Lord's Heart: "[Infinite Pyroblast Tower]·The road to evolution is open, and the current stage is the first stage."

"Based on the underlying code of [Infinite Pyroblast Tower], we are screening candidate targets for the first stage. Please choose one of the following codes to complete:

1. Small fireball; 2. Flame arrow, 3. Blood flame curse."

Luo Chen looked at the prompts listed by the Lord's Heart, combined with his own knowledge, and quickly distinguished the meaning of the three options: "Pure flame, the change of flame form and the extraordinary nature of flame."

Luo Chen thought for a moment and made a decision: "Small fireball!"

To achieve "infinity", there are two most obvious routes: a single specialized route, and a self-contained all-round route.

The end points of the two routes are similar.

But before that, different route choices will have different effects on [Infinite Pyroblast Tower].

And pure small fireballs often represent the most fundamental heat and violence of flames.

Lord's Heart: "【Infinite Pyroblast Tower】· Evolution 1, please complete the following conditions within one year:

1. 10,000 Void Source Stones (Gold), 2. Kill 10,000 hostile creatures with 【Infinite Pyroblast Tower】, 3. Collect more than 100 different types of small fireball information codes."

"Tip: Please complete the evolution requirements of each stage as soon as possible. The longer it takes to meet the requirements, the greater the consumption of the 'Heart of the Ancient God', and the lower the final evolution success rate."

Luo Chen's eyes flickered: "The first two are not a big problem, but the third one is a bit troublesome."

The essence of the finished building is a combination of characteristic information and universal energy.

Therefore, only by decomposing the finished building can the lords obtain the corresponding "information code" from it.

However, the biggest problem is that not every flame-related building can decompose the "small fireball·information code".

Moreover, the "small fireball·information code" will be repeated, and the rarer the code, the more likely it will appear in high-quality buildings.

According to the case summary in the extracurricular reference book, one hundred different types of "small fireballs·information codes" require more than 10,000 buildings of different qualities.


Luo Chen: "Fortunately, I have [Heaven and Man in Harmony], which can accurately find rare information codes."

Otherwise, Luo Chen would probably really go bankrupt.


Luo Chen stretched his body, threw 10,000 void source stones into the [Infinite Flame Explosion Tower], and turned around to walk around the territory.

He comforted the people in various ways and checked their strength progress and the running-in between the arms.

In a corner of the city wall, a large number of high-level Templar warriors were practicing secret skills.

One by one, huge psychic bodies, from the initial elliptical and bulky light balls, gradually transformed into human prototypes.

A few Templar Archons who progressed faster had almost the same appearance as humans, and there was not much difference.

Luo Chen said with great satisfaction: "Is it going to be great?"

Obeis, the commander of the high-level Templars, said calmly: "Not even close."

Luo Chen: "?"

Obeis said calmly: "The fusion of two Templars is just the beginning."

"According to the previous calculation, such a high-level Templar legion is called 'one-layer fusion', which means a legion qualified to garrison the 'first layer of the Templar'."

Luo Chen tilted his head slightly: "So, the second layer refers to the fusion of three high-level Templars?"

Obeis: "No, it's ten!"

"The once extremely glorious Unsolvable Legion, its main body refers to the Templar Legion of the ninth layer level."

Isn't it a decimal system, not a binary system?

Luo Chen looked subtle: "Now I know why the high-level Templars used to enjoy the name of 'unsolvable legion'."

The peak period of the Templar camp had nine levels, and the high-level Templars of the ninth level represented the nine-digit high-level Templars combined into one.

Such high-level Templars gathered into an army, combined with their damage-sharing characteristics, such a legion... is simply a foul!

However, it is so difficult to gather 5,000 "nine-level combined" legions.

Luo Chen frowned slightly and found a blind spot:

"There should be a heritage of accelerating the fusion of Templars in the inheritance of the Templar camp? Otherwise, relying on the accumulation of numbers alone, you can have a nine-level Templar legion, which is considered to be vast."

One of the relics of the Templar is in the ancient country of Donghuang.

What was the situation at the peak of the Templar camp? Luo Chen, who owns the Humane Library, doesn't know it yet?

However, although there are secret techniques to achieve "Temple Archon" in the Humane Library, there is no "quick way".

Akara, who leads the Templar camp, certainly dare not hide it, and it is impossible to hide it from the Humane Will.

Therefore, this "Quick Method" is most likely the core secret method passed down by word of mouth among the Holy Temple envoys.

In other words... it has been lost!

Obeis spread his hands: "Don't look at me, I died early."

"When I was alive, I wasn't even the commander of the Holy Temple Legion. How could I know this level of secret?"

Luo Chen smiled without saying a word, and it was almost written on his face "Do you think I believe it?".

Obeis: "Okay, I really don't know."

"However, I looked through the development history of the Holy Temple camp and roughly guessed something."

At her level of commander, she only needs to compare the expansion speed of the Holy Temple Legion with the situation and implementation policies of the Holy Temple at the same time.

Like big data screening, each piece of data itself has revealed a lot of information.

With his understanding of the Holy Temple camp and his own background, Obeis can basically infer the principle of the "Quick Method".

Luo Chen praised generously: "You are worthy of being the top commander known as the 'Armor of the Templar'. You are indeed an experienced veteran."

Obeis was a little helpless: "In fact, I have already told you the method."

Luo Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, and instantly reacted: "The idealistic ship girl of the Golden Fleet?"

Obeis nodded calmly: "If nothing unexpected happens, this is Uther's original development route."

"Send the Templar preachers to the invaded doomsday world to spread the way of the Templar."

"Use the tempering of the external environment, use the strict Templar creed, promote the belief of 'salvation', 'protection' and 'loyalty', and promote the new generation of Templar warriors to enter the idealistic route."

"Then use the idealistic power of holy light to replenish the soul and body, transform the minds, souls, and bodies of the Templar warriors, and make them gradually converge..."

Luo Chen was thoughtful : "Finally, use the common ideological program to pull everyone together, right?"

Obeis nodded: "If nothing unexpected happens, the 'quick success method' should take this route."

Luo Chen's face showed understanding: "The exclusive equipment of the Golden Fleet is indeed prepared for the expansion of the corps."

Obeis shook his head: "Not necessarily, the ship girl is not necessary."

"The key lies in the ideological program, that is, the Templar Creed..."

Luo Chen nodded: "Do you mean 'give your heart to the lord'?"

Obeis said calmly: "No, my suggestion is: unity of body and soul, two-pronged approach."

Luo Chen was a little confused: "Huh?"

Obeis said concisely: "I mean to teach by example."

"In short, teach while 'massaging'!"

Luo Chen: "..."

There is indeed a reason why the marriage rate of lords is so low.

You lords, you are really playing!

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