The more you go, the more you will be in trouble.

Lyadrin took the Void Origin Stone and with a little force, the Void Origin Stone shattered and turned into dots of white light that merged into her body.

A mysterious feeling came to her mind, and she focused her mind on "Honkai Energy Adaptability". With the gathering of invisible energy, she soon felt an all-round improvement.

"Honkai Energy Adaptability: LV1→LV2!"

For every level of Honkai Adaptability, the people will receive a 10% blessing, and the improvement effect is particularly obvious.

Liadrin was full of surprise: "Lord, it worked!"

Luo Chen blurted out: "Huh, it actually worked?"

Liadrin: "Uh, is there anything wrong?"

"As you can see, the Void Origin Stone has different qualities." Luo Chen explained, "The effect of white quality Void Origin Stone will be greatly weakened when used on purple and gold heroes."

Liadrin was puzzled: "This is unreasonable. The higher quality heroes have far superior comprehension and qualifications. Why must they use Void Origin Stones of the same quality or above to be promoted?"

Luo Chen smiled: "The reason is very simple. You are no longer The original you."

"When you are invited to come and become the official subjects of the territory, the rules of the territory will reconstruct the origin of your life, and to a certain extent, it will be the same level as the void life born and raised by nature."

"The low-quality void source stone is far inferior to your quality in terms of magnitude."

Liyadrin thought: "Then my success has a special meaning?"

Luo Chen nodded happily: "Yes, this proves that your body and soul are very compatible with the talent of 'Honkai Energy Adaptability'. Even if the number is small, it can promote your talent upgrade."

Even if it is not successful this time, just continue to absorb the void source stone.

Even if it is white quality void source stone, as long as the number is increased, it can also promote the upgrade of the subjects.

The void source stone itself is already the purest void energy. The quality is only the difference in quantity, not the difference in quality.

"That's good news." Liadrin grinned, "It seems that I won't be left behind by Mei."

Raiden Mei was a little embarrassed: "Thanks to the Lord's gift, I just happened to be there."

"Don't worry, even if there is no collapse, there will be other blessings." Luo Chen smiled confidently, "The territory will not give up any of its citizens."

After all, the lord is free to recruit people, and Luo Chen can completely not recruit citizens who cannot accept the blessing of the chessboard.

He is the owner of the territory and has absolute autonomy within the territory.

Luo Chen asked the two to divide the spoils. Raiden Mei only took a bracelet that added weak power, and the mace and arrows were left to Liadrin.

Raiden Mei is not good at using maces and bows, and doesn't like to use them.

With the death of the three elite monsters and the end of the monster wave, a scarlet door appeared out of thin air in the area ten meters outside the fence.

The door was slightly open, as if tempting Luo Chen to push it.

The secret door, the advanced mode of the novice trial, can also be said to be a reward.

The difference is that not everyone can take this reward.

Behind the door is the origin of today's monster wave. In most cases, they are incomplete fragments of the world, wandering in the void.

Raiden Mei and Liadrin had heard Luo Chen mention this before. They were eager to try after their first victory: "Lord, I'm in good shape now, let's go directly!"

Luo Chen nodded: "Since you are ready, let's go."

The three pushed open the wooden door. Raiden Mei walked in front with an alloy shield and gently pushed open the secret door with a long sword.


A harsh sound of a rotten wooden door being forcibly pushed open spread, and the three people looked at the secret door vigilantly.

There was no sudden attack, only a slightly smelly gas came out, and a dim, scarlet misty world appeared in front of the three people.

"Secret Realm Blood Plains!"

Raiden Meiyi, who touched the door, suddenly had such a message in her mind, and she told Luo Chen and Liadrin the message.

Luo Chen's eyes flashed with a strange and clear, and explained: "You can use what I say next as a reference, but don't take it seriously."

"As far as I know, the Blood Plains is the product of the invasion of the human world by the devils of hell. A very tragic war took place here, and the blood dyed the plains red. New grass leaves grew from the blood.

Growing out of the soil, it eventually formed the current scene. "

"On this plain, the most common monsters are the Fallen, Fallen Wizard, Spike Rats, and Zombies..."

"Among them, the Fallen Wizard that needs the most attention has the ability to resurrect the Fallen. The original Fallen were timid and cunning by nature, and would run away when they encountered dangers beyond their comprehension, just like the Goblins."

"However, the Fallen here are crazy due to the erosion of the void, and with the resurrection ability of the Fallen Wizard, it has become a bit tricky."

Raiden Mei's expression became serious, and she tightly grasped the long sword in her hand: "Lord, rest assured, I won't let you down!"

Lyadrin stroked her chest with her right hand and said seriously: "It is the duty of the knight to share the worries of the lord, and I am happy to serve you."

Luo Chen breathed a sigh of relief: "Similar situations often occur in the rookie trials, and we have already summed up the response methods in different situations."

"And with our current strength, we can try some relatively radical methods. "

Lord Luo Chen took out a heavy rubber bag from his backpack, and inside the bag was fresh, gradeless pig blood!

Liadrien: "Lord, is this a bit too risky?"

Luo Chen smiled confidently: "Don't worry, this is a special pig blood that has been accurately measured, and its range of influence will be limited to one hundred meters."

"Beyond a hundred meters, even if it is a demon with a keen sense of smell, as long as it does not exceed level 20, it is absolutely impossible to detect it!"

Under the rules of the novice trial, the monsters that appear in the endless void will never exceed level 10.

Liadrien slightly admired: "Awesome!"

Raiden Mei was a little confused and complained: "The merchants in your place actually have spare money to do this kind of research?"

Luo Chen smiled proudly: "It's not a merchant, it's a country!"

Liadrien: "It's hard to imagine how huge the human and material resources of a country are to apply complex technology to ordinary pig blood. "

After Liadrin pointed out the key, Mei Lei Dian suddenly realized and instinctively felt a little yearning.

Luo Chen smiled indifferently: "None of this is important, now let's start to attract monsters."

The bright red pig blood was poured here, and the three of them entered a state of alert.


The sound of a sonic boom suddenly sounded, and a scorching breath rushed in!

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