The cracks expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Spider-web-like lines spread all over the head in just a few seconds.

Behind the cracks, increasingly dense black air floated out quickly, staining the brass fragments filled with holy breath with a breath of falling and disorder.

If the previous [Remnant of Philosophy] was a creature born from the remains of the fetus of philosophy, it still retained the glory of philosophy.

Then, now it has completely fallen to the side of the void.

Luo Chen clearly saw that on the attribute column of [Remnant of Philosophy], the original [Bloodline: Fetus of Philosophy] was transformed into [Bloodline: Remnant of Philosophy].

Luo Chen pondered for a moment: "Did you successfully interrupt its evolution ceremony?"

On the surface of more than 100,000 puppets, which were as smooth as new, there were extremely fine black lines that were slowly solidifying.

The mythical quality promotion ceremony was very rigorous, and each step was indispensable. The number of oak puppets in the ceremony had its own fixed number.

Just like a delicate and perfect instrument, any small gear error would cause the entire machine to be disabled, thus failing to promote.

Luo Chen didn't know much about [The Fetus of Philosophy]. He had only seen similar life forms in extracurricular books and posts by forum masters.

At that time, he was just joining in the fun.

But who knew that he would meet a philosophical remnant whose status was slightly inferior to that of the "Son of God" on the last day of the trial.

Although, this was just a remnant that grew from the fetus.

In the extraordinary world, knowledge is power and weight.

Therefore, the forum master did not describe the structure, power and authority of [The Fetus of Philosophy] in detail, but just shared his experience.

The whole article uses "Code X" to emphasize the strength and weakness of this kind of life, as well as the countermeasures.

At the end of the post, there is a sentence "This kind of life form is really too strong. I have lived for thousands of years, and I have only killed seven or eight of them!"

Such a high-quality post naturally received a lot of "666".

In addition to the information about [Fetus of Philosophy] in Luo Chen's memory of the previous life, combined with the knowledge of the two lives, a rough inference was made about its situation.

The development of reality also confirmed Luo Chen's inference.

Using the last bit of military soul power, plus the soldiers who sacrificed themselves and exploded, the promotion ceremony of [Remnant of Philosophy] was successfully interrupted.

Luo Chen whispered softly: "This is probably my 'luck'?"

"[Remnant of Philosophy] whose promotion ceremony was interrupted should be easier to deal with, right?"

In the distance of the battlefield, [Remnant of Philosophy] was almost completely degraded.

Only a pair of indifferent eyes like a god, watching the territory without sadness or joy, watching the more than 100,000 oak dolls.

The last holy and kind voice sounded on the barren plain: "May all the family members share the beautiful dream in the next life."

The next second, an invisible sharp blade sounded in the space, and the mysterious link was cut off.

More than 100,000 oak dolls fell to the ground, and dots of light emanated, turning into treasure chests.


Are you really dead!

Luo Chen was full of question marks: "Ha, there are also BOSS units that actively kill subordinates?"

Then, Luo Chen quickly reacted and frowned slightly: "It's unreasonable!"

Monsters trapped in the trial mechanism should not harm their own kind.

Unless, [The Remnant of Philosophy] has a certain degree of intelligence, and retains the memory of [The Fetus of Philosophy], as well as the common aspirations of the Lord's Day and more than 100,000 oak families?


Luo Chen muttered: "There seems to be no such precedent in the rookie trial, right?"

In the known public intelligence, no one has encountered such an oversized BOSS?

Oh, that's fine.

It turns out that he is "over the line"!

Just like the ignorant consciousness of a newborn will be overwhelmed by the body's 50,000 years of memory, the remnant of philosophy born from the fetus of philosophy, inheriting the will of "God's Day"...

This seems to be a very likely thing!

Combining the existing information, Luo Chen gradually sorted out his thoughts and concluded: "Because the promotion ceremony was interrupted, the remnant of philosophy could not suppress the void infection."

"Before the final fall, it sent more than 100,000 oak dolls to the afterlife?"

In some cases, living is more painful and torturous than death.

The remnant of philosophy in the distance of the battlefield, the huge skull shadow is shrouded in extremely dense black fog, like a giant egg of a terrifying creature.

The black fog fluctuates, like

Like breathing.

The body of the philosophy remnant expanded rapidly, and the torso and limbs gradually grew under the head.

From a distance, it looked like an extremely large mechanical giant.

Luo Chen felt a little uneasy: "Phase 2?"

"Your stage is reversed? From the fetus of philosophy, you turned into the 'Chorus of All Wills Dominicus' again?"

The huge brass mechanical giant that stood upright like a vague conductor?

A large amount of void source stone burned, and the Hall of Heroes shook frequently. One by one, heroes and soldiers walked out of the mirror near the city gate.

Their faces were slightly pale, they grasped their weapons and quickly climbed the city wall.

Although they can be resurrected, the pain and torture when both souls exploded still need to be borne by each hero and warrior.

Raiden Mei was a little unsteady, and the weapon pillar was on the ground, supporting her body in reverse.

The girl's voice was a little dry: "Win?"

Obeis looked into the distance and said solemnly: "There is only one step left."

Just as Obeis was thinking about whether to send people out of the city to attack the mechanical giant in the black fog egg.

A sharp blade cut through the air and the black fog dissipated.

A new form of philosophy's regret stood on the earth.

This scene fell into Luo Chen's sight, and the heart of the lord who received the information trembled frequently, and the attribute of [philosophy's regret] was updated on a large scale.

[Philosophy's regret·Lilith's egg]

[Identity: Hero (?);]

[Quality: Gold (Golden BOSS);]

[Race: Philosophy's regret]

[Level: 20;]

[Bloodline: Lilith's egg, Philosophy's fetus;]

[Talent: New·Second Apostle, Black Moon, Others: Omitted;]

[Skills: New·Fruit of Life, Fruit of Wisdom, AT stance, Others Omitted;]

[Introduction: Water is the origin of life, and it can also be the carrier of consciousness and emotion;

The body turns into the water of life, embracing Lilith's egg; the soul is in sync with harmony, and consciousness flows back to the realm of philosophy;

From then on, humans will reach the end of evolution and transform into gods! ]

[Note: Philosophy's regret failed to be promoted, and the Lilith's egg (incomplete) hidden in it devoured its power according to instinct, and the fusion of the two gave her its infinite potential.

But at this moment, she is suffering from the backlash of the failed promotion and is in a state of serious injury. As long as she recovers one tenth of her injuries, she will enter the myth without any obstacles and grow up in a very short time.

This time is your only chance! 】

[Hint: Run, it's not shameful! 】


Luo Chen: "???"

Where is Dominic? !

"What the hell is this?!"


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