Yan treated it as an ordinary thing. How could this not make them all feel distressed and even angry?

The key is that Zhou Yan is still so young, and they immediately became angry. They really couldn't bear to see Zhou Yan wasting these treasures like this.

"Boy, do you know what your wood is made of?" the man in yellow robe asked angrily.

"Isn't it just a fairy tree?" Zhou Yan replied casually.

"Do you know that the stool is a jade stool made of divine jade?" Another purple-robed man asked.

"It's just a spiritual jade, and it's not yours. Why are you angry?" Zhou Yan still didn't care and drank his own tea.

The man in purple robe turned red and couldn't say anything.

"You actually brewed Enlightenment Fairy Tea as ordinary tea. What do you think?" Another man in white robe said angrily.

"Isn't it just the Enlightenment Fairy Tea? Isn't it very precious?" Zhou Yan said casually again.

How many people?

It is rare for the outside world to see it, even for hundreds of years. You actually have the nerve to say such a thing?

Isn't this deliberately annoying?

The man in yellow robe greedily stepped forward, and then said: "This must be the tribute that His Highness is going to give to us, but you actually enjoy it by yourself, and torture His Highness like this, why don't you hand it over quickly!"

Zhou Yan looked at the other party, and then sneered: "They say villains are brainless. Are you the kind of brainless guy who lost even his normal IQ after seeing these things?"

"I haven't learned the skill of forcibly subduing my wits, either. Why don't you think about it carefully?"

Zhou Yan was speechless. As the protagonist, was he destined to have villains with zero IQs as foils?

Well, Zhou Yan feels that he is invincible in the lower world, isn't he the so-called protagonist, there is nothing wrong with him.

Only the man in white robe came to his senses and looked at Zhou Yan carefully, unable to see the slightest fluctuation in Zhou Yan's state.

I looked at His Highness again and found that His Highness's situation at this time was very strange. After carefully sensing it, I found that the meridians in the other person's body were constantly being destroyed, reorganized, destroyed, and reorganized in a cycle.

His Highness wanted to say something, but because of the pain, he fell to the ground now and could not say anything. He looked very painful, but there was no life-threatening danger, and there were even huge benefits.

The man in white robe was very shocked. He looked at Zhou Yan who looked indifferent, and then looked at Zhou Yan who looked indifferent. He quickly ran to the side, as if to say: I am not the same as them.

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