The battle was over, and the battle was over.

In a short time, Luo Chen used up a small part of the Void Originium in his backpack and upgraded the territory to level 13, transforming it into practical combat power.

[The Philosopher's Regret] and 100,000 Oak Dolls left Luo Chen a large fortune. Even if he needed to improve the adaptability of the collapse of each type of soldiers, it would still take him a long time.

The reason for only upgrading to level 3 is for future considerations.

Luo Chen: "This part of the newly added combat power should be enough!"

Under the comfort and persuasion of the original people, the newly recruited 300 high-level Templars and 30 Firefly Knights quickly understood the current situation.

Under the arrangement of Obeis and Liuying, this group of new soldiers were incorporated into the original veteran combination.

Black Enterprise, who didn't know much about the details, frowned slightly: "Commander, won't these new recruits hold us back?"

Cecilia was a little surprised, but still explained with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone is an experienced super soldier or a natural battlefield knight."

"It only takes a little time to adapt to the battle rhythm of the territory."

Raiden Mei said softly: "Sister Enterprise came late, and helped share the work of taking care of the lord, so she may not know much about the situation in the territory."

"You can rest assured that the combat qualities of the high-level Templar and Firefly Knight will not let you down!"

High EQ: Helping to share the work of taking care of the commander.

Low EQ: Being dazzled by the commander's "beauty", he was around Luo Chen all day and had no time to understand the specific situation of the territory.

Black Enterprise looked a little embarrassed, and said seriously: "Sorry, this is my dereliction of duty. I will take on the responsibility of the secretary ship as soon as possible."

Luo Chen: "Secretary ship?"

Black Enterprise said as a matter of course: "I am the only ship girl around the commander, so I am the only one who can be the secretary ship, right?"

Luo Chen thought for a moment: "That's good, Enterprise will be the secretary in the future!"

The Honkai energy gathered in the territory, and Yutu suddenly jumped out: "What about me?"

Yutu, who has become a spirit with the stigma, is in charge of the [Star of the Gala], is proficient in efficient information transmission methods such as will, emotion, and memory, and actually performs the duties of a secretary.

Luo Chen calmly replied: "You guys go together."

"The territory will become larger and larger in the future, and one secretary is definitely not enough."

Black Enterprise agreed: "A qualified commander should have 5 secretary ships!"

Maria Naruse blinked and said with a smile: "The lord needs to govern a larger territory, 5 secretary ships are definitely not enough, there should be 5 groups!"

"We high-level Templars should occupy..."

Obeis came over expressionlessly and interrupted Maria Naruse: "If you want to be a secretary, wait until you come back, go down and scout intelligence!"

Maria Naruse changed her mentality directly and said seriously: "Understood, I'll set off now!"

The same procedure as entering the fallen world, Obeis sat in the territory and organized 10 high-level Templars and 1 Firefly Knight into a team.

Many teams stood on the city wall, saluted, and jumped directly, passing through the starry sky, and descended to the "reincarnation of the ancient gods".

Luo Chen's lord authority was activated, connecting the vision of each soldier.

With the assistance of Yutu, it was projected with memory as the carrier.

The teams separated in mid-air, and under the leadership of many heroes, they slid down in all directions like parachutes.

As the teams landed, the scenery under the starry sky was projected on the city wall in the form of "memory live broadcast" and entered the vision of the remaining troops.

"It's dark again."

"Dead, are all the void secrets like this?"

"Hey, what is that, it's so big!"

"It seems that many teams have seen it..."

"No, all teams have seen it!"

"This is... a corpse!"

After entering the starry sky, as the scout teams fell, the scene on the ground surprised everyone.

There was no land, no ocean, no mountains, forests or rivers, only a straight... corpse.

The huge body of the god, which is over 130,000 meters long, looks similar to the Donghuang human race, but he has eight arms. He lies motionless in the starry sky, with only a few wisps of void energy entering his body.

There are countless wounds on his body, deep enough to see the bones, and there is a huge crack that runs through his body from his left chest to his right waist.

In the crack,

Some unknown creatures were wriggling faintly.

Just from the remaining breath on the corpse, Luo Chen could imagine his power when he was alive: "Probably one breath, blowing down a mountain?"

Compared to this, Luo Chen was more concerned about another question.

Luo Chen looked subtle: "Wait a minute, this can't be..."

Lord's Heart: "You have found the reincarnation of the ancient god, the rune mission has been completed!"

The reincarnation of the ancient god?

Luo Chen complained: "It's really a literal 'body'?"

"I thought it would be a sealed 'survivor'."

However, what about his special reward?

Heart of the Lord: "Please search inside the 'Ancient God's reincarnation'."

"Tip: Void energy is rapidly infecting the 'Ancient God's reincarnation'. Please find the 'Ancient God's Heart' as soon as possible. If the time is exceeded, the Ancient God's reincarnation may be resurrected!"

Luo Chen stood up and smacked his lips: "I can't bear the resurrection of the 130,000-meter-long Ancient God's corpse."

The next moment, Luo Chen gave a new order and changed the course of action: "Tianhuo, you are the fastest, go to the head of the Ancient God's corpse to check the density of void monsters."

"Wan Liya immediately left the team and went to the heart of the Ancient God's corpse, and by the way, check whether there is an extremely active supernormal energy body."

"Liadrien, Cecilia, you are responsible for the Dantian position of the Ancient God's corpse, and report any abnormalities immediately!"

Necessary exploration is indispensable. The "Ancient God's Heart" refers to the life core of the Ancient God, not just a simple physiological heart organ.

Many heroes: "Yes!"

They all left the team and headed towards the direction indicated by Luo Chen.

This was just the beginning. Luo Chen continued to issue instructions: "All teams, execute the third plan, find a suitable place, and bury all the Houkai source stones in your backpack!"

Compared to the precious void source stones, the output of Houkai energy is a bit low, but there are still other ways to supplement it.

Therefore, Luo Chen used Houkai energy as a natural disaster weapon.

Even if it gets out of control, it doesn't matter. This is not the ancient country of Donghuang. Luo Chen can run away directly without hesitation.

Many teams responded: "Yes!"

On the city wall, Luo Chen consumed another wave of source stones, upgraded all the defense towers to level 13 together, and then drove the territory slowly down.

Like a demon lord from the sky, the heavy alien invader broke through the starry sky and descended into the secret realm.

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