The light was so bright that it was almost invisible.


Luo Chen reached his hand into it, and the light ball automatically dissipated, and the items wrapped in it fell into his palm.

The two building models, about the size of a finger, are the [Altar] for summoning hero units and the [Barracks] for preparing war legions.

These two buildings are considered standard equipment for Donghuang lords, and greatly improve the pass rate of the trial.

Luo Chen looked calm, and with a light sweep, he threw the two items into the reserve warehouse for the intelligent suspension vehicle.

He already has a better choice, and these two buildings will probably be piled up in the warehouse forever.

"First of all..." Zhu Ming spoke again, his voice was loud and full of energy, "Congratulations on becoming a lord. You are only one step away from truly entering the heavens and the endless void!"

"As long as you listen carefully in class, do not bring any external objects beyond your ability, and make full use of your lord's talents and territory characteristics after entering the trial, you still have a good chance of passing it."

This was a blessing, and the students' tension was slightly relieved, and their faces showed excitement and expectation.

In the world of lords, only by becoming a formal lord, even the lowest-level gray lord, can you have the opportunity to embrace a future with infinite possibilities!

Zhu Ming suddenly raised his voice several times, and the blue dragon roared behind him, and the voice with a little extraordinary power was shocking: "But the premise of all this is that you can persist in the trial for more than ten days."

"If you miss the opportunity because of carelessness and arrogance, wait to come back and copy the school rules three hundred times!"

Dozens of intelligent hovercrafts not far away came with similar wailing sounds: "No!"

Humans' joys and sorrows are not connected, Luo Chen just thinks that they... don't cry miserably enough.

Luo Chen was eating melon seeds and casually commented: "Xiao Linzi's voice is so soft that I almost couldn't hear it."

"Xiao Xiaolu is still the same as always, even crying. Is your territory characteristic "drama spirit"? "

Zhu Ming's voice slowed down: "For a month of rookie trials, luck is also an important factor. Danger is everywhere. If you can't hold on, give up the territory and escape immediately!"

"Remember, don't take risks! Only by living can you have a future. Even if you lose your status as a lord, you can become a mercenary or join other lords."

Zhu Ming glanced at Luo Chen without leaving a trace: "Of course, if you have enough strength, this month's trial will be a great opportunity for you to change your fate and make a leap forward."

Different students have different personalities, and their thoughts and ideas are also different.

Although Donghuang has studied the rookie trials very deeply, each student can recite the thirteen major categories of rookie trial strategies in the textbook by heart.

But there is a gap between reality and theory. Every year, some people die in the rookie trials, and many people lose their status as lords.

"The rookie trials are still very dangerous. As long as you can survive ten days, you'll be fine! Long live passing!"

"The monster waves are endless. I heard that in the last ten days, the entire territory will be besieged by monsters at any time, and the soldiers will not be given a break."

"Resource allocation is the top priority. The thirteen major categories of strategies all emphasize the importance of retaining manpower, obtaining void source stones through battles, and constantly using altars and barracks to summon heroes and soldiers to fight and support the war!"

"The problem is that, except for the first time, there is a probability for the altar to summon heroes."

"Then Just summon soldiers, build walls and defense towers as soon as possible, and you will still have a lot of advantages if you defend it!"

"But it's hard to go out and explore the secret realm without heroes. It's almost impossible to pass the rookie trial without taking the resources in the secret realm!"

"Haha, I don't have such big ambitions as you, as long as I can survive 10 days, it's fine."

"As long as you have good luck and are not greedy, it's relatively easy to survive 10 days. The real trouble is to pass the level and the evaluation after passing the level."

The students talked a lot, and at this age, they are not very good at hiding their excitement.

Some people are extremely excited, their ambitions are almost written on their faces, and their fighting spirit is surging!

Some people are hesitant, uneasy, and ready to quit while they are ahead!

Some people look indifferent, I don't know if they are too Buddhist, or they are particularly confident.

Looking at the various states of his classmates, Luo Chen smiled friendly and said softly: "I hope we can all achieve ideal results!"

Zhu Ming said in a low voice: "Quiet!"

There was a mysterious power hidden in the voice, which instantly quieted the area around Tianzhu Mountain.

Zhu Ming stood

Standing high in the sky, he silently watched the students with a silent look.

After a long while, he waved his hand and said, "If you have good qualifications but insufficient resources, you can go to the Academic Affairs Building to see the investment contract."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhu Ming turned into a stream of light and rushed into the Azure Dragon Totem, leaving only the last sentence: "Investment has a price. I hope you can consider it carefully and see if you can afford it."

Seeing Zhu Ming leave, the students talked a lot, with different faces, but it was obvious that most students were not very interested in the so-called investment.

"Do you want to invest?"

"Of course I want it! But I don't dare!"

"We are all ordinary people. Who knows what means those consortium companies that have been alive for who knows how many years have?"

"Uh, isn't the investment contract certified by the school?"

"The content of the contract will not be false, but don't you worry that they will use means outside the contract?"

"I heard that a student in Dongyue City signed an investment contract a few years ago, and later he got a treasure. I don't know what means that company used to locate him through the contract, and then completely "Hush, don't the higher-ups care about this kind of thing?" "Of course they want to care, but they have to provide evidence. The lord travels through the heavens and the endless void. Once he dies outside the lord's world, it is difficult to even send back a message, and there is no evidence at all, okay? ! " "Well, what if we don't encounter such a precious opportunity before the contract ends?" "..." The students whispered to each other, and those who knew each other gathered together to discuss with each other. Many people drove intelligent hovercrafts to the direction of the academic building. Many students also greeted Luo Chen, chatted briefly, and then waved and left. Because they all knew that they and Luo Chen, the number one in the city, were two different types of people. Luo Chen watched them walk to different directions quietly without speaking. After a long while, he poured a cup of black tea and saluted the central Tianzhu Mountain from afar: "After so many years, I hope we can all get what we want!"

Although the third year of high school has just begun, if nothing unexpected happens, this will probably be Luo Chen's last time to teach in the third year (2) class.

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