In the ancient country of Donghuang, a meteor streaked across the sky.

When the light faded, Luo Chen's figure reappeared in the Sky Manor in Tianxin City.

Before Luo Chen stretched his body, an invisible distortion occurred in the space, as if a mythical giant had forced its way into the Lilliputian Country.

Even though the giant tried to restrain his movements, it still had a drastic impact on the surrounding environment.

However, Luo Chen did not panic, and stood there calmly.

Because this "mythical giant" gave him a very kind feeling, just like... a mother.

Luo Chen smiled involuntarily and said softly: "I'm fine."

It is this kind of intimacy and sense of belonging that the Endless Void can never understand that makes the Lords of Donghuang rarely betray the will of humanity and turn to the Endless Void.

On the contrary, in other countries, batches of betrayers often appear.

However, on the surface, the ancient country of Donghuang suppressed the eight directions, and secretly, the human will monitored all living beings. Although there were betrayers, they were just some minor problems and harmless.

A gentle breeze brushed across Luo Chen's cheek, and the leaves on the treetops in the courtyard rubbed and squeezed each other, making a noisy rustling sound with different frequencies.

Normal people would think it was a "coincidence of the wind", but the reality was... Luo Chen heard the muttering and soft curses of the human will.

Luo Chen was a little amused: "Don't worry, it's just that I was splashed with "black water". I just need to rest for a while."

He used the territory itself to smash the crown favored by the void and rejected the recruitment of the endless void.

However, no matter how careful Luo Chen was, the territory was still inevitably contaminated with the aura of the void containing special information.

This aura of the void, also known as the imprint of the void, has a function similar to the "Jianghu Killing Order".

If it is a life under super civilization, it is highly likely that it will not be able to expel this mark.

It also means that once a life with the mark of the void enters the endless void again, it will be captured by the will of the void, and there is a high probability that it will be hunted by a BOSS-level unit.

Under the hazy halo, inside the manor tens of thousands of meters above the sky, a continuous breeze blew slowly on Luo Chen's body, and the warmth went straight to the soul.

This is not Luo Chen's unique treatment. After returning to the lord world, every human lord who has a void mark on his body will receive the baptism of the will of humanity to remove the void mark.

At the same time, this lord will be on the list of "three good students" of the will of humanity and be blessed by the invisible luck of humanity.

If these lords achieve some remarkable achievements again, they may become the officially certified "number one player" as written on Luo Chen's attribute panel.

Generally speaking, this "cleansing" procedure takes three to five months.

Luo Chen was not afraid of death, nor was he afraid of committing suicide, but he did not want to die in vain.

Therefore, before the void mark disappeared, Luo Chen would definitely not enter the endless void.

Anyway, he now had the rune of [War Treasure (3)].

Luo Chen enjoyed the breeze from the outside to the inside, thinking calmly:

"It's not a big problem. I'll go back and screen and find a plane battlefield with low average strength but high frequency of war."

"Adapt to the atmosphere of the battlefield, and by the way, I can also harvest a wave of talent gold coins."

In the courtyard in the afternoon, the breeze blew, and the rustling of leaves sounded like a melodious symphony, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

A lord and a floating consciousness communicated in a strange way for a long time.

Until dinner time, Luo Chen waved his hand, bid farewell to the will of humanity, and chose to return to the territory.

The will of humanity is a good mother, but... the void treasure chest of Kangjin Jiaolong has not been opened yet!


Inside the territory, Luo Chen appeared on the third floor of Juxia Building.

Master Abei: "Lord, what do you want to eat today?"

Luo Chen raised his eyebrows and said in high spirits: "Almost today, fried sweet and sour pork with meteor fruit, Italian white flour pie with dreamy strawberries."

"Okay!" Master Abei responded with a smile, turned around and left, and went to the kitchen backstage to cook.

At this moment, in the third floor of Juxia Building, except for Luo Chen, there were only a dozen soldiers tasting food at various tables. The heroes of the territory happened to have their own things and were not here.

Three sisters with the same appearance took the initiative and appeared in front of Luo Chen with three different dishes before other eager people:

"Lord, can we sit here?"

Luo Chen smiled: "No problem, sit anywhere."

With the unique advantages of triplets, they left a deep impression in Luo Chen's memory.

In a sense, twins and other individuals are indeed the favorites of many lords.

However, his lordThe triplets in the field, apart from their similar appearance, have quite different personalities, talents, hobbies, tastes, etc.

It’s okay to find contrast, but they are not similar.

Luo Chen has no regrets.

After all, they are the same when the lights are off.jpg!

After chatting with the triplets’ high-level Templar for a while, Luo Chen took out the biggest gain of this trip to the void, second only to [War Treasure (3)], from the lord’s backpack while waiting for the delicious food to be served:

The void treasure chest from the Kangjin Jiaolong.

The ordinary treasure chest flashed with platinum light.

Luo Chen opened the lid of the treasure chest impatiently: “The relics of the Immortal Dragon God, here I come... eh?”

The treasure chest turned into light and dissipated, leaving a few items on the table.

Although Luo Chen has not checked the properties of these items, he can confirm that there is no trace of the breath of the "Immortal Dragon God" on these dropped items.

Luo Chen fell into deep thought: "So, I killed the wrong beast?"

"Did Kangjin Jiaolong die in vain?"

No, how could this be his fault?

Luo Chen was speechless: "Since you don't have the relics of the Immortal Dragon God, why did you go to sleep near the Ganoderma Lucidum Sea!"

The dead Kangjin Jiaolong: "Is it my fault that I found a place to sleep?"

The triplets comforted: "Don't be sad, Lord, we will kill another dragon next time we descend to the void."

"As long as we kill enough, we will definitely get the treasure you want."

Luo Chen smiled: "Haha, not that bad."

"The Void Treasure Box is a probabilistic event. Even if I am unlucky and no treasures come out, I have expected it."

"The most important thing for a lord is to be calm!"

In the somewhat exaggerated starry eyes of the triplets, Luo Chen picked up a few pieces of equipment and checked them one by one.


Golden equipment? Average attributes, average special effects, and the goods that are stored in the warehouse.

Luo Chen threw it casually, and the golden equipment flew out of the chrysanthemum downstairs and entered the shelves of an ordinary warehouse.

Golden props? Ambergris of Kangjin Jiaolong, increase the endurance of night massage exercise.

What's the use of this? He has such a great body, does he need this?

Luo Chen looked disdainful and stuffed it into the lord's backpack.

After looking at a few pieces of equipment, Luo Chen's face was a little bit tense.

What a mess, this treasure chest has a problem with the explosion rate!

Can't be calm at all!

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