"Reality Distortion" is such a powerful magical power. If it is only used to increase combat power, it would be a waste.

Therefore, how to maximize the benefits of each "reality distortion" has become the most common issue discussed by Luo Chen and Obeis after night massage and exercise.

Obeis is the type who is not good at massage and night exercise, but loves to play. On the contrary, she has a lot of free time, so she has figured out many possibilities.

The way to use "reality distortion" varies from person to person.

Raiden Mei, who wants to improve her knowledge quickly, has the treatment of forcibly pouring knowledge into her mind.

Although this knowledge will disappear with the end of "reality distortion", the abilities developed using this knowledge will still leave a big impression on Raiden Mei.

This can help her develop the true power of the Herrscher of Thunder as soon as possible, even if she may not understand it very well.

Yes, this way of use is actually directly copying the working principle of the [Professional Certificate] series of props.

The second way is to directly summon the future self like Liuying.

The Firefly Knights contain a variety of high-quality forces in one, but because they are new and lack combat experience, they cannot quickly realize their potential.

If there is guidance from their future selves, the combat effectiveness of the Firefly Knights will soar rapidly in a short period of time.

Unfortunately, as the number of high-level Templars increases, the speed of accumulating military soul power is getting faster and faster, but the consumption of "distorted reality" is really amazing.

This situation basically prevents the use of the "distorted reality" ability in daily training.

So, Luo Chen arranged a shift for them based on the actual needs of many heroes and their contributions to the territory.

Last time it was Raiden Mei, this time it should have been Liadrin, but she thought she had not completed the theoretical construction, so she gave this opportunity to Liuying.

Why is there still the Holy Judge of Skyfire?

After she heard about the benefits of "reality distortion", she forced to take Liuying's car.

The Holy Judge of Skyfire said righteously: "I am not a human, I am a weapon! Aren't weapons and warriors supposed to appear together?"

Obeis was speechless.

Finally, Luo Chen agreed to the request of the Holy Judge of Skyfire after consulting Liuying because he and the Holy Judge of Skyfire were both "unlucky guys".

So, there was the joint operation of Liuying and the Holy Judge of Skyfire when they descended into the endless void.

And now, the Holy Judge of Skyfire has also paid the price for her freeloading behavior.

Luo Chen looked at the completely different Skyfire Mecha in the phantom vision and was amazed: "So, this is the correct way to open the Key of God?"

Skyfire Judge: "???"

"Hey, hey, hey, this is fake?! I was summoned by the Lord with great difficulty and gained human form, how come I changed back all of a sudden?"

Cecilia, who had the best relationship with Skyfire Judge, smiled and joked: "Who said that, the mecha is also in human form?"

Skyfire Judge rolled his eyes: "Are these two human forms the same thing?"

Obeis said calmly: "'Reality distortion' is not a miracle, it is just an imitation of a miracle. Peak technology."

"The future it manifests is just a possibility, not an absolute."

Liu Ying suggested: "How about we try it first, is this combination strong?"

Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge: "...Since we are here, let's give it a try."

Liu Ying held the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge tightly, as if she had learned it by herself, and her cold voice came out of her mouth: "Heavenly Fire Armor, combine!"

Raiden Mei slightly tilted her head: "Why is it armor?"

Luo Chen: "Maybe... the atmosphere is there?"

The next moment, a series of flaming sword qi flew out, crushing the approaching insect swarm in the blink of an eye.

A hole was torn in the dense breeding insect swarm, and a figure with flames all over his body broke through the insect swarm encirclement and started to kill crazily.

The Heavenly Fire Greatsword and the Firefly Mecha merged into one, and Liu Ying once again displayed the most familiar boxing and kicking skills.

The swift knight kicked, but burst out a flame similar to sword qi.

Countless sword qi spread out from the center of Firefly like a spell card bullet screen game.

The breeding insect swarm was like a fragile piece of white paper. Facing the attack of the flaming sword qi, it was pierced through the body by a sword before it could even react.

The deep purple collapse energy burst out at the same time, cutting off the internal circulation of the breeding insect swarm, and the insect swarm exploded and died.

Perhaps wailing and angry for their companions, several strong elite species squeezed out, hissing and blocking the front, and attacked the position of Firefly.

However, they had just flown out a few dozen meters away when they were cut down by another sword qi emitting dazzling light and torn into pieces.

Instant kill!

Cecilia: "So terrifying!"

Obeis commented: "FireflyThe compatibility with the Holy Judge of Heavenly Fire is higher than I thought."

Raiden Mei looked embarrassed: "This is good news, but the problem is..."

Lyadrin took over the conversation: "...There is only one Holy Judge of Heavenly Fire."

The strength of Firefly is a good thing, but Luo Chen hopes to discover a fighting method that brings together the Firefly Knights as a whole.

Luo Chen glanced at the new rune [War Treasure (3)] emitting dazzling light, and said calmly: "The boat will naturally straighten out when the time comes."

"At worst, I will draw a God's Key for each Firefly Knight."

Cecilia: "Holy Judge of Heavenly Fire?"

Luo Chen: "...Xuanyuan Sword."

Obeis was suddenly shocked: "Xuanyuan Sword?!"

Cecilia knew what Obeis was thinking, and explained: "It's not the Xuanyuan Sword of the fantasy system."

"To be precise, it is the God's Key of the Thousand Herrschers." "

Obeis complained: "The style dropped instantly."

Cecilia spread her hands: "How could the ancestors at that time know that there was an invincible civilization outside the world that was almost the same as Shenzhou!"

A group of people chatted, but did not relax their vigilance. The formation spread out and surrounded the breeding insect swarm.

The flames turned into flying swords of different styles and colors, carrying different flames.

The colorful magic sword can travel through the spiritual consciousness level, like an assassin who kills without leaving any traces. The breeding insect swarm with simple and rough spiritual will has no ability to find its traces.

The red and white sword of destruction symbolizes the purest violence and has the hottest temperature. In a blink of an eye, it killed the breeding insect swarms one by one. Completely melted.

The pure white sword full of hope, under the control of Liuying and the Holy Judge of Heavenly Fire, can even cut off the enemy's desire to survive and make it fall into endless despair.

Thousands of sword qi sprayed out, the flame mechas punched and kicked, and caught the Star-Breaking King Worm with a knight's flying kick!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Liuying's speed was extremely fast, leaving some afterimages in the space, and it chopped off the multi-legged limbs of the Star-Breaking King Worm with unmatched momentum.

A trace of doubt flashed across Obeis's face: "Liuying's desire to fight seems to be particularly strong?"

Luo Chen thought about it and said: "Maybe he met a mortal enemy?"

Facing Liuying supported by the Imperial Army Soul, the Star-Breaking King Worm had no ability to resist at all, and was quickly killed by Liuying in anger.

"Hiss! Hiss! "

The Star-Breaking King Bug stared at Liuying with its scarlet eyes, and was completely torn into tiny pieces in its unwillingness and madness.

The crystal coffin fell off, and Ruan Mei was still sleeping.

Heart of the Lord: "Mission accomplished!"

Luo Chen looked at the gilded red mecha on Liuying and exclaimed: "Tianhuo, don't try so hard! Trying hard is not as fast as hugging thighs!"

Everyone nodded: "That makes sense."

Tianhuo Holy Judge: "..."

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