The battle was over, and the battle was over.

On the third day,

Luo Chen upgraded all the buildings in the territory to level 2, recruited 10 more Templars from the Temple of Glory, and upgraded all heroes and soldiers to level 2.

The Void Originium, which was originally sufficient, disappeared like flowing water.

Before level 100, each building, hero, and soldier type needs ten times the same quality of Void Originium for each upgrade. If the high quality is not enough, you can use low quality.

If there are no more than a dozen golden Originiums produced by the territory, it would be a big problem to upgrade the 10 Templars recruited later to level 2 today.

The heroes and soldiers who have finished resting are in high spirits to welcome the upcoming enemies.

As soon as the time came, the monster appeared on the barren land very punctually.


No need to report, all heroes and soldiers saw the tall figure in the distance.

The body is more than 30 meters tall, covered with black hair, and some monkey-like faces reveal cruelty and bloodthirstiness. It runs on the ground in small steps, and the earth trembles faintly.

[Night Troll]

[Quality: Gold]

[Level: 2;]

[Talent: Troll Power;]

[Bloodline: Descendant of Titan;]

[Skills: Omitted;]

[Introduction: A troll species that inherits the bloodline of the Titans. As the best among them, it has an extremely strong physique and strength that is superior to its peers. ]

Is the troll with the bloodline of the Titans strong? Of course it is strong, but as long as it is an individual combat power, Luo Chen said it is not weak at all.

Learn about the Herrscher body with ten times the attributes!

"I told you, how can a bad guy encounter the Scourge race every day?!"

Luo Chen breathed a sigh of relief and said to Raiden Meiyi with a smile: "Meiyi, I leave it to you, the Templar will assist you."

Raiden Meiyi picked a blue weapon and a set of green armor from yesterday's spoils of war, and was eager to try: "No problem, please leave it to me!"

"I won't let it enter the territory!"

Raiden Meiyi rushed forward, lightning spread, using the weapon in her hand as the edge, slashing fiercely on the troll's thigh, penetrating the thick skin on the surface, and directly hitting the internal bone marrow.

The dark night troll with a huge attribute difference didn't react at all, roared, and his body trembled involuntarily, and fell backwards.

"So weak." Raiden Meiyi was surprised. "Its resistance to lightning is not as high as that of a green-quality swift worm?"

Luo Chen was a little amused: "It's not that the trolls are weak, but the swarm is too outrageous."

"In the future, you will know why the swarm is still a well-deserved natural disaster race in the era of the universe."

Quality is the total evaluation of a life by the lord system, including but not limited to spirituality, wisdom, potential, physique, spirit, talent, bloodline, skills and other factors.

The swift worm's score in spirituality and wisdom has been lowered, but it does not mean that their combat effectiveness as a biological weapon will be weak.

As long as the number of swarms increases, blue-quality life may not be able to replace a green-quality swift worm in the sea of ​​​​worms.

Otherwise, Luo Chen would not have called it bad luck when he saw the swarm yesterday.

Raiden Meiyi was a little puzzled, but this did not prevent her and the Templar from killing and dismembering the dark night trolls with a relaxed attitude.

Thunder covered the surface of the weapon and pierced into the eye socket of the Night Troll fiercely. A huge amount of lightning radiated out, turning its brain into a paste.

Night Troll, killed successfully!

A golden treasure chest fell to the ground.

Luo Chen opened the treasure chest impatiently: "You got the Candlelight Armor (gold), 2 Void Originium (gold)."

This is the correct way to open the novice trial!

Luo Chen was determined in his heart, and assigned the armor to Raiden Meiyi, gave her pre-war instructions, and explained the talents, bloodlines, common skills, living habits and main weaknesses of the trolls.

Afterwards, the soldiers and heroes sneaked into the secret realm, and killed the lone trolls one by one before the trolls reacted. It took only two and a half hours to strangle all 33 Night Trolls in the secret realm.

Compared with yesterday, the process was incredibly easy.

The only pity is that among the thirty-three night trolls, only four are of gold quality, and the rest are purple.

Raiden Meiyi walked out of the secret realm in high spirits and said to Luo Chen happily; "Lord, we succeeded!"

Luo Chen smiled: "Well done!"


"The three-day battle is over, and the results are being calculated..."


Battle settlement]

[Enemy: 34 Night Trolls;]

[Evaluation: A brilliant victory!]

[Basic rewards: Secret resources are obtained by yourself.]

[Winning rewards: 1. 200 Void Origin Stones (purple), 20 Void Origin Stones (gold);

2. Territory area +250, territory spirit +13;

3. Territory building·Moon Well (gold).]

[Moon Well]

[Quality: Gold;]

[Level: 1 (0/100)]

[Attributes: 1. When the moonlight begins to rise, the Moon Well absorbs the omnipresent power of the moonlight and condenses into high-quality Moon Well water with magic recovery and life recovery effects.]

[Inventory: 100/100;]

[Consumption: 5 spirits;]

[Introduction: Elune blesses you. 】


All of Luo Chen's good luck seemed to have been spent on the Well of the Moon. The remaining three golden treasure chests actually opened two identical golden materials:

[Titan Flesh and Blood]

[Quality: Gold;]

[Attributes: Contains the secret of Titan blood. The user can increase 30-50 points of physical fitness and has a slight chance of comprehending Titan secrets. The more you take, the higher your resistance. 】

Luo Chen looked at the Titan blood on his left hand and the gene meat field on his right hand, feeling a little annoyed: "Oh, it's golden material. If it was purple, I would plant it right away!"

Mass-produced golden spirit flesh is enough to make the attributes of the heroes and soldiers of the territory soar.

In addition to these two identical Titan flesh and blood, there is another trophy that makes Luo Chen laugh and cry. The quality is as high as the golden legend, and it is also a territory building, but its type makes Luo Chen laugh and cry.


[Garden Toilet]

[Quality: Gold;]

[Level: 1 (0/100)]

[Attributes: 1. A flash of inspiration, when you do physiological things here, there is a 10% chance of entering the state of enlightenment. ]

[Consumption: 5 spirits;]

[Introduction: Let's go to the toilet happily! ]


The effect is very strong, but who would practice while going to the toilet!

The human lord world has always said that the void is vast and there are all kinds of wonders, but why would this attribute and quality appear in the toilet!

God damn, go to the toilet happily, where did you get the 500-year-old little loli?

If it were a normal residential building, Luo Chen would move the bed in a minute and settle down directly for a long time without any hesitation.


Luo Chen suddenly found his blind spot and said word by word: "It is a physiological necessity!"

Luo Chen looked at Raiden Meiyi: "Meiyi, is 'mental massage' considered a physiological necessity?"

Raiden Meiyi was slightly stunned and a little embarrassed: "'Massage' that relaxes the mind and relieves stress should be considered, right?"

Luo Chen was thoughtful. He seemed to have found the correct way to use it, but it was a little bit improper.

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