The first day of the trial should not be too dangerous. Now with your help, I have full confidence to get a good result."

"It's just..." Luo Chen looked at Raiden Mei and asked with some concern, "Mei, there will definitely be blood as usual, and it will be quite cruel. You have to be mentally prepared."

Although Raiden Mei is easy to capture at this time and has already reached adulthood, and now it is also a disguised graduation, but she grew up in a peaceful society. Can she have the courage to face blood?

Luo Chen expressed some concerns.

Raiden Mei's light purple eyes slightly raised, and she said lightly: "Although I have never seen blood, no matter what, I will not sit idly by and watch my home fall apart again."

"I came to the new world with the awareness of death. I will use the power given by the Lord to let these monsters sleep here forever!"

Three parts of sorrow, three parts of determination, and four parts of unyielding expression appeared on her delicate face, and suddenly a smile appeared.

If this kind of almost inhuman beauty was placed in Luo Chen's previous life, she would definitely become the goddess in the dreams of countless people.

But now, Luo Chen can only say: It's okay!

Pull up your pants.jpg!

It's nothing, living in the world of human lords for a long time, aesthetic fatigue.

Luo Chen smiled politely, his voice gentle: "There are still several hours before the first wave of monsters. Let me explain to you some key points of defending against monsters."

Lyadrin said solemnly: "Thank you, Lord!"

Luo Chen took the two people to stroll in the territory, saying: "First of all, the most important point is that the territory has and only has two fatal cores."

"That is, the entire territory and me, the lord."

Luo Chen said calmly: "If I die, the territory will be destroyed, and everything in the territory will return to the void."

"This point needs to wait until the territory and I break through the legendary level of level 100 before it can be made up."

Luo Chen didn't mind telling the two people this information. When they became subjects of the territory, Luo Chen and them were already on the same boat:

"Secondly, it is the territory as a whole. Once the entire territory is completely destroyed or completely occupied, I may be able to survive, but the people in the territory basically have no chance to start over."

"Of course, the solidity of the territory is beyond doubt. Once the situation occurs, it is impossible to destroy the entire territory in one go unless it is absolutely super-standard violence."

"At least, we don't need to worry about this during the rookie trial stage."

Lyadrin thought: "If all the buildings in the territory are destroyed, but we are still alive, does this count as the territory being completely occupied?"

Luo Chen smiled: "Under normal circumstances, if all the buildings in the territory are destroyed or occupied, it will be regarded as the territory being completely occupied."

"But, we are different!"

Luo Chen pointed to the sky, and the scene like a mirage loomed.

Mei Raiden was slightly stunned, and soon noticed several familiar landmark buildings: "Is that... Changkong City?"

Luo Chen clapped his hands and explained: "Yes, it is Changkong City."

"However, it is now illusory. If you want to turn it into reality, you still need to invest a lot of resources."

"But, no matter what, whether it is illusory or real, Changkong City is one of the buildings in the territory."

Mei Raiden's eyes lit up: "Doesn't that mean that as long as the monsters can't attack Changkong City, the territory will never be completely occupied."

Lyadrin: "In this way, we only need to protect the Lord's Great Wall. Even if it is a delay, the enemy can be dragged to death!"

Luo Chen nodded and praised: "This is a good idea."

Then, Luo Chen changed the subject: "But this is the last guarantee. I hope we can welcome a more glorious future with a complete victory!"

"I believe that with your strength, it is not difficult to do this!"

Raiden Meiyi, who has been fully strengthened, is full of confidence: "No problem!"

Liyadrin saluted seriously: "Yes, Lord!"

Next, Luo Chen took the two of them around the territory and explained the origin of the territory and the possibility of future development.

In short, it is just a big cake.

The difference is that this big cake is not false. As long as everything goes well, they will definitely eat this big cake in the future, and they will even be able to eat it.

Along the way, Luo Chen talked a lot with the two.

At the beginning

At first, he simply talked about the current situation of the territory. Later, Luo Chen naturally talked about the future development plan and direction, revealing part of it!

Territory construction, spiritual vein farming, calling heroes, recruiting soldiers, forming an army, starting a war, upgrading the territory, and even annexing the world, immortality.

Except for a few secrets, Luo Chen did not hide his thoughts and plans.

As long as the lord is honest and rewards and punishes in an orderly manner, the people will almost become the lord's supporters in a short time, and there is no need to worry about betrayal.

With such a caring people, Luo Chen has no need to be too defensive.

As long as you give your heart, you will definitely get your heart. Is there anything better in the world than this?

Looking at Luo Chen pointing at the simple and desolate territory, with a look of high spirits, Raiden Mei couldn't help but smile.

On the contrary, Liadrin seemed to remember some past events, and a trace of melancholy flashed across her face, but soon she was in high spirits.

She had done similar things before, creating a new territory from scratch and continuing the hope of the race. The conditions were much better than what she had at the beginning.

In this case, what could she worry about?

As a knight, she only needed to follow the master who suddenly gave her a new life and use the sharp blade in her hand to open up the future.

In the cabin with the doors and windows open, Luo Chen, Liadrin and Raiden Mei sat opposite each other.

After a chat, Luo Chen opened the panel of the Lord's Heart again. He did not forget that he had a talent waiting for it to use.

From the literal meaning, the "Rune Master" has more restrictions than the "War Chess Master". Certain specific tasks need to be completed before the rune can be permanently obtained.

Since both are one of the Gemini talents, they must be equivalent.

So, can Luo Chen think that "Rune" is actually more potential and more powerful than "War Chess"?

With a thought, the talent dormant in Luo Chen's body slowly started to work, combined with the unique rhythm of the endless void, and turned into a strange rune, falling in front of him.

[You get the silver rune: Treasure Bag! ]

[Treasure Bag (temporary), open the treasure bag, you can get a random precious equipment (temporary), only if you complete the 30-day rookie trial, you can own it permanently. ]

Gift equipment? Or temporary equipment...

I always feel that it doesn't match the style of the golden talent!

Luo Chen thought so and opened the rune.

[You get special equipment: Thunder Law Core (temporary)! ]

? ? ?

Luo Chen: "Wuhu, take off!"

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