The new game is about to start.

[Chessboard·Glorious Temple]

[Quality: Gold (to be developed);]

[Level: 6;]

[Attributes: 1. Recruit high-level Templars; 2. Invitation of Heroes,]

[Newly added·Attributes: 3. Imperial Army Soul, you can form a formal legion with high-level Templars as the main body, heroes as the center, and ten-man captains, centurions, thousand-man lieutenant generals, central army commanders, and three-army commanders as the framework.

Different numbers of legions will trigger different military soul special effects:

Basic special effect·Immortal: As long as your fighting will is not extinguished, you will be automatically immune to the fatal blows of immortal gods. Even if your physical and mental strength has been exhausted, you can still get continuous replenishment through fighting will;

1. Ten-man captain, all attributes increased by 10%. If the captain is a hero unit, the soldiers will get 10% of the captain's attributes;

2. Centurion, all attributes increased by 20%. If the centurion is a hero unit, the captain will get 20% of the captain's attributes, and the soldiers will get 2% of the centurion's attributes;

3. Thousand-man lieutenant, all attributes increased by 30%, the centurion will get 30% of the lieutenant's attributes, the captain will get 3%, and the soldiers will get 0.3%;

4. The main general of the central army, all attributes increased by 40%, and the increase of lieutenants and so on; the main general of the central army gets an additional special effect·Military and civilian unity.

Army and civilians are united: As long as the commander can bear it, the commander can mobilize the power of all soldiers in the legion at any time.

With the unity of the army and the people, we will surely break all disasters;

5. The commander-in-chief of the three armies, all attributes are increased by 50%, and the increase of the commander and others is similar; the commander-in-chief of the three armies obtains an additional special effect · Immortal Army Soul;

Immortal Army Soul: The temple-type soldiers commanded by the commander-in-chief, every time they stick to their beliefs, will provide 1 point of military soul power to the "chessboard·Glorious Temple".

The commander-in-chief can use different amounts of military soul power to "distort reality" to different degrees according to his own wishes! 】

[Restrictions: The thousand-man lieutenant must be a purple hero or above, the central army commander must be a gold hero or above, and the commander-in-chief of the three armies must be a commander-type hero of gold quality or above;]

[Special bonus: When the temple returns home, all the temple-type soldiers under your command will be regarded as "chess pieces" and automatically obtain a tailor-made "temple bond". 】

【Special effect: Spirit +30 (Gold 5*Level 6), Chessboard Glory Temple no longer consumes spirits, but will constantly draw void energy to provide you with abundant energy. 】

【Introduction: One of the pinnacle achievements of intelligent life forms in the path of group civilization and the path of spiritual ascension, it is a symbol of the outstanding courage of intelligent life forms and the pride of human beings!

Brave lords, lead the indomitable military spirit of the empire to appreciate the magnificent landscape of the pinnacle of the endless void! 】

[High-level Templar]

[Quality: Gold, Others: Omitted]

[Newly added: Bonds:

Fearless Temple (10): When ten (high-level) Templars go to battle together, they gain +10% Constitution, +10% Spirit, +10% All-system Resistance, +10% Recovery Speed;

Fearless Temple (100): When one hundred (high-level) Templars go to battle together, they gain +20% Constitution, +20% Spirit, +20% All-system Resistance, +20% Recovery Speed;

Fearless Temple (1000)…

And so on, unlimited! 】


Luo Chen's expression suddenly lost control, and he screamed subconsciously.

The "gold" here does not refer to the quality of the Golden Legend.

In his territory, the situation of the Golden Legend is "walking everywhere, worse than a dog"!

Luo Chen said this subconsciously, more of a sense of disbelief.

Just like the previous Hearthstone legend of five gold legends in one pack, and the Genshin God wishing pool of ten consecutive ten golds, it is close to the limit of probability, which is almost equal to impossible surprise and shock.

Luo Chen's action alarmed Raiden Mei and others. Naruse Maria rubbed her eyes and looked lazy: "Lord, I really can't eat anymore..."

Luo Chen was a little amused, but did not wake her up. He touched her hair: "You go to sleep, I will give you a surprise tomorrow."

Work is work, life is life.

Since it is agreed to be a celebration dinner, work matters will be told to everyone before tomorrow's trial.

Thinking of the meaning of "Empire Army Soul", Luo Chen's mouth corners slightly raised, and he was in a very good mood: "This is a 'miracle' that even the peak of the Holy Temple camp has never had.


"Legend has it that every lord with the military spirit of the empire, as long as he has not fallen, has almost established a dynasty, and there are many ancestor-level figures."

Luo Chen picked up a bottle of clear bright red fruit wine: "It seems that I will never have the opportunity to go to my sister's territory in this life and be a free and easy prince who eats and waits for death."

Luo Chen didn't know how the hobbies of the previous generation were developed, but he himself didn't like drinking. Occasionally, when he was in a good mood, he would just drink some fruit wine.

Just like tonight.

In the deep night, on the lightless wasteland, under the sky of the territory, a small but real glorious temple is slowly releasing gentle light.

The warm holy light fell on everyone, like a beautiful pure white gauze dress.

Quiet, distant, pure, perfect, the scene at this moment seems to be frozen into eternity Legend.

Floating inside the Hall of Heroes above the cabin, countless soul mirrors flashed together, recording every citizen and this scene in the depths of the mirror.

The legend of the Heroic Spirits shines here, and its name is "The Rise of Hegemony"!


On the second day, the strong physiques of the heroes and high-level Templars allowed them to wake up on time half an hour before the battle.

Why half an hour before the battle?

Naruse Maria yawned and said indifferently: "Isn't it just a battle to defend the city with hundreds of thousands of monsters?"

"Which high-level Templar has not fought a similar war? If anyone hasn't entered the combat state in half an hour, I will personally train her!"

Luo Chen smiled: "It's good to be confident, but you seem to underestimate yourself and your comrades."

Naruse Maria: "??? "

Is this still called underestimation?

War is a matter of national survival. If we wake up from the dream half an hour before the scene and replace a batch of new soldiers, they may not have time to get into the state, and the defense line will be directly pierced!

Even in campus sports games, athletes know that they need to spend more than ten minutes to warm up.

Maria Naruse's mouth twitched slightly: "Lord, it is a good thing that you have confidence in us, but war is not a joke."

"Arrogance and pride have ruined countless famous legions."

Luo Chen raised his mouth slightly, controlling the "Chessboard·Glorious Temple", blessing all heroes and soldiers with the Imperial Army Soul and the Temple Bond.

The next moment, Maria Naruse sat up suddenly, her face full of horror: "This, this, this..."

Luo Chen teased: "Now do you think that half an hour is enough time? "

Maria Naruse took two and a half minutes to accept this shocking news. Under Luo Chen's teasing eyes, she turned around and shouted to the many high-level Templars in the Chrysanthemum Building:

"The Lord has ordered to sleep for another 25 minutes!"

After a brief moment of confusion, the many Templars responded with surprise: "No problem!"

"Woo woo woo, I have never fought such a rich battle!"

On that day, the soldiers warmed up for five minutes and killed all the invading enemies in fifty minutes!

Luo Chen smiled gently: "This is the beginning of the empire."

In the depths of the Hall of Heroes, the soul mirrors moved together, and the words of the legend of the heroes gradually blurred, and the four words that reappeared were replaced by "The Beginning of the Empire".

This is the lord, who dominates everything in the territory!

Even if it was just Luo Chen's unintentional words, the territory would respond to his will.

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