The two of them were beaten.

Luo Chen walked down from the door, looked at Lu Xiaolu, and smiled: "How is it?"

Lu Xiaolu said expressionlessly: "Congratulations, you have found a group of weaklings."

With this performance, even if Luo Chen stood on the stage and shouted to the many students below, "All of you are garbage", not many people would dare to refute.

Because, he really can't beat them!

At best, Luo Chen's reputation will drop a little afterwards.

Even so, it will not cause substantial harm.

Luo Chen's age is the best shield, and perhaps some people will think that Luo Chen is a passionate young man with high spirits.

At this moment, Lu Xiaolu came to the conclusion: Tianhe High School = weaklings.

Lu Xiaolu: "Tsk tsk tsk, Tianxin City is indeed a small city without a higher education institution."

Although Tianxin City has a large number of high schools, this scale is not worth mentioning for the ancient country of Donghuang with abundant resources.

The number of students is not considered by them at all.

Even if you have so many teachers that several teachers teach one student alone, as long as these teachers are qualified teachers, the Education Department will strongly support it!

Of course, in order to prevent teacher resources from being siphoned by some super cities, the Education Department also makes restrictions and adjustments in "teacher salaries" and "Donghuang contributions".

The wealthy Donghuang Education Department even made a bold statement: "As long as your city can gather the number of qualified teachers, we will immediately build a new school for you!"

On the other side, a friend: "Zheng Bo, look at them... huh?"

The friend reached out to the side and pulled, but pulled nothing, and couldn't help but full of question marks.

An old classmate nearby kindly explained: "When Luo Chen appeared, Zheng Bo had already run away."

A classmate who was more familiar with the two's personalities laughed and teased: "He must have predicted your behavior and ran away directly!"

Friends: "..."

Teachers do not require students to stay in the examination room until the end. It is normal to hand in the paper early and leave early.

Luo Chen looked at Lu Xiaolu and yawned lightly: "Are you going to take the exam?"

"If you don't, I'll go back."

Lu Xiaolu: "Wait for me, I'll go and chop a knife and come back, and then go out for a meal."

Lu Xiaolu walked briskly to the door of (1) class, and a shadow flashed behind him.

An unknown humanoid creature shrouded in a dark purple shadow and with an evil aura appeared.

This is not Honkai energy, but... resentment, evil thoughts?

Luo Chen was a little surprised. He recognized this type of soldier.

The dark purple evil energy slowly condensed and gathered into a three-foot sword, stabbing straight out.


Lu Xueqi nodded calmly, with a businesslike look: "Time: 5.0 seconds, passed!"

The crowd below was in an uproar, on the one hand, they were surprised at Lu Xiaolu's results, and on the other hand, they were envious.

"Am I seeing it right?!"

"I hope I am seeing it wrong, I am so envious!"

"Evil Sword Immortal, it's the Evil Sword Immortal!"

"Woo woo woo, this is my dream love soldier!"

"Give me an Evil Sword Immortal soldier, I just need to go to the 'Observed Plane' every day to eat, drink and have fun, they will automatically absorb the resentment of the workers and quickly upgrade."

"How much Void Source Stone can this save!"

Perhaps it was because they finally saw a recognizable soldier, the pent-up emotions in the hearts of many students were ignited, and the scene suddenly boiled up, as if Lu Xiaolu was the best in the school.

Lu Xiaolu looked at Lu Xueqi and signaled with his eyes: 'Sister, what about the interview? ’

She was about to say “lucky” modestly.

Lu Xueqi drove her away expressionlessly: “Where did you come from, you little jerk? Interview? I think you want to make my job more difficult!”

Lu Xiaolu swaggered over, looking proud with her head held high.

Luo Chen: “A soft persimmon?”

Lu Xiaolu: “…”

I’m so angry, but I have to hold it in.

The more I hold it in, the angrier I seem to be.

After several familiar old classmates from the original (2) class came on stage to hand in their answers,

Luo Chen, Lu Xiaolu and a few others drove to a cheap restaurant, had a meal, talked and chatted, and then went home.

Today’s school summary: three minutes in class, thirty minutes of chatting, and three hours of eating, drinking and having fun!

Before going home, Luo Chen checked the class scores of Tianhe High School:

Everyone completed the assessment, and Luo Chen was unsurprisingly at the top of the list.

If you take risks,

If there is a dark horse, Luo Chen does not mind going back to school to refresh the record.

That night,

In a poor area in the suburbs of Tianxin City, there is an ordinary manor covering only 30 acres.

A nameplate with the name "Qi's surname Qing" is hung on the gate of the manor.

In the open space behind the manor, Qing Shanyu finished the training, panting slightly, and took back the defense towers and batches of soldiers:

"Thank you for the teacher's guidance."

Inside the pavilion, Qing Lan sat calmly on the side and nodded to Qing Shanyu: "Okay. Come and sit down,"

The world is full of adventures, and time is not something that cannot be touched.

Don't look at the college students who are only a few years older than high school students, or a dozen years older, but no one knows whether the other party has lived in a time chaos area for thousands or tens of thousands of years when they are adventuring in the outside world.

Time training grounds, spiritual practice rooms, etc., although similar special areas are rare, they are not impossible to find.

When Qinglan woke up from her retreat and returned home to visit her mother, she found out that her brother even had a great-granddaughter.

This kind of thing is not uncommon. What is really amazing is that there is only one poor little girl left in her brother's lineage? !

Qinglan didn't understand the specific situation, nor did she care much. She only knew that a descendant of this line had committed a great crime, and all the people in this lineage were implicated.

Although the Qing family tree was not removed, they were also exiled to a small place like Tianxin City.

This has nothing to do with Qinglan herself. After several generations of descendants, it is difficult for her to have a substantial sense of closeness.

Even if Qing Shanyu awakened the purple-quality Lord's Heart, Qinglan was not moved.

Her eldest brother's lineage was almost wiped out, and all the luck was gathered on one person, so the Lord's Heart would naturally not be too bad.

According to the original plan, Qinglan came to protect the way when the Lord awakened for the sake of her mother, and sent some initial resources and life-saving props for the newcomer trial.

This was already the limit.

Until a special letter of appointment was transmitted to her.

"Your mother cried and made a scene, which moved the Donghuang Administration, the Donghuang Education Department, the Mobius Academy, the ancestor of the Qi family, and the head of the Qing family.

You are hereby granted permission to go to Tianhe High School and serve as the head teacher of the Lord (1) class for a limited period of one year! Reward..."

Qing Lan had a blank expression: "..."

When could a woman's crying and making a scene alarm so many powerful institutions?

Qinglan made a video call to her mother: "When you were crying and making a fuss, did Dad record the video? Send it to me?"

A young and lively mother appeared on the other side of the video: "Wow, Xiaolan, Mom is so pitiful!"

"I really didn't cry or make a fuss!"

Qinglan had a blank expression: "Do you think people outside will believe you, or believe in the will of humanity and the Donghuang official?"

Qing's mother: "Mom is so pitiful, everyone will definitely think I am a waste who can only act cute and coquettish in the future."

Qinglan: "..."

There is no need to wait, many people think so now.

Qinglan had a slight headache, but still warned: "Don't say this kind of thing outside."

At the other end of the video, a young man with a noble bearing walked out: "Don't worry, sister, before the end of the college entrance examination next year, there will be at least one person in the family who will follow mother everywhere."

"Your mission will definitely not be missed here!"

Qinglan nodded: "That's good, please."

Qing's mother looked over with hope: "Hey! Ah! What about me? Xiaolan doesn't have anything to say to mom?"

Qinglan thought for a while and said: "Do you need me to send you a copy of 'Acala Vidyaraja Gong' or 'Silent Zen'?"

Qing's mother: "嘤嘤嘤!"

Qinglan seemed to understand why Donghuang assigned the task to her. With such a playful old mother, no matter what happens, it doesn't seem strange.


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