The time came, and Qinglan and Lu Xueqi suddenly appeared under the Tianhe sacred tree, standing in front of many students, looking at everyone, and said: "Very good, I'm not late." "Today there are two main things. The first thing is to distribute the basic benefits of class (1), one micro world coordinate for each person. Everyone can receive different types of coordinates according to their needs." The needs of each student are different, and the school cannot satisfy everyone. The benefits arranged ultimately focus on the void source stone, which no one will find too little. Under the joint constraints of human will and territory rules, the void source stone is bound to the territory and cannot be traded. But there are policies from above and countermeasures from below. Void source stones cannot be traded. Isn't it enough to just give "spiritual grids" to the lords? Therefore, Donghuang Diplomacy Department announced that "Elites from all walks of life are welcome to join Donghuang, and their descendants will be given a world when they enter school"!

Whether the world can be quickly taken over depends on the strength of each lord.

"At the same time, this is also your 'homework'. Only after completely conquering the world can you be qualified to participate in the Longmen Exam."

"If you can't even conquer a weak micro world, the Longmen Exam is meaningless to you."

Luo Chen and others nodded: Teacher, you are right!

Faced with the reward of "a world", no student would refute it.

After all, the school gave too much.

Qinglan nodded and glanced at Lu Xueqi.

Lu Xueqi stood up, and golden papers flew out of her hands and landed in front of everyone:

"The second thing is that you need to choose a skill from the many exclusive skills and complete the learning within one year."

"In this year, as long as you can eat, no matter how many exclusive skills you can learn, the school will teach you unconditionally!"

Lu Xueqi kindly reminded: "This is only for one year. After this year, it will be almost impossible for you to enjoy similar treatment again."

"I hope you can choose carefully and don't stick to the exclusive skills that are not highly compatible!"

"It is best to hand in this volunteer form tomorrow, at the latest within three days!"

Next, Qinglan and Lu Xueqi made a basic review of the lord's early development and answered the confusion of many students.

The bell rang on time, and Qinglan left after answering the students' confusion.

Lu Xueqi stayed under the Tianhe Divine Tree and distributed benefits to students one by one.

Luo Chen was the first and had the priority to choose.

Lu Xueqi smiled: "What kind of micro world do you want?"

Luo Chen: "Are there any undead ones?"

"Yes, there are quite a few." Lu Xueqi took out a dozen light balls, "These are all, come and touch them, and take any you like home."

The crystal ball records the general information of the world, which are basically quite weak micro worlds.

Luo Chen was not polite, and after exploring them one by one, he decisively chose the one with the largest area and the largest number of undead.

Lu Xueqi looked at Luo Chen's choice with a smile, without any intention of stopping him.

A micro world that has been double-screened by the Education Department and Tianhe High School still wants to stop a Tianjiao lord who is suspected to have a purple quality chef?

Luo Chen picked up a crystal ball and said politely: "Thank you."

Then Luo Chen walked aside and sent the crystal ball into the territory, and the information contained in it was identified and read by the Lord's Heart.

"Do you want to make a note of the coordinates of the unknown world you obtained?"

Luo Chen silently said in his heart: "Note: Undead micro world, number: Tianhe 001."

The next second, on the Lord's Heart interface, in the branch of the [Advent] function, a "Tianhe 001" target to be transferred slowly emerged.

"Tip: The one-month cooldown of [Advent] has ended. Do you want to go to the coordinate plane?"

Under normal circumstances, [Advent] can only go to the endless void, but the ability of [Advent] itself to shuttle through the world will not disappear.

If the lord provides it with the corresponding world coordinates, the [Advent] function can naturally shuttle through the world and reach that world.

The cooling time is the same. For one round trip, the [Advent] function cools down for one month.

Luo Chen silently estimated in his heart: 'There is only a micro world of the size of a province in the previous life...'

'Prepare some props to seduce the undead, and the speed is faster. It should be possible to conquer the entire world within a month. '

'Unfortunately, monsters that have not been infected by the void energy cannot explode treasure chests! '

Thinking of everything he encountered during the rookie trial, Luo Chen had a vague feeling: ‘Humane Mother seems to be targeting the Endless Void? ’

On the other side, the students who received the freshman benefits gathered together to discuss something.

Lu Xiaolu came over hopping, holding up a skill volunteer form that looked like golden paper: “Big Devil, which exclusive skill are you going to learn?”

Luo Chen: “I haven’t thought about it yet, but it should be a wall-like skill.”

The value of all-round protection is really too high!

Lu Xiaolu nodded: “Almost, I think so too.”

As she said, she came over mysteriously; “Come on, I’ll send you a link, you click on it and see, this is a very powerful exclusive skill difficulty evaluation website.”

Difficulty evaluation?

Luo Chen was a little confused, and picked up the golden paper in his hand: "Isn't it written on it?"

Lu Xiaolu rolled her eyes: "This classification of 'normal type', 'special type', and 'uncertain type' is too simple."

"Look at what I sent you."

Luo Chen was a little amused: "Each exclusive skill is the culmination of countless scholars, and only then did they summarize the easiest way to learn."

"Each skill is adapted to different lords, and it is normal for the difficulty to be different."

Although he said so, he still opened the virtual universe connector, found Lu Xiaolu's friend, and clicked on the link she sent.

When the link was opened, the first thing that caught my eye was a line of "tribute".

[This site is permanently free, and the original intention of its creation is only to provide advice and reference for students, and also hope that students know the story behind the exclusive skills.

There have been countless sages who have devoted their lives to perfecting exclusive skills. May their efforts not be in vain, and may Donghuang's tomorrow be more glorious. 】

Luo Chen was slightly stunned and entered the website.

The homepage of the website is a series of descriptions of exclusive skills, and behind each number is a very conspicuous and strange unit: Xian.

It represents how many outstanding scholars have devoted their life's efforts and perfection to it.

To use the words of the Lord's Heart attribute panel, it is how many "corpses" are filled in.

The first exclusive skill that is permanently pinned to the top is [Power of Domination], and the number following this skill is as high as sixteen digits!

Lu Xiaolu: "The larger the number of the exclusive skill, the lower the difficulty of learning."

"How about it, is it very valuable for reference?"

Luo Chen's mouth slightly raised: "Indeed."

Luo Chen looked at the website, and saw Tianhe standing in the center like a sacred tree from the corner of his eye, and silently said in his heart:

'It is because of this that I can integrate into Donghuang so quickly and am willing to fight for it. '

Luo Chen smiled and said: "There is a kind of... beauty of passing on the torch."

The Lord's Heart was shaken: "Humanitarian Will Favorability +1!"

Luo Chen looked a little stunned.

This... Is the will of humanity free? Why do I feel like the other party is spying on me?

If that's the case...

While Lu Xiaolu was confused, Luo Chen put his hands together and said sincerely: "Please guide me to find the last piece of the firefly puzzle!"


The virtual universe was garbled and the data was jumping.

On a certain shopping platform, a product introduction of an ordinary online store popped up:

"Firefly's fairy blood..."

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