The battle was won, and the battle was won.

On the 15th day of the trial, we encountered the void monster "Goblin Transformed Beast Legion", killed more than 280,000 of them, and obtained 1 gold defense tower and 3 purple defense towers.

On the 16th day of the trial, as Luo Chen expected, three Red Flame Dragon Orc Black Iron BOSS appeared, bringing tens of thousands of orcs of various types to attack the territory.

In the end, with the assistance of three heroes and a large number of defense towers, we survived the siege without any danger.

Two building upgrades and a new type of void favor were opened in the three BOSS treasure chests respectively.

[The Void's Favor]

[Quality: Gold, Others: Omitted;]

[Attributes: 1. Innate Qi, the specified type of soldiers, combined with the characteristics of the territory, automatically generate a set of exclusive equipment (growth) forging drawings;]

Although it is not used for the time being, it is indeed a good thing!

As long as the material problem is solved, the golden legend [Red Dust Forging Workshop] that was previously obtained will be put to use immediately.

Although the Void Origin Stone is a universal material, which serious lord would put the precious Void Origin Stone into the bottomless forging building!

Five hundred high-level Templar warriors are like hungry young birds, waiting to use the Void Origin Stone to improve the adaptability of the Honkai Energy.

Other skills and talents, they can rely on diligent practice to improve.

But only "Honkai Energy Adaptability" is almost impossible to improve through practice in the current low concentration of Honkai Energy in the territory.

Luo Chen's eyes flickered, and he put away this Void Favor. Looking at the remaining two Void Favors, he showed some expectation for a moment:

"Two copies came out at once, where should the second one be used?"

Raiden Meiyi was a little surprised: "Has the Lord decided which building to use the Void Favor on?"

Luo Chen's mouth corners slightly raised, and he took out a small city wall building model, with a look of relief: "Finally, our territory will finally have a city wall!"

Raiden Meiyi was slightly stunned, and said happily: "That's great!"

She knew better than anyone how much Luo Chen wanted a city wall building.

Luo Chen burst into tears, and stroked the purple city wall building as if it were a treasure: "Yes, it's really too difficult."

"Half of the rookie trial has passed, and I just hit the city wall building. This luck is really... too good!"

Under normal circumstances, even ordinary lords can hit all major categories of territory buildings in an average of about seven or eight days.

Although the quality of the territory buildings is likely to be inferior to Luo Chen's, the territory buildings that should be there are basically already there.

However, perhaps because of the existence of the territory characteristics, Hongyun Blessing seems to think that defense towers can bring greater benefits to the territory.

Therefore, for more than ten days, defense towers have emerged one after another, and the explosion rate of other types of buildings has been reduced a lot.

A few minutes later, Luo Chen's excitement was relieved, and without hesitation, he gently threw the city wall in his hand.

The purple mist surrounded the eastern edge of the territory for 100 meters, and a majestic pass like the Great Wall rose from the ground, protecting the territory behind.

The height of the city wall is only more than ten meters, even less than half of the defense tower.

But as long as there is a city wall, no matter how high or short it is, it will block all invading enemies.

Luo Chen did not look at its attributes, and directly threw a large amount of void source stones into it.

The purple city wall expanded rapidly like a living thing. Purple bricks appeared again on the broken edge of the city wall, expanding along the edge of the territory and eventually surrounding the entire territory.

The original simple fence merged with the city wall silently and disappeared.

Luo Chen was too lazy to even look at the properties of the city wall, and directly threw a golden light ball into the city wall:

Golden light overflowed, and the promotion began!

The continuous golden light gathered together, covering the entire territory in golden light.

For a moment, there was a dreamlike feeling.

[Eternal Watch]

[Type: City Wall;]

[Quality: Gold;]

[Level: 1;]

[Attributes: 1. All-round protection. No matter which direction the attack comes from, it will eventually fall on the city wall. Only by breaking the city wall can the soldiers on the city wall and the defense towers behind it be injured;

2. In the world, the territory protected by the city wall, farmland, orchards, pastures and other logistics buildings and production units will gain growth speed +50%, harvest +50% special effects, and the cultivation speed of the people will be +50%, and loyalty will be +50%.

3. Thousands

Hands and Hundred Eyes. When the city wall is attacked, each section of the city wall will produce up to one thousand hands of creation and one hundred eyes of God.

The hands of creation will repair the damaged parts of the city wall, and the eyes of God will release up to seven elements of attack on the attacking enemies. 】

【Durability: 10000/10000 (the durability of each section of the city wall is calculated separately);】

【Consumption: 5 spirits. Ten void source stones (gold) are consumed for each additional hundred meters of city wall;】

【Introduction: I will calm the thunder in the ten directions of the world, and I wish the people to enjoy a beautiful dream forever. 】

The city wall is not high, but for some reason, everyone has an inexplicable awe and peace of mind in their hearts, as if a noble god has blocked all the wind and rain for everyone.

Luo Chen's face was full of joy: "There is actually a means of attack?!"

'Does this mean that the city wall can continue to become stronger after counterattacks again and again. '

One hundred eyes of God!

How fast can this territory feature be refreshed!

For a moment, Luo Chen felt like he was walking on the road and was hit by a pie falling from the sky.

Luo Chen put his arm around Raiden Mei's waist: "Let's go, to celebrate the completion of the city wall, we won't go home until we are drunk today!"

Looking at the excited Luo Chen, Raiden Mei naturally would not disturb his interest, and responded with a smile: "Okay."

"Call sister Leah and sister Naruse, I am no match for the Lord alone!"

Luo Chen agreed immediately: "Okay! The more people the better!"


With the protection of the city wall of [Eternal Watch], the safety of the high-level Templars has been greatly increased, and the defense towers have no worries anymore, pouring firepower crazily, causing fatal blows to the attacking monsters.

Since the sixteenth day of the trial, three black iron bosses will appear in the void monster tide every day.

On the 17th day of the trial, the endless frost wolf tribe and the green-skinned orcs riding on the frost wolves, one after another, shouted for the tribe and hit their heads against the city wall.

The three warlock-type orc bosses were hiding in the beast group and shooting arrows secretly.

But they were soon caught by Raiden Mei, Liadrin, and Naruse Maria.

A group of high-level templars relied on their strong physique to protect the three heroes, squeezed into the monster tide, and killed them one by one.

The 18th and 19th days of the trial were spent in this way without any danger.

The most troublesome thing was the boss on the 19th, which was three extremely large dark gold war ancient trees.

Relying on the heavy blood bar and strong recovery ability, they withstood the bombardment of the defense tower and destroyed a section of the city wall.

This was the first time that [Eternal Watch] was breached after it was built.

Today, the number of Void Favors in Luo Chen's hands has increased to eleven, all of which he has temporarily kept.

It's not that Luo Chen is reluctant to give them up, but there is no suitable carrier to use.

Luo Chen looked at the only barracks in the territory and complained:

"I can't use such precious Void Favors on a logistics building like Juxialou, right?"

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