Swish! Swish! Swish!

The golden blade with white light quietly emerged from the back of the Archon's hand, perfectly absorbing the brilliance of the spiritual energy and exerting a great effect of one plus one greater than two.

The overall shape of the blade is an isosceles triangle, with the slender top angle facing the enemy.


The platinum dragon body of the Kangjin Jiaolong came forward, and the dragon tail swung to release a huge impact force, pushing dozens of oval Archons back hundreds of meters.

After the dragon tail hit, the Kangjin Jiaolong entered a short state of stiffness.

Without any hesitation, Naruse Maria, who was already ready, raised the treasure mirror and released a golden light, which fell on the dragon tail of the Kangjin Jiaolong:

"See through the weakness!"


Several extremely fine black light spots appeared in various parts of the dragon tail. These parts are exactly the energy nodes or blood vessels and nerve nodes of the dragon tail of the Kangjin Jiaolong.

Although, compared to the huge dragon's tail, these weaknesses are extremely small.

But this is enough for the high-level Templars who have experienced countless bloody battles.

Before the "Weakness Insight" released by Naruse Maria fell on the dragon's tail, the surrounding high-level Templars had already pounced and stabbed the dragon scales of Kangjin Jiaolong with light blades.


Liadrin waved the sword and slashed at Kangjin Jiaolong. Before the sword touched the dragon scales, it felt an invisible resistance, which greatly reduced the power of the sword.

Although Kangjin Jiaolong is not good at close combat, it is a void creature with mythical blood after all. The only remaining fighting instinct made it release a defensive spell on itself at the beginning of the battle.


Kangjin Jiaolong roared, a dragon claw swept through the void, and slammed into Liadrin fiercely.


Liuying decisively transformed into the light giant mode, relying on the high health bar of the giant mode to block the dragon claw.

At the same time, the archons of the temple in the back were ready and released deadly single-target control skills at Kangjin Jiaolong.

Everyone shouted angrily: "Sin feedback!"

Thousands of golden lights enveloped Kangjin Jiaolong, completely emptying the extraordinary energy in its body.

In order to achieve this, the archons of the temple in the back paid almost all the power of holy light.

In a short period of time, it was even difficult for them to provide efficient and powerful healing methods for the frontline soldiers, and they could only rely on everyone's self-recovery ability.

Although the recovery ability of the high-level temple warriors is very strong, it is obviously not enough to face the strong attack of Kangjin Jiaolong.

Seeing this, Luo Chen frowned slightly: "When encountering a single enemy with excessive strength, the high-level Templar warriors can't suppress the battlefield as easily as usual."

"I can still find two Void Favors for building upgrades." Luo Chen thought, "Should I get a golden-quality Templar Sister?"

This time, the Void came, Luo Chen upgraded the territory to level 50.

After returning, in order to maximize the combat effectiveness of the territory, adding new golden barracks is a very good choice.

Luo Chen in the territory is planning the future in his mind.

On the front line of the battlefield, some high-level Templar warriors close to Kangjin Jiaolong quickly discovered the embarrassment of the situation.

Two high-level Templar warriors of elf origin showed their determination, resolutely turned off the damage sharing talent, and rushed to Kangjin Jiaolong:

"Take my Templar photon bullet!"


The two elf-fused Archons of the Temple exploded, catching the unprepared Kangjin Jiaolong off guard.

The eyes of the other Archons of the Temple lit up, and they followed suit, entangled with Kangjin Jiaolong at the cost of their lives.

Kangjin Jiaolong roared and slapped the Archons of the Temple one by one. Its body moved very flexibly in the defense line, trying to escape from the encirclement of the Archons of the Temple.

Whenever Kangjin Jiaolong was about to succeed, Obeis would raise the Imperial Spear, activate the Military Soul to make it temporarily lost, and automatically run back to the center of the defense ball.

Therefore, to outsiders, Kangjin Jiaolong seemed to be sick, constantly breaking through and automatically returning to the circle.

The battlefield situation stabilized as Luo Chen expected. If this situation continued, Kangjin Jiaolong would soon become Luo Chen's dish.

Luo Chen stared at the dark void outside the battlefield with some caution, and underestimated:

"Under normal circumstances, a level 99 mythical bloodline void creature can completely occupy a large area of ​​the void, equivalent to a local overlord."

"The aftermath of a battle of this scale should not attract the attention of other nearly level 100 void creatures, right?"

Obeis did not use the power of the military soul on a large scale, and did not participate in the front-line battles, just to prevent this.

Most importantly, Luo Chen and Obeis knew very well that the nearly 100-level Kangjin Jiaolong with mythical bloodline was not so easy to kill, even if all the military soul power was invested.

As time passed, several waves of void creatures noticed the movement here and surrounded them.

But their level was not high, and Obeis commanded the Firefly Knight to wipe them out.

As time passed, the Archons of the Temple once again proved their amazing endurance, using countless lives to block the Kangjin Jiaolong.

The Firefly Knight and many heroes did not slack off. When there was a gap in the Archons' encirclement ball, they would often appear here accurately and use their lives to delay the opponent's progress.

Before the void creatures had spiritual intelligence, this way of fighting with life for injury, combined with the idealistic confusion of the military soul, could be said to be their natural nemesis.

The light blade of the Temple tore out small gaps, and the power of the people's self-explosion repeatedly repelled the Kangjin Jiaolong...

Coupled with the frequent release of "sin feedback", the extraordinary energy in the Kangjin Jiaolong was continuously eliminated, forcing it to use only melee.

Under the influence of various means, although Kangjin Jiaolong was struggling hard, the scars on his body became more and more, and his breath slowly declined.

Luo Chen breathed a sigh of relief: "Finally, it's done. Fortunately, we didn't encounter a dense group of void creatures."

He looked at Kangjin Jiaolong, who was gradually heading towards defeat, with expectation, and whispered: "Don't worry, I will make good use of your relics!"

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

In an instant, the endless void shook, and the colorful morning glow-like grand scene appeared here very abruptly.

The morning glow slowly fell, and countless void energies were constrained by it, like strands of silk, woven into a void crown.

And where the crown fell was Kangjin Jiaolong!

Under the influence of the crown, the scars on Kangjin Jiaolong's body recovered quickly, and the light on the dragon claws flashed, faintly evolving towards the "five claws" direction!

"What bad luck, what bad luck!" Luo Chen slapped himself, "I have encountered such a miracle of being promoted to a boss unit?"

"Combat promotion? Could this Kangjin Jiaolong be the protagonist?!"

Even if it is the protagonist...

Luo Chen: "Today I will also destroy your myth!"

At this point, Luo Chen, who has invested so many resources, has no reason to retreat.

If there is a guarantee of resurrection, the lord who still dares not fight is definitely not an orthodox player bloodline!

Luo Chen slapped the city wall with one hand, the void source stone burned, and the territory released a strong golden light!

Luo Chen: "Robin, change the song!"

The robin, who was trying hard to sing and add buffs to the frontline soldiers, was slightly stunned and instinctively switched the song:

"(I hope there are feathers and wings)..."

Luo Chen drove the territory, like a golden meteor, and slammed into the Kangjin Jiaolong.

The territory is a human creation, the foundation of the lord system, and naturally the most solid and special final weapon!

Luo Chen: "Want to get promoted? Eat my train and hit me!"

He doesn't even have this kind of treatment!

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