The battle ended, and the results are being calculated.

"The four-day battle is over, and the results are being calculated..."

[Battle Settlement]

[Enemy: 5527 Skeletons, 1327 Zombies, 520 Ghosts;]

[Evaluation: A brilliant victory! ]

[Basic Reward: Secret Realm Resources are obtained by yourself. ]

[Winning Reward: 1. 2000 Void Origin Stones (blue), 500 Void Origin Stones (purple), 8 Collapse Origin Stones (gold);

2. Territory area +350, Territory Spirit +17;

3. Growable Equipment·Real Small Amulet (gold), Territory Specialty·Akiyama Okra (blue). 】

"Instead of a building, a growth equipment?"

Luo Chen's expression slightly changed, and the equipment in his backpack instantly moved to his hand: an ancient amulet with nine suns painted on it.


[Real Small Amulet]

[Quality: Gold;]

[Level: Level 1;]

[Attributes: 1. Real damage, each of your attacks will carry 10% penetration damage, ignoring all resistances below the immortals and gods and causing 1 point of real damage;

2. World BUG, ​​each time a legendary creature is killed, 10% penetration damage and 1 point of real damage will be increased. After killing 9 legendary creatures, you can get the evolution plan of the real small amulet. 】

[Introduction: A mediocre game world accidentally captured the soul of a traverser, extracted an unknown substance from his soul, and made it.

But it is not affected by the world, and it can be called a bug that cannot be interfered with in the operation of the world. No one knows how many times it can evolve. 】


[Territory Specialty·Akiyama Okra]

[Quality: Blue;]

[Level: Same as Territory Level;]

[Attributes: 1. Perseverance. Taking this plant can obtain temporary gains·All attribute resistance +10. Long-term use has a small probability of obtaining permanent gains·All attribute resistance +1, unlimited;

2. Growing towards the sun. Taking this plant can obtain temporary gains·Constitution +30, Yang Qi +10. Long-term use has a small probability of obtaining permanent gains·Constitution +1, Yang Qi +1, unlimited. 】

[Introduction: Akiyama Okra is the best gas station for men. No man will have too much! 】


Territory specialties are not some kind of materialized seeds, but will directly record biological genes in the form of information data in the heart of the territory. As long as a small amount of source stone is spent, a large number of seeds can be exchanged from it.

Species that can be judged as territory specialties basically have similar characteristics: mass production, permanent gains, and unlimited!

The combination of these two means that the territory's specialties are not worried about selling!

Among these "not worried about selling" specialties, the most common one is permanent increase in physical fitness, followed by permanent increase in spirit, and then various detailed branch attributes, and the rarest one is the specialties that increase comprehension and refine the bones.

In some unclear legends, completing some extremely dangerous world commissions and hunting unimaginable void creatures can even obtain territory specialties that increase the affinity of the law without limit.

Therefore, any kind of territory specialty is an extremely rare treasure and is the foundation that every territory cannot deprive of.

Even if [Akiyama Aoi] is only blue quality, as time goes by, the value it can create will definitely exceed the ordinary gold quality equipment and skills.

The only problem is...

Luo Chen took out the purple [Gene Meat Field] again, with a look of pain on his face: "Are Zerg and I born incompatible?"

"Increase the strength for me on the second day of the trial, and after that, drop an unorthodox [Gene Meat Field]. If you had a proper spiritual field, I could plant Akiyama Okra today!"

Of course, Luo Chen was just talking. During the intense novice trial, no new lord would set up a spiritual field within 30 days unless the plant matured in a short time and had special benefits for the war.

Territory spirits are very precious!

Uh, except for the self-righteous idiot.

Raiden Mei looked at a loss, her steps were a little erratic, and her expression was subtle.

Luo Chen put away the spoils and asked curiously: "What happened?"

Raiden Mei was silent for a while: "I think the Honkai energy in our territory is more powerful than I thought!"

Luo Chen smiled: "This is a special situation. Without your help, it is impossible to destroy the entire Undead Secret Realm in a short time with the erosion and infection of Honkai energy alone."

After all, the territory level is too low, and the Honkai energy at this stage is

The concentration is pitifully low, and there is no power blessing like the will controller, the cocoon of the end and the major law enforcers.

If it weren't for these undead spirits that were soaked in void energy, they would not have the fear of death and the instinct to survive, but would just blindly follow the rules of the endless void.

According to the established procedures, the Honkai energy would not be able to use the dark sky to trap them all and corrode them to death.


Luo Chen smiled and said, "You are the only law enforcer in the territory. When the Honkai energy concentration rises, who else can control them except you?"

"You are the future queen of thunder and lightning!"

Hearing Luo Chen's words, Raiden Meiyi relaxed and laughed involuntarily: "Lord, I won't let you down!"

Perhaps because she had just come from the environment of school bullying, Raiden Meiyi herself may not have discovered that she had a desire to be needed and affirmed.

For those with a vacancy in their hearts, the territory is the most deadly "poison".

As long as you become a formal citizen, you will be able to experience the feeling of your heart being filled, and all the past regrets, regrets, loneliness, and unwillingness will be filled with a feeling called happiness.

This is not a deception, but after becoming a citizen, the territory will always "accompany" you.

No matter where you are, no matter if you are at the peak or lonely, the territory will never abandon you, and will always silently wait for you and support you.

Just as water will not leave fish, the sky will always favor eagles.

It is because of this that a territory will be so indestructible, and the human lord world will be so proud to be above countless races.

That night, Luo Chen let everyone rest at ease.

After midnight, he collected all the void source stones for today and placed another golden building near the cabin: the Moon Well!

With a flash of light, a well with a diameter of five meters and a simple style was completed.

The well wall is made of unknown green plants, which sparkle with green light under the reflection of the well water, as if absorbing some special substances and releasing them into the well water.

The sun, the moon, and the stars are the three most famous astrological laws. They exist no matter where you are.

Therefore, even if the moon cannot be seen in the barren plains of the novice trial, it does not prevent the moon well from absorbing the power of the moon and condensing the moon well water.

Luo Chen took a look at his void source stone reserves and the remaining spiritual grid. Without much hesitation, he directly upgraded all the territories and barracks to level three:

"Level 3 heroes, 30 level 3 templars, plus the Shenxiao Thunder Tower that can be placed at will..."

What can a mere BOSS on the fifth day of the trial do to me?

How to lose when flying dragons ride on the face.jpg!

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